Chapter 3.22 - Lore - Slugfizz

The giant Imp was too big for the laboratory. It roared as loud as it could and began to tear the lab apart. As a side note, I noticed that on its feet was a piece of paper stuck to it. That piece of paper looked important, I figured. But in any case, as much as both Haz and I want to search for any students here. We bet no one was here to begin with.

"Running away?" asked