Chapter 3.6 - White - Supply & Demand

As planned by Rulend, our next move would be taking over the area surrounding the cafeteria which includes some parts of the school building. You see, Soul Power High School has 7 building. We have secured the lab area, which is called Block F. That building is where all the 5th year classroom were located. The building next to it is Block D which consist of some lower year classrooms. Then, next to it is the cafeteria which was surrounded by three other building including Block D.

Block C and B covers the remaining side while The Computer Room covers the backside of the cafeteria. The Computer Room has its own small building. Block C is where the Teacher's Lounge was located, Block B was known as The Club Building. Both of those building 2nd floor are connected with a bridge. The bridge also reaches Block A, which is where The Maintenance Room and The Office was located. Next to it is the large empty space known as the School Square where students gather during assembly. There's a smaller building called Block G which includes some classrooms and The Workshop.

What about the Library? The Library building also known as Block E was the only building that faces a different direction than the other building. It is also the biggest and tallest building in the school which includes a number of classrooms, The Library, The School Hall on the ground level and some other special rooms. Oh and yeah, Block E was not bridged like Block F and G. The gap between Block E and A, B and C is a tennis court. I think that's all of them.

Now that we know the school layout, we should get prepared for the next battle. This operation will be called Operation Supply. Our main task was to take over the cafeteria and secure the surrounding area. Additionally, we should also secure a supply route for us to easily go back and forth from the lab to the cafe. Our side task was to secure and take control of Block E. Not to forget, we also had to rescue any survivor we can find during the operation.

"Alright everyone, it's time to take the cafeteria! On me!" commanded Luther as he charges to the battlefield.

"White, you and I will scout around Block D. Look for any survivors. Bring along Rulend as well." Wakana whispered at me. "Meet you at the objective while I'll clear a road for you two!"

"You heard the man. Let's go, White." Rulend appeared behind me along with his large backpack.

"Do you really need to carry those?"

"We might find some survivors there. We can't be too sure, right?"

"I see." I began to wonder, "Where is Blax?"

"Blax is leading the operation. Luther is his 2nd in-command and Wakana is given a special task."

"What about Faith?"

"Isn't she's under Luther?"

"Oh yeah." Silly me.

"I think that's all. Here, carry this for me." Rulend handed to me a backpack. At least it wasn't as big as his.

"Are we done yet?"

"I think Sonozaki have cleared the road for us. He'll scout some other place while we wait for him at the objective point."

I was getting curious of Sonozaki Wakana and asked Rulend, "What kind of special task is Wakana doing?"

"It's actually confidential for now. You don't need to know about it. Just focus getting to the objective first. I'll tell you when its public." Rulend looked serious, "Chop, chop, let's go."

We headed our way toward Block D and waited for Wakana there while he was doing some special task that Rulend asked him to do. A few minutes later, Wakana finally appeared and he wasn't alone. It looks like he brought out some friends. I figured it was the others from the lab but it was actually...

"White!" It was Rika. Rika Lightning.

She ran toward me and stopped in front of me. Was this the special task that Wakana was busy handling? Was this suppose to be another joke? In a way, it was but in actuality Rika was actually a survivor who happens to lead the other survivors that was hiding inside the Library.

"You've made it. I knew it would be you ever since I saw that surveillance the other day." Rulend stood up and greeted Wakana and Rika.

"Wait. You went to The Maintenance Room on your own?" I pointed out.

Wakana then happily answered for him, "I went with him. Don't worry, White. Sorry we didn't tell you about this." Wakana laughed a little.

Rika looked at the battlefield and notice that our force were securing the cafeteria from a distance, "It's still on, I bet?"

"We've secured the cafeteria. Now we just have to make sure the demons aren't near the area."

"With that in mind. I should get back to my post and clear the demons. See you guys." Wakana rushes out and headed to the cafeteria to help the others.

"There he goes." Rika doesn't look like she was suffering given the situation we were all in. "So what are we doing here?"

"First of all, a joint would be a safe way for us to end this conquest fast. We do need more people to help us win this battle and take back our school." Rulend begins his discussion as we climbed the stairs to the second floor of Block D.

"Our side will gladly accept that but one condition, however."

"Is it impossible?" asked Rulend.

Rika chuckled, "Not really. Consider that your group have already taken two of the school building in just three weeks is a miracle."

"What kind of condition, Rika?" I asked.

"We need help to secure The Library, of course. We have to show the people in The Library that we can fight the demons back with magic."

"Is there anyone capable, by the way?" Rulend added.

Rika nodded, "There is some who would volunteer. Haz Kazama and Rin Zeelint are one of them."

Rulend was a little surprised, "I'm surprised that Haz would be brave enough to do this kind of thing. But then again, he can be a little bit crazy."

"Especially when he talks about his inventions." Rika lightly jokes about Haz.

"Wait a minute." It was then I realised. "Block D was already taken? Why didn't I know about that?"

"We've had an assault last week and you were sleeping soundly. It was a morning battle by the way. We don't want to wake you up." Rulend explained.

"But why didn't told me that Block D was taken already?"

"I thought you knew?"

Rika laughed. I was annoyed and Rulend laughed as well. Just because I don't have magic doesn't mean I have to be left alone like the nobody I am. Even in times of war, he still jokes around. I guess he does that out of care. He believes that I was scarred after experiencing the traumatic event of a teacher being disembowelled by the demons. But I already got over that thing weeks ago. It got over ever since our first victory when we've secured Block F.

"Anyway, back to the matter at hand." Rulend continued the discussion. We'll be requiring the help from your group as well in order to secure Block E, Rika."

"Is it because Block E is the biggest building in this school?"

"Exactly." Rulend nodded. "I fear that our force won't be able to help you out in time."

"In time?"

"You see. All these time our battles have been a surprise attack. It will always end swiftly thanks to that. But with the building that big it would take time to clear out any hostile and by the time we're halfway doing that, the enemy might call in for reinforcement. Especially when they realised that a small force was rising around that area."

"You made a clear reason, Rulend. I'll see to it that the volunteers at The Library will help your force."

"You'll be joining as well, I presume?"

"Of course!" Rika clapped once and said, "I'm Rika Lightning, I'm capable to do this kind of thing. Don't you see what I did during middle school?"

"Yeah, I did. Lots of people did."

"And it wouldn't happen if White wasn't there." Rika looked at me who was not focusing the discussion at all.

It was then I realised she was talking about me, "What do you mean?"

"Interesting." Rulend was surprised. "What did you do, White?"

"I didn't do anything!" I strongly denies the fact.

"I'm just kidding." Rulend laughs it off, "But then again, I am curious. I might need the help of Zone for this."

"Shut it." My face was red.

Rika giggled a little but I can tell from the tone of her voice and the way she looks at me just now, she was grateful for what I've done to her. What I did exactly? I would tell about it but I think it will just be a waste of time. We need to focus. We've already taken a quarter of the school. If we secure Block E, we will already conquer half the school. If this keeps up, this will be over quick. That was what I had in mind though...