Chapter 3.5 - White - Securing Our Main Camp

After hours and hours of negotiating, I managed to get a squad for Luther to lead in our first skirmish. The time it took for me to find help was actually enough for Rulend to finally decide on what's our next move. Our first mission was to secure the area surrounding the lab. Once we've secured the area we will establish this area as our main camp for the conquest. Rulend brilliantly called it, The Conquest of Soul Power High.

It was one of the battles that happened throughout the city. It wasn't just us who were fighting the good fight, as a matter of fact we later learned that there was another number of survivors outside the school fighting back. But for now, we have to focus on our front and worry about our allies later.

"I see you've brought along the wonderful Faith Rayna under my command, White." Luther sounded happy from the way he expresses that. "How do you actually got her to cooperate?"

I replied, "We were friends. Ever since kindergarten, actually. We were in the same class in middle school for 4 years straight until I dropped one class below."

"You were dropped one class? What happened?"

I reluctantly answered, "I couldn't keep up with the best. It was the number one class. At least now, I'm staying on the second class."

Luther grinned, "Well then, I should get going now. Good luck on your side, White."

Luther grabbed his equipment and headed toward the meeting table, where Rulend was waiting for him and Wakana as well as some other capable leader. As I was waddling around looking at stuff inside the lab, my body suddenly stopped moving.

Then I heard a voice, "Come here."

Even if I decided not to respond to that, my legs started to move on its own. I slowly walked to the back of the lab. I couldn't control my body. It was like someone was pulling some strings of a puppet and I am the puppet. That was when I realized who was the troublemaker. It was Faith. Apparently she wanted to talk to me.

"Using Conquest to make someone come to you?" I pointed out the obvious to her.

"Sorry about that, White. You looked busy. So I figured you won't even hear my voice." Faith calmly responded.

"That's kind of cruel of you."

Faith shrugged, "I don't know about that, White. I think I'm not that cruel."

"Is that a joke?"

"Perhaps. Perhaps not."

And here I thought she was trying to lighten up the mood. I guess we were strictly under serious mode throughout the conquest.

"So what's the matter, Faith?"

"You've seen what the demons did to the deceased. What do you think about it?" Faith decided to press me with a critical question. "I don't meant to offend you, I just want your opinion based on your experience on that day."

"Why do you think I would talk about that, Faith?"

"I don't know." Faith shrugged. "I guess I'm a little concerned about you. Just a little."

"Always the caring one aren't you? The best student among us indeed."

"I don't really like carrying that burden, White." Faith opens up to me, "It felt like the world is watching and expects me to do the very best. I'm afraid that their expectations might be blown away by my mediocrity."

"You've always been the one that manages to reach the top of the grade. What's stopping you? Those are just mere expectations. You don't have to reach their expectations. Just do what you've always done for the pass 8 years we know each other."

"And you always find the right word for it, White." Faith smiled. "Wish me luck, White." Faith grabbed her equipment and went to where Rulend was planning.

I'm glad I put her concern out of her head. Such things could actually burden the coming battle. Coincidentally, this was actually the conception of when Faith decided to set the bar high. Look what she is now after the 7 Month War, one of the top 7 students and of course, the president of the student council or as we called it here The Prefects President. Back to the past, she was a top student. I guess she made the right call.

With that in mind, I should get going as well. My duty in this skirmish was basically observing the situation. I got the easy job, I think. I couldn't do much since I haven't got my magic yet at this point. I figured it will do for the moment.

Everyone that decided to join the skirmish grouped at the lab's entrance. Meanwhile, Wakana will be using the vents and appear from the other side of the building to make sure that nothing bad happens when the lab entrance open.

"Alright then, time to take a look at the entrance." Wakana looked around and noticed there was two demon roaming around the entrance.

He throws his spear to one of the demon. The spear successfully went through the demons body. The demon's friend was then distracted by what just happened leaving a wide opening for Wakana to strike. Wakana ran straight to the distracted demon and released a shining light beam to the demon. He then flashes in to the other demon and took out the spear from its belly. Releasing a fountain of demonic blood.

Wakana seized the opportunity by beheading that demon with his spear which was imbued with light magic on it. The other demon that just got blasted by Wakana finally comes to it sense. The demon tried to attack him but Wakana swiftly dodges it by flashing behind the demon and stabbing the back of the demon with full force. He flashes back in front of the demon and pulls the spear forward and back to him. Both the demons has been eliminated swiftly.

Wakana opens the lab door, "We're cleared! Secure the area at once!"

All volunteers headed their way outside of the lab to secure the lab. Thankfully, there wasn't a lot of demon that was roaming around the lab area. The only difficulty that we faced was the flying demon that was flying around above us. We don't have anything to fight it back from a lower altitude but students like Wakana and Luther easily handles the problem.

It was impressive, really. Luther didn't even use his Excalibur. He decided that he would form a sword made out of fully concentrated wind. He used that wind sword of his to strike at the demons above by extending his sword as far as the wind could. In other words he can reach an infinite amount of distance according to how much the wind was in the area. Luther would get the upper hand if the battlefield was windy or stormy.

Luther was focused, "Men, follow my lead and secure the west side!"

Faith was also doing her best by using her multiple elemental spell that she was famed for. It was very fascinating to see Faith in action. Its amazing how she could manipulate all of the four elements magic. Plus, she recently just learned how to use light and dark elemental magic. It is only a matter of time until she masters all of it.

You see, there's much more elemental magic than just the main four which is Water, Fire, Earth and Wind. There's also Light and Dark which requires a strong will to perform a spell from that two elements. There is also conventional ones like, Physical which has a sub element under it which is Pierce, Slash, and Crush.

Obviously, everyone should have this since we are all human who can use our bodily strength to fight. Another conventional element is Ranged which also has a sub element and there are called, Blast, Rapid, and Shot. Each of this three differs in terms of range and damage accordingly. To make it more clear, see it like this. A shotgun falls under Blast, while a sub-machine gun falls under Rapid and a sniper rifle falls under shot.

Then again, it has been years of development and I bet there is probably more types of Ranged than just this during this time. But that will be for another time I guess. For now, the skirmish seems to be coming to an end as we gracefully moved around the area.

"West side secured!" Luther announced. "We did it, Faith."

"Yeah..." Faith seemed uninterested with Luther.

"Oh well...raise the flag of victory!"

"We don't have a flag, Luther..."

Luther was feeling annoyed, "Don't ruin the mood, Faith."

"Yeah, yeah, I hear you...captain."

"Can you please be more serious? We are in a war, soldier!"

"Ah, shut up. It's already over." Faith sits down on top of the pile of demons that she has slain. "Look, they got the east side already. We're done for the day."

Wakana successfully secured the east side of the lab area. This was the first of many victories that was to come in The Conquest of Soul Power High. What's our next move? Rulend has decided that we should take back the cafeteria. While were at it, we can also secure the school building before the cafeteria. For now, this victory calls for a celebration.