Chapter 3.11 - White - Mission Start

The signal has been lit. Time was off the essence. We had do it fast before the enemy realises what was going on. We won't let them regroup or try to call for backup from the front line. I raised my hand and did a gesture to signify the first order of the operation.

Rin summoned a being known to be good at sniping down enemy. She ordered her summons to take out the demon that was watching over the observation tower. Rin successfully shoot down all the watchtower demon. I turned my head to Haz and nodded to him. Haz nodded back and threw a steel ball that later on transformed into a drone. The drone scouted around the headquarter in order to confirm the enemy position.

While we waited for the drone to settle with the intel, Wakana flashes to the top of the castle walls. A demon noticed him, he flashes behind the demon and took it out swiftly. A moment later, Wakana brought down a ladder for us to climb on to his position.

"Okay, what's next?" asked Wakana as he pulled back the ladder up.

"We wait for intel." I told them that and then the drone returned. "Speak of the devil."

"What do we got?" Faith was getting pumped up.

Haz tinkered around with his drone and told us, "It seems Rulend was right. There's not a lot of demons inside the headquarter. This will be easy for us."

"Alright then, let's charge." Luther raised his sword.

"Hold your horse." Haz stopped him, "Remember our plan to scatter the enemy. We need Faith, Rika, Rin and I to procure a devastating spell to destroy the 4 towers around each corners of the enemy base. We have to make sure that we don't completely destroy it in one blow. Enough to tip it off. Make sure that the tower tip into the direction of the main building of the base."

"We'll get to our position now, let's go girls." said Faith as she moved to her designated point.

"I better go too. The rest is up to you guys. Just give us some time while you guys handle the ground work." Haz packs his drone that turned back into a ball inside his back and moved to his position.

"What are we waiting for, then?" Wakana asked, "Let's go, boys!"

"I think you forgot someone here." I pointed out about Mei who was still with us.

"and girl as well of course. Let's do this!" Wakana swanned dive gracefully and flashes on to the floor of the base.

Luther snickered, "What a showoff. I'll show you who's the king." Luther dived as well and begins to hover a little bit above the ground thanks to his mastery in the wind element.

"Okay then." I was stumped. "To the stairs then..."

"No need for that, White." Mei grabbed my arm and then suddenly a bubble begins to form around us.

"Is this safe?"

"It is, just don't blow it up with anything pointy."

"What kind of magic is this anyway?" I asked her as we slowly hovered down to the ground like a bubble.

"It's one of the forbidden spells I learned. I think it's from a forbidden magic called, Ripple Overdrive."

"Ripple Overdrive? Like the water? But we also need soap to make a bubble right?"

"Oh that? I used some book reference as an inspiration to make this bubble. You see, I already put soap all over my palm. Since water manipulation is not that hard to learn, I was able to create water without needing a source. I caused a 'ripple' effect on the water that I created and mixed it with the soap on my hand. A touch of a little fire magic will expand the bubble. Plus, with a slight wind manipulation and earth manipulation, I can hover this bubble and also control our gravitational force."

"Amazing." I was surprised of her creativity. "You pretty much mastered the four main elements. That's something you don't see everyday. You're almost like Faith who can also do that."

"Yeah, kind of."

"But can you do dark magic?"

Mei thinks, "I recently studied about it and I probably can do it as well. That goes the same for light magic. But I haven't mastered them of course."

"Okay. Wow." I was in awe of her ability. "Forbidden Knowledge is a really good name for your type of magic."

Mei looked at me in confusion, "What do you mean? Isn't this normal?"

"It is abnormal. Not many wizards have the ability to manipulate a lot of elements. Even if its only from the four mains."

"But all you have to do is study and practice it right?"

"I don't know what kind of book you read but its not as easy as it looks." I sighed.

"But I did it."

"It's probably related to your Forbidden Knowledge that allows you to master something in such a short amount of time." I wondered.

Mei also agrees, "I guess you might be right. Who knows, Forbidden Knowledge might also be one of the forbidden magic, right?"

I face palmed myself, "I think that was obvious, Mei. Your magic is beyond the norm."

"Can you elaborate?"

We finally reached the ground and the balloon popped.

I begin to explain to her, "Each and every wizard in this world has this one thing called Infinitum. This Infinitum is what allows the wizard to use magic. Infinitum can be run out if used too often for a single run. It's just like energy. And each and everyone of us has a different kind of Infinitum capacity that we can store. A wizard like you would require a tremendous amount of Infinitum. Which is an uncommon thing especially from a teenager."

"I see. But what about the magic that they used other than the elemental?"

I continued, "Each and everyone of us would have a unique magic that can also be known as abilities. Some can be inherited from family members and sometime it can be random. Most of the magic actually can be related to a certain elemental. For example, Rin. She's actually capable of light and dark magic. Why? Because she can summon anything that she caught. She's like a god that creates thing or even the lord of the demons."

"Oh I see. Luther is capable of wind. Wakana on light. Is Rika on lightning then?"

"Rika is a mix between water and wind actually. Those two can create storms and storms can result to a thunder. She just happen to have a body of a lightning rod thanks to her unique magic."

"What about Haz then?" Mei continued to ask me more questions, "I can't really tell what is his element."

"He's capable of earth because those mechanical thing he uses to control came from earth resource."

"Oh now I get it."

"We don't have time for a lesson right now, you know. We should finish the job."

By the time I realised I was busy giving lessons to Mei, What I saw in front of me was hordes of demons lying on the ground. It looks like both Wakana and Luther was competing against each other on how many demons can they eliminate.

Mei giggled, "It's amazing how we ended up not doing anything. I listened to your lesson while watching Wakana and Luther compete by the way."

"And you didn't say anything about them to me?" I was irritated.

"But you looked excited telling all those things to me. I don't want to break your excitement." Mei was being considerate.

"But you still break my excitement either way." I softly pressed my fist on top of her head.

"Ow that hurt, White. Stop it." Mei was quick to beg for forgiveness.

Well in any case, we somehow did our job as told. Now we just have to wait the other four. I think they are about ready in a few more seconds. So we waited a little bit until we heard a loud bang from all four corners of the headquarter. Looks like they did it. The earth started to shake. I guess that's our call to find someplace safe. I grabbed Mei's arm and dragged her to a safe place. As we were about to reach a safe area from the collapsing of the four towers, Mei fell down and hurt her ankle.

"You'll have to carry me, White. I'm sorry for being a burden." Mei looked as if she was about to cry.

"It's not your fault, come on." I carried and brought her to safety.

We settled down in an empty building that was far away from where the four towers will fall on. I gently put her down and made sure she was okay. Then, we heard a loud crashing noise. It was probably the towers and it looks like debris started to fly all over the place thanks to the impact. It even made the building we were in shaking.

A chandelier on top of us started to shake furiously and it begin to fall down to us. I don't have enough time to drag Mei to safety so instead I used my own body to cushion her from the chandelier. A few minutes have passed and the dust have been settled around the base. Mei woke up and realize that I protected her from harm. The chandelier was barely about to smash to the floor but somehow the safety rope come in. But even doesn't help that the chandelier impaled me.

"White!" Mei screamed for my name.