Chapter 3.4 - White - First Rebellion

The winged demon was about to attack Blax and Rulend. In a blink of an eye, Wakana uses his magic to blind the demon momentarily. Wakana signalled Blax to attack. Blax successfully does an uppercut to the demon and followed up with a kick to the demon's gut and finish it off with a knock-out punch. It looks like they did it.

After making sure the coast was clear, I approached them carefully when suddenly I heard a demon footstep. I looked behind me and noticed that it was the same demon that was walking around outside the teacher's lounge just now. The demon noticed me and I started moving my legs as fast as I can to my friends.

"White! Stay behind me!" Wakana headed his way to the demon.

"Wait what about you?"

"Blax and I will stop that thing." Wakana looked at Blax, "Come on!"

"I'm on it." Blax nodded and followed Wakana.

Blax and Wakana stopped in front of the demon. The demon was apparently carrying a weapon. It looked like a spear. That thing has some reach if used correctly. Those two better be careful with their distance.

"Keep your distance guys! That demon has a spear!" Rulend reminded them from behind.

"Got it, Rulend. Thanks for the tip." Blax gave a thumbs up to Rulend.

"Any ideas, Blax?" asked Wakana.

"I do. Follow my lead."

Blax charged toward the demon. The demon tried to stab Blax with its spear but the demon's aim was off thanks to Wakana blinding the demon for a moment. During that confusion, Blax finally made his way to the demon and tackled the demon. Wakana flashes in and stomped rapidly like the speed of light to the demon's abdomen.

Wakana flashes back to his original position while Blax continued to ground and pound the demon while making sure the demon lets go of the spear from its hand. In a split second after that, the spear was dropped and Wakana flashes in and grabbed. He flashes back behind and prepared his newly obtained spear.

"Let's finish this!" exclaimed Wakana.

Wakana flashes away and appeared way above the school rooftop. He jumps away from the rooftop and plunged the spear to the bellies of the demon. Making sure that the demon was as good as dead, Wakana blasted the demon with some light magic that he was famed for. It all happened quite fast. It was awesome.

After pulling back the spear from the demon's belly, Wakana looked around and noticed that it seemed that we have attracted a lot of enemy. There is no way we can defeat all of them with just the two of them. We need to retreat now.

"To the teacher's lounge. Now!" ordered Wakana as he leads the way.

We managed to get inside the lounge before any of the other demons was able to find out about us. We got through the vent and went back to the lab safely thanks to the escape route we have secured. While we were on our way back to the lab, Wakana decided to open up a conversation.

"It's been a while since I've seen you fought like that, Blax."

Blax startled himself after hearing that and said, "Situation has changed, I guess."

"Yeah, I guess so. How about you, Rulend? Are you alright?"

Rulend diligently responded, "I'm fine. It's just that this vent seemed awfully too dark."

"Don't worry. Nothing is going to pop up right in front of our faces."

"And you HAD to talk about that!"

Blax whistled, "I didn't knew you would afraid of tight and small places."

"Just stop talking about it and change the subject." Rulend sternly responded as he carefully crawled inside the vent.

"Let's talk about our next move then." I suggested.

"Next move? What do you mean, White?" Wakana seemed interested.

"Now that we know that we can actually fight those demons. Why don't we fight them back with our magic?"

"That is interesting alright but how many of us will even volunteer to fight?"

"Don't worry about that. All we need to do is show them that we can actually fight them back. Just take some brave people in for the first skirmish and we will so how it goes after that."

"Skirmish? I never knew you would say something like that."

Rulend was intrigued as well, "That does sound interesting. Maybe I can help out."

"You can be our strategist, Rulend." Blax joined in, "You're smart and all. Plus, your ability, Investigation will probably be helpful for us in this."

"I guess our plans are in motion then. We just have to gather a small force and then we can start our skirmish." Wakana was excited.

And that was how we started to hatch a plan on how to fight the demons back. We told everyone at the lab about what had happened today. Thanks to Sonozaki Wakana's charisma, we managed to get a few people to help us out on the first skirmish. Some of them end up being amazing later on in the future.

After announcing our next move to everyone in the lab, we went on ahead to make a plan on what should we do. According to what Rulend has suggested, we could either secure the cafeteria or capture the building next to the lab. One additional suggestion was that we could just clear up all the demons that was surrounding the lab area. That would ensure a safe entry point for us. While Rulend were busy finalising the first skirmish, Wakana and I continued to scout for some people to join the fight.

Wakana decided to ask the most obvious person of the survivor in the lab and that was non other, the famous, Luther Pendragon. His lineage, which was a lineage full of royalty was carefully hidden until one day, Zone, who was always the troublemaker, found out about it. I just happen to be able to get the information from him. Not many people know about Luther's family but considering that he was actually from a royal blood, he may prove useful.

"What do you want from me?" Luther seems wary.

"It's alright. I just wanna ask you if you're interested to join the skirmish." Wakana grabbed a chair and sat next to him.

"Why should I join you?"

"Enough dilly dallying, Luther. We know you are capable enough to fight the demons."

"So you know about my family, big deal." Luther was not interested at all.

"But Luther, this probably the only chance you would ever join something this big."

"What are you talking about? This is just a skirmish."

This guy was so hard to get into his sense. But somehow I made my move and spoken to him.

"Think about it, Luther. Once we finish this skirmish. Then we will have another one. Then another one and another one as well. Soon, the whole school will be ours. That's what I called a conquest. Isn't someone like you suppose to be doing something like that?"

"Okay, say if I wanted to join you guys. But I won't listen to anyone. Because I am a leader of my own."

"If that's the case, then how about I follow you? I'll be serving you in this skirmish of ours."

"Oh yeah? You alone?" Luther finally shows his interest in the skirmish.

"Am I not enough?"

Luther thinks thoroughly and said, "Fine. But only on one condition."

Looks like my work here is done. That was the least thing I thought of though. Because the next thing Luther said was something that seemed harder than it looked like.

"Since you are good at negotiating, why don't you try and find some reliable men fit for my Excalibur to lead us into victory."

Excalibur, it was the name of his offensive-type magic and it was also the name of his sword. It doesn't need a lot of explanation because it was basically a magic sword. There are many types of magical devices in this world and the magic sword, Excalibur is one of it. It was also a one of a kind ability that was passed down by his royal family. Meaning that it is a rare ability and only he and his family would have this ability.

You see, other than Excalibur being the name of his sword, the ability actually allows Luther to manipulate the wind. I don't know how that works but I guess wind and sword can be combined together to create something cool.

"Just so you know, White. I'm not going to use my Excalibur unless I need it too." Luther reminded me. "With that in mind, I trust you to give out the order when should I use the Excalibur."

"Wait. Why me?"

Luther laughed, "You looked like someone who has a high-level of judgement. I'll be counting on you for that. Aren't you honoured to being able to help a King like me?"

"You're not even King, Luther."

Luther chuckled, "Alright then, I'll get myself prepared while you gather the other. Sonozaki Wakana, let's devise a plan with our Strategist, Rulend."

Luther dragged Wakana and went to Rulend's table. "Good luck, White!" Sonozaki wishes me a fair 'goodbye'.

Well then, an order has be given by the self-proclaimed King and I should get going right now. Now I'm slightly pumped about our first skirmish and I can't wait for that. But first, I need to gather more people to join our cause.