Chapter 3.10 - White - Future Top Seven Students

It has been 4 months since the demons arrived and trapped us all in the unbreakable barrier that they made. Here we are right now in a stalemate. Its a back and forth battle against the demons outside of the school. Nothing much really happened other than a back and forth battle between us and the demons for the past 3 months since we retaken our school. Today we have decided to make another meeting to discuss on what we should do to thin down the enemy lines.

"Any news from the outside?" asked Rulend.

Wakana handed in a report to Rulend, "It seems the demons are getting thinner thanks to the number of wizards working together outside of the school area. Unfortunately, non of them will be able to send in any help to the school."

Rulend picks up the report, "Because?"

"Even they have to defend their bases just like us."

"So you are saying that these demons are getting stronger?"

Haz interrupts, "I think they ARE getting stronger. Day by day the demons became more adapt to our strategies. Don't you see what happened last month? They did a pincer attack on our forces and thankfully we had no casualty at all."

Rika added, "But most of us were injured thanks to that. We won't be able to last longer if this keeps up. Even our food supplies are getting lower."

"I agree." Luther nodded, "We should devise a new strategy to thin down their line."

Faith points out, "We've been doing that for the past 3 months already and not a single of that strategy worked for us. The only thing we got was a temporary victory. We have to make sure the coming battle will give us the chance to act and achieve a decisive victory. We need a decisive plan!"

"What can we even do?" Rin sighed, "I've lost count of how many summons I've lost. I'm almost running out of them. It's getting hard for me to find and negotiate some unsuspecting demons thanks to the chaos outside."

"I think I have an idea. But it's going to be a really REALLY big risk." said Rulend as he puts down the reports.

"What is it?" asked Luther.

Rulend begins his plans, "How about we let the enemy in as further as we could. I suggest letting their main forces reach the workshop and the school square."

"Wait, what do you think you're doing?" Rin cuts in, "Isn't this too risky?"

"Like I said, it's a really big risk and we have to make sure it works. It's all or nothing." Rulend continued, "Anyway, once that was done a small group will be leading a task to attack the enemy headquarters while their main forces were busy making their way to the square."

"We're doing a fake-out, huh?" Wakana seemed to understand the plan. "The enemy main force will be busy marching in that they even let their headquarters open for us to infiltrate."

"But how do we take care of the main forces, then?" Faith asked.

"Like this." Rulend begins drawing a plan on the table.

They talked and talked and in a matter of hours later, they have come to a decision. Rulend plans will proceed as planned but there's only one thing remain.

"Alright." Rulend crosses his arm, "Who is going to lead the surprise attack at the headquarters." Rulend looks around and nobody seemed interested.

Luther claimed, "Don't look at me, I'm not the sneaky type. I'll always end up screaming whenever I give orders."

"I'm not sure if I'm able to do that. It is risky. Especially when we have to make sure non of the demons notice us." said Rika who was getting worried.

"The plan won't work if we don't have anyone to lead the special task!" said Rulend sternly.

"I think I know someone who can be sneaky and smart." Wakana raised his hand. "It's not me but its someone we know."

"Who do you mean?" asked Rulend.

"White. Cyclone White."

Rika express her surprise, "Him?! Why him?"

"He's always had this special thing where nobody seems to notice him at times."

"What do you exactly mean?" asked Rin.

"Even right now you guys didn't notice it. Right, White?"

Yes. I was with them the whole time. I didn't talk at all that's for sure. But the fact that I'm sitting in the open next to them kind of bothers me a lot. How the heck can they not notice me at all.

"Where did you came from?" Haz jumped.

I replied, "I've been here since we started the meeting, you know."

"I think that settles it." Rulend clapped once, "Your willing to do this, White?"

"Sure." I nodded after a few seconds of thinking.

Rika then talked to me, "You seem a little hesitant about this. Are you sure you want to do this?"

I quickly answered her back, "Yes. I'm sure."

