Chapter 3.3 - White - Three Days Later...

Three days have passed and non of us ever decided to take a look around the school. Not even the brave students who ventured the cafeteria the other day. Reasons? Some of them was actually caught by those demons. They said they were given a chain and a lock on their neck as if they were slaves or something. The good thing about that was that they aren't killed. It's obvious everyone not wanting to get out of here. But sooner or later, we have to because we're going to run out of supply very soon. We even have to check whether there are any survivor left in this city.

"Hey, White. You feeling okay?" Wakana gave me a cup of hot cocoa.

I take the cup and took a sip, "Yeah. I'm doing fine."

"Are you sure about that?"

"What about you? Are you okay? I mean you watched your group being captured by them."

Wakana pats my back and sighed, "I think I'm getting the hang of it. It's already been three days since that anyway. I'm more worried about you. You look as if you were scarred for life."

"Let's not talk about that." I stopped Wakana. "I think everyone felt the same way if they ever see that. It's violent, yes. But..."

"It's alright. I won't bother about it anymore."

"But still, we have to move and find help, Wakana."

"You say that but there's no one else who wanted to go outside after what happened the other day."

"How about the two of us then? I'm willing to sacrifice myself."

Wakana startled, "Are you serious, White? I've never seen you like this before. You were always the silent one in all of these things."

"I find that remaining silent won't give any benefit for me at all in this situation. I think...I think we should try and take a look."

"How far are we gonna go then?"

"Let me think..." I closed my eye and think. "How about just the school compound?"

"Fair enough, I guess."

"And besides, they won't really notice the two of us. Some of your teams were captured because you guys were too many."

Wakana raised his eyebrows in disbelief, "And you didn't tell me about that?"

I looked down and said, "I...I don't know. I'm sorry."

"I'll get prepared. We're moving out later when everyone's not watching." Wakana left to get prepared for the expedition.

I felt responsible for not telling what I had in my mind. Additionally, one of those captured was Blax and Rulend. Now I'm all on my own with the rest of the classmates that I haven't been acquainted with yet. At least, Sonozaki Wakana was there. But that wouldn't be enough I think. I fear that I might just be a burden in this expedition we're doing later.

If only I said something went they decided to get some food the other day. If only I didn't remained silent. What am I doing. I keep blaming myself throughout the whole three days. I don't even feel full after eating some of the foods that were prepared by the others in the lab.

"White, let's go." Wakana appeared with two bags on his shoulder. "This is yours."

"How are we getting out here without anyone noticing?"

"Let's find a way inside that room." Wakana pointed at the future Haz's room that he got in a few years later.

For some odd reason, we found a small vent that could fit both me and Wakana. Wakana lead the way and minutes after crawling, climbing and sliding down the vents. We find ourselves at the teacher's lounge.

"The teacher's lounge?" Wakana scratches his head.

"Somehow the vents are connected with these two facilities."

"Additionally, there was more than one path when we were going through the vents right?"

"I noticed that as well."

"Maybe we can use the vents as a means to move around the school?"

"How about we find the maintenance room first, Wakana." I suggested.

Wakana looked at me in confusion, "Why should we?"

"We could find the map of the vents over there, right?"

"I see. And we're not that far from there. I'll scout ahead." Wakana turns on his flashlight and look around the teacher's lounge.

I turned on my flashlight as well. Much to our surprise, there was no one at all in that room. The only thing that seemed important for us right now was the key card to the maintenance room. Glad we came here first.

"Let's take a peek outside." Wakana tried to look outside by looking at the gap between the double doors.


"I think we're clear. Let's g-"

"Wait!" I whispered to him. "I hear something."


"Just shut up."

I did hear something and I wasn't wrong. A demon was walking by outside the teacher's lounge. It was a very heart pounding moment but we successfully remained silent until the demon went as far as we could hear its footsteps. Wakana gently opened the door and took a peek of the outside.

"Alright, we're clear. On my go, slowly crouch to that stair over there." Wakana pointed to me at the stairs. "Make sure to keep crouching after reaching the stairs. The rails will hide us."

We moved toward the stairs swiftly and climbed up to the 2nd floor. The maintenance room is not far from here. After a little walk, we were forced to hide behind the veranda because we saw something big was flying. We thought it was a bird but it was actually a winged demon. We crawled slowly as we were on our way to the maintenance room.

"There it is." Wakana pointed out.

We managed to open the door and we hid inside there for a while. In the meantime, we looked around for anything that could help us. That also includes finding the map for the vents.

"White, look what I found." Wakana called me.

"Interesting." I looked at the object and notice that it was the CCTV control.

"You think its working?" Wakana asked me.

"Well, I can see that there is a green light over there." I noticed a green light was glowing next to each monitor. "I guess it's working."

"Let's turn it on then."

"Yeah. I got it."

I pressed the switch and then both of us witnessed something horrible from the monitor. It's not really something as gore as what happened the other day. It was more...fear inducing in some way. We saw students and teachers and even outsiders. They were all chained up and were forced to do labour work for the demons.

"Isn't that Blax and Rulend?" Wakana pointed out on one of the monitor.

It was them unfortunately, and it looked like they were carrying something. Blax dropped the thing that he was carrying and started talking to a demon. The demon talked back. So apparently, we can somehow communicate with the demons. In any case, the next thing that happens was that Blax end up getting hit by the demon. I don't like where this was going.

Rulend tried to stop the demon but then the demon attacked him as well. We couldn't clearly tell what was really going on since we couldn't hear anything at all. All that we have was a live feed of my friends getting punished by a demon. Blax seemed to start getting pissed. I think I can guess where this will go next.

Blax went on and fought back. He rebelled against the demon in retaliation of what had happened. Blax still haven't gotten the cursed black armor yet at this time but he was still a formidable student. His Super Strength was not to be underestimated. Blax jabbed the demons stomach and finish it off by dealing a knock-out punch to the demon face.

"Did he kill that demon or something?" asked Wakana.

"I don't know. You think that's enough?"

"I don't know as well. I've never beat one before. I only managed to distract them with my blinding light."

"Fair enough." We continued watching Blax and Rulend.

Blax pulled Rulend up and it seemed that they were trying to break the chains that was locked around their neck. Blax easily snaps it off and helped Rulend. Looks like they somehow managed to escape from the demons.

"At least we know they are safe." said Wakana.

"Yeah that's good news, I guess."

"I think we should head back for now."

"And leave Blax and Rulend?" I raised my voice.

That was probably the first time I ever raised my voice to my best friend. I've never been the one to talk whenever we were around school. In any case, Wakana felt bad about it and agreed to help out Blax and Rulend.

We head outside to find Blax and Rulend who was actually stopped in front of the winged demon that we saw a few minutes ago. It looks like they are in a tick. We should do something before its too late. I remember this day alright. It was one of those early incidents that happened during the 7 Month War. We called it The First Rebellion.