Chapter 2.5 - Blax - Team Buddyz

7 enemies were approaching us from the west. We braced ourselves for anything but it looks like they have no intention to fight. What was going on.

"Very well. If it isn't Rider and friends?" A familiar voice called one of my friend's name.

"Wait. No way. I thought you guys were beaten just now." Rider was a little panic.

"Oh so you watched us fight those girls just now?" Another voice was heard.

"Show yourselves." I ordered them.

"As you wish." One of them complied and approached us.

The 7 dark figures was then revealed to be Rider and Lore's classmate.

"We are Team Buddyz! B-U-D-D-Y-Z! Buddyz never separates!' All of them spoke as if it was their tagline. It didn't look very comical because they were totally serious about it.

Team Buddyz. All of them are from the 3rd Class. The same as Rider, Lore, Hosuke, Airi and Zone. Their leader, Eren de Suchile was a formidable opponent. Famous for his trademark red headband he always wear in combat. When he isn't in combat, he won't wear his headband on his head, instead he will place it on his arm. All of Buddyz consist of members from Rank F to C.

There's also The Trickster Duo, Shallow Dime and his partner Herone Caliber. Those two always carries a rumor that they love doing mischievous things to the teacher at their class. The former was a bit large as Hosuke while his partner has almost the same figure as Rider's skinny body. I wonder what will they have for us.

Meanwhile, I could also see that Ozzy Dossy, Mordekaizer Shine, Rolls Sharp and Kurokiba Sho were among Team Buddyz. These people, they were indeed best buddies. They will totally know each other strengths and weaknesses. Unfortunately for us, Hosuke and Airi aren't here right now and White was still waiting for the 2nd 10 minute interval.

"We came here today to issue a challenge!" said Eren.

"What do you mean?" I replied.

"Today, we will announce that we will be joining The real Magic Duel!"

"Are you serious? You haven't found the wands yet."

"Oh really? But we're close to it!"


"Yes. But first, we have to eliminate you!"


"I don't know. Maybe because I don't like your face!" Eren jumped to me.

Eren pulls out his sword and I blocked his sword with my own large sword. Eren's sword suddenly released a fiery aura around it. So this must be his ability. I jumped away from him. He threw the fire that surrounded his sword at me but Lore successfully defended me with his Defend Mode. With haste, Eren's sword released a lightning aura. He tried to break Lore's Shield but the Shield was too formidable. Eren jumped away to safety.

Rulend walked in and said, "Aura Sword, huh?"

"Exactly." Eren answered. "My sword can release any type of elemental aura. Giving me a very diverse set of magic so that I can adapt accordingly to the elements I wanted."

"That's nice and all." said Rider. "But too bad, because now I'll change to my Swordsmith Armor now!" Rider faced Eren head on while transforming into his new armor.

As Rider was about to approach Eren, Rider missed his attack. He tried again and missed. Rider missed too far than expected. He was baffled at how Eren could move so fast. But it wasn't Eren. It was Rider. He was under a spell.

"False Reality." explained Lore. "Its one of those Utility magic where it was used to create a false reality on their target. Rider is now trapped in it."

"Yes. Yes." Rolls stepped in. "Rider is now trapped inside his false reality. Right now he is probably trying hard to at least touch Eren."

"But he isn't moving at all." I said.

"That's because it was all in his head. He is trapped. You can't do anything. It can only be stopped unless you beat me! But that is certainly impossible. Am I right, you two?"

"Indeed." Shallow begins to guard Rolls.

"Time to have some fun!" Herone pulled out his revolver and shot at us!

Lore tried to cover the bullet but the bullet suddenly moves away from Lore's shield and it went through me, Lore and Rulend. His bullet moves on its own!

"Surprise! My bullet has a mind of its own!" Herone spins his revolver around his hands.

Is this the rumored Bullet Spirit that the duo always used to prank their teacher? It's not that he has a bullet that could move on its own. There was actually at least 6 little spirits controlling the bullet. So in reality, Herone can also use daily items as projectile like The Sharpshooter, Aizen but Aizen doesn't rely on anything. It was his sharp eye that Aizen was able to shoot accurately. Herone on the other hand has 6 little spirits that freely roams around and pushes any projectiles that Herone shoots out. Creating a very huge uncertainty.

"He can control his little spirit..." said Rulend as he tried to pull out Herone's bullet from his vest.

"Alright Shallow! Make sure no one sees this!" ordered Eren.

Shallow nodded and extended his arms. Shallow created a dark dome. The dark dome begins to take form as it begins to trap us in it. Leaving only Rider, Rolls and Shallow outside the dome.

