Chapter 3.21 - Airi - An Eye For An Eye

While Haz and Lore was searching at the laboratory, Zone and I made our way to the library building to see if their was any other students and surprise, surprise, we found them. But it looks like they were being surrounded by a bunch of winged eyeball monster.

"What is that thing, Zone?" I asked him about the eyeball monster.

Zone takes a short observation and said, "Based on their looks, I think it's a Chaos Spy. Notice the pun in spy. It sounds like an eye, right?"

"I didn't know that bestiary researcher had a sense of humor." I sarcastically responded.

"But I'm not even a bestiary researcher..."

I ignored him and said, "What are we waiting for? Let's introduce them with our fist."

Zone sighed, "You're not even using your fist to fight."

"Oh yeah? I'll show you."

I prepared myself and raised both of my hand. Then I pulled one of the Chaos Spy with my magnetic abilities toward me. As it about to reach me, I used my fist to punch the incoming Chaos Spy. That will show Zone how I introduce people. With my fist.

"Great." Zone slowly claps his hand. "You did as you said you would. I applaud you."

"You don't sound excited at all."

"That's because more are heading toward us right now, idiot."

Distracted, I look back and realise that there was dozens of Chaos Spy flying towards us. I should have pulled all of them to the wall but then I can't do that because they were already getting near me. I can pull multiple targets if they aren't moving at all. It has to at least allow me to focus on all of them. But when they were moving, I can't focus on all of them at once. So I can only use my magnetic abilities on the ones I could focus at.

It's kind of a hassle really. While I was having a hard time focusing on my target, Zone simply dodged all of the incoming claw attacks thanks to his amazing intuition. He reminded me of Rulend. Those two had the same kind of ability but each of them used it differently. I still remember it. Zone talked to me about how he had this one big heist he have in mind back then. He wanted to steal an exam paper that has not been public yet. He did got it but eventually his plan was foiled thanks to Rulend for discovering who did it. But Rulend didn't send Zone to the school's authority at all. He was just promised to never steal exam papers anymore. That he did. But Zone was still the same Lie, Cheat and Steal monster he was.

And to my surprise, it looks like Zone has been improved a lot since the last time I saw him fight. Back then he only used hand-to-hand combat. But now...well...

"You're not going anywhere, Spies!" smirked Zone.

He now has a gun. A 9mm pistol. Besides that, he also has a knife on his other hand. He looked like a thief from where I was standing. Now, if only he wears a face mask or some sort then he will totally be like a thief. Perhaps a Phantom Thief as well. Like the famous fictional character, Arsene Lupin. Now that will make a great chemistry with Rulend who was also known as the Sherlock Holmes of Soul Power High. Plus, Holmes and Lupin can be considered rivals. But that's up for debate.

Zone gleefully said, "This ain't hard at all. They haven't seen the true me yet. But I won't be wasting that on minions like you guys."

"You seem a little trigger happy, Zone. This is a first."

"This is not a first." replied Zone. "Rulend knows me well of how fabulous I am in the arts of thievery."

I chuckled a little and said, "Surprisingly, you don't steal a lot of things for your own benefit."

"Of course I don't. I have my own standards. If I want to steal something, it has to be credible enough that stealing it will cause a big stir around a community. Say, a corrupt politician e-mail."

"Okay, that's noble of you..." I was kind of surprised by what he said.

"Besides doing that, I even looked up information about everyone in school. Thus, becoming a successful information broker by selling those info to anyone in school."

I shake my head in disbelief and said, "I take back what I said."

We fought against the Chaos Spy while we talked about our stories just now and Zone doesn't seem to loose any edge at all throughout the battle. Me on the other hand, was getting a little bit tired. I mean, I had to focus on my enemy if I wanted to use my abilities while Zone simply used his intuition to fight against them with ease.

"Aren't you relying too much on your own magic?" asked Zone as he swiftly dodge another blow from the enemy.

I replied, "You want me to use a weapon instead?"

"Well that's one thing. But you can also use your earth elemental magic, you know? Using magic other than your own personal magic can really reduce the usage of Infinitum in your body. Especially you, who is very heavy reliant on your magnetic ability."

"I'll take that into consideration, next time. But for now, we gotta clear this mess."

"Got it."

After a few minutes of clearing up the Chaos Spy, we finally did it. The only problem that we have now was that I'm getting tired after all of that. I've just defeated a bunch of Imps and then I have to fight hordes of Chaos Spy...You got to be kidding me.

"Are the people safe?" said Zone.

"Now that you mention it..."

Zone looks around and said, "Looks like they ran away."

"I guess that's the right thing to do...What now, Zone?"

"We keep looking of course."

"But I'm getting tired." I whined.

"Fine. Fine. Let's rest at the Projector Room."

"Where is it again?"

"Right next to the library."

Since I was tired after fighting those hordes, Zone agreed to rest at the old projector room. That room was where all of the video packages can be found that the school use for class. Its mostly educational. But sometimes it can be something entertaining like a movie based on what the class was studying. I always love that kind of thing. Why? Because I don't have to sit around in the class and listen to the boring lecture the teacher gave to us. I hate it. It's too boring. Thankfully we have this kind of thing. I'm quite grateful to say the least.

"Here we are..." Zone opens the door.

"Gosh, it's all dusty here." I even coughed a little.

Zone then replied, "It's probably because it hasn't been used for like what...6 months since the invasion?"

"I guess so." I scratched my head.

We found a table and some chairs that were dusty. We cleaned off the dust and rested there. As I was resting myself, I noticed that there were a bunch of old VHS tape placed around one of the shelf. I didn't know the room had a bunch of old VHS tape lying around inside. Especially when we have already been using DVD and such. It piqued my interest.

"Look at all those VHS tapes."

Zone added, "It's a surprise to see this thing still kept in our school considering that our school just started to grasp on using the computer as a means of studying in class."

"Oh that new school system? What's it called again?"

"Progressive Theory Version Three. Also known as PT3. As the name implies, it is the third version of its kind. They had two other version which was an alpha and a beta version. That kind of system where they'll force the students to not just use their memorisation skill in paper exams but also applying their studies in real life."

"Why would they do that?"

Zone continued, "Because if they do that, it will create a great wizard out of them. They don't have to force themselves to memorise everything in the textbooks anymore. Those kinds of things are only useful to pass the paper exams anyway. We need other skills than that in order to walk through life. Unfortunately for us, it wasn't our year who was implemented with that system. Right now it's still in its first phase and only the first year was getting the PT3 treatment."

"I wonder if that kind of system will ever work..."

"It probably will be. Because the system that we are under right now...Is not effective at all."

"You are right about that. Why do I need to remember all of these formulas for anyway? I probably won't even use it in my future job."


As we rested for a while, our energies was then fully recharged. We were then ready to continue to search around the library building. Since the library was pretty much next to us, we decided to head there first. But there was something wrong over there...the door had a bunch of eyes sticking at the door...its also rooted...what the heck just happened?