"Great." Rulend finishes, "Prepare yourself, we're going to begin our plan when the moon reaches the sky. White, being the most important person right now you need to have a lot of people especially when taking down a headquarter."

"No. I don't need that. Just give me seven including me. I'm sure we can handle it. The less we are, the easier for us to make our move."

"Very well, I'll assign six people for you. Anyone specific?"

I looked around the lab and looked back at the meeting table and said, "Can I have one suggestion for the team that makes sure the main forces comes into the school?"

"What is it?"

"What about we let Nanjo Sojiro, Aizen Ascree and Adam Rift do that?"

"Are you sure about that?"

"I'm sure. It'll be magnificent." I smirked, Blax will be the commander in this battle correct?"

"Yes. So do you have anyone in mind for your team?"

I looked around and smiled, "I need Luther and Faith to help us lead the charge when we begin the surprise attack. I also need Rin and Haz to flank the enemy when they least expects it. For the last two, Rika and Wakana will be clearing out any other demons that remains in the area."

"I'll gladly accept that, White." Wakana crunches his fingers. The others seemed to show their agreement as well. "Let's do this."

And thus, we went on to begin our preparation for the operation. We will be destroying the base of the demons force and create a mess all over the place for them. To top it all off, we finish off all of the remaining demons that was inside the school. We will beat them down to dust. That is Operation Stardust. I think...

As I were preparing my stuff, someone tried to spook me out by making weird noises. I looked around and there was nobody. I looked back and then "boo" I jumped by that little boo she made. It was Mei.

She giggled, "Oh, White. You're so easy."

"I see you are happy now. Is something the matter?"

"They said the war is about to end, right? That's why I'm happy."

"Oh, I see. It's not really the ending., Mei."

"Yeah. But..." Mei looked at my bag. "What are you doing?"

"I'm packing up."

"No, what do you mean?"

I fear she may not like my answer, "I'm going out to lead a very important mission tonight. It will be the beginning of our victory."

Mei looked like as she was about to cry, "You're leaving me again with all these people?"

"They are not bad guys, Mei. You've been with them for months." I tried to calm her down.

"But. But, I'm scared."

"Please, Mei. Not like this. I'm on a crucial mission. You can't follow me like the other day. You almost got me killed you know?"

"But didn't Rika saved us just in time that time?" Mei responded back to me as she tried to hold down her tears.

"But this is different." Then I thought about that once again and said to her, "But then again, it's more safer this time, I think." I sighed, "Sure. You can come."


"Yes. You can. Just don't be a bother to me and the others."

Mei nodded happily and hugged me. For real though, I felt like I was a babysitter taking care of this girl who had the minds of a child but the body of someone of my age. I felt something was off about her but it was probably because of how interesting her magic was. Forbidden Knowledge...I wonder how far can that ability of hers develop.

An hour later, we found ourselves waiting in the forest. We are right at the enemy doorstep. The next thing we need to do is to wait for the signal by those three idiots I suggested. I'll be trusting everything to those three idiots this time. I hope I did the right thing. In a few minutes later, a fireworks was set free to the starry skies above signalising us to begin the next order.

"Alright, everyone. Take your positions!"

Luther Pendragon unsheathes his windy sword, Rin Zeelint took out her card, Haz Kazama begins to juggle his grenades, Rika Lightning started to conduct electricity all over her body, Sonozaki Wakana's foot begins to glow brightly while he clenches his neck bone, Faith casted a power up magic to all of us as she amass a dark glowing ball on her right hand showing her prowess in Dark magic. Then, there's me taking out a gun that Haz made for me and also let's not forget Mei Xue who was standing next to me, still clinging on to my shirt as always but this time she looked more determined than ever.

This will be the start of our grandest operation. Little did we all know that one day, all of these people would become the most popular and powerful student ever in Soul Power High School. That excludes me unfortunately. Who are they exactly? They are the future Top Seven Students of Soul Power High.