"No escape for you three!" Eren begins to laugh.

"What are your true intentions!" I asked him.

Eren laughed, "We are here to make a statement to the whole school! Stardust will be our stepping stone to making us the next famous team!"

"Famous team? You just wanted fame?"

"How stupid." said Lore.

"It's not just fame! We wanted to be acknowledged by the school. We're trying to show the school that we are not just losers!"

"I still don't get it though." I continued to questions his intention.

"You don't get it because you already have fans and support! The whole library is supporting all of you four. Yes. You think I forgot that Rider and Lore were Blax underlings in the library?"

"Well, yeah. We're also librarians but we're not his underlings!" Lore defended his pride as well as Rider's.

"Exactly!" I nodded. "We are friends!"

"Friends, huh? I'll show you my Buddyz!"

Eren charged in and I blocked his charge once again. We exchanged blows as we try to make an opening against each other. Eren was too fast. He managed to make a small scratch on my shirt.

"He can't beat him." Rulend whispered to Lore.

"What do you mean?"

"Blax is too slow because of his large sword."

"I see. Eren has the advantage since he uses an average sized sword."

"Correct. And we cannot let Blax use his 'armor' once again. We are not here to kill a student."

"What do we suppose to do, then ?"

"I'll have to intervene."

"What are you going to do?"

"Creating a chance." Rulend kneeled on one leg and placed his right hand to the ground.

"Lore! Try throwing your Shield to the ground using Drill Mode!"


"Just do it!"

Lore does exactly as Rulend asked and his shield drilled through the ground and escapes the dark dome. The Shield then returned back to Lore by using the same path.

"Cover the hole, Lore."

"Got it." Lore covered back the hole he made.

"I knew it. It wasn't Dark Trap. Shallows ability is Dark Dome." His ability can only cover a clear area. As you can see around us. There's no trees at all. His ability stops when it reaches the ground."

"So you're saying we can get out of here using this hole?" Lore stopped covering the hole.

"No. We will try to take a risk!" Rulend takes out an emergency flare and throws it into the hole.

Once the flares were activated, it begins to shoot out a red coloured fireworks. It followed the path that Lore made and went outside. Rulend just called for an emergency!

"Hold on, Rulend. Will anyone even care to help us?"

"There is one team who would. I'll bet on it."

"What do you mean? Is it even possible in a qualification round where other teams will help?."

"But this is like breaking the rules. You can't simply 'kill' in a contest. We know that."

"And who is this rule abiding team?"

Rulend smiled as his right hand was still on the ground. I continued to exchange blows with Eren. Suddenly, Lore's collar was hooked by a hook. He was then pulled away and thrown into the dome walls.


Another hook appeared and it pulled Lore once again. This time Lore finally figured out who pulled him. It was revealed to be, Mordekaizer. Lore was pulled to him. As Lore was getting near to him, Morde unhook his hook and used his left arm to hit Lore. Lore was sent to the ground. Lore managed to cover the damage when he used his Shield to shield from Morde's arm.

Lore tried to stand up but he was then launched into the top of the dome walls. He was launched by the rising ground. That magic. I know who it was.

"There is no rest for you, Lore." Ozzy reveals himself. "My Earth Manipulation is unstoppable."

Earth Manipulation. His version would be a defensive type magic. It was defensive because it was mostly used to create walls but in this case, he can use those as a weapon. Just when Lore tries to stand up once again, Ozzy jumps to Lore while riding on a floating boulder. Lore tried to defend but he was crushed to the ground. Ozzy then smashes the boulder with his might. Creating more damage to Lore.

"Lore!" I stopped and shouted his name.

"Focus! Blax! Your enemy is right here!" Eren continues to swings his sword at Blax.

The situation was getting dire until suddenly a blinding light from the middle of the dome blinded all of our vision. The Dark Dome faded away. A student was crossing his arm and stood proudly in the centre of the faded Dome.

Rulend smiled and said, "Our prayers were answered..."

Lore tried to take a peek. Eren and I stopped fighting. The blindingly shining student was revealed to be someone very close to White. He was once one of the trio in middle school which include White and another friend. Even though they aren't a trio anymore, they were still best friends. He is currently one of the top 7 students in this school!

"I saw someone used the flair from outside. I come as soon as possible Team Stardust!"

It was Sonozaki Wakana. One of the Top 7 Students of Soul Power High School. The Angel of Death!

Wakana points his index finger to Eren, "Now...It's time to count up your sins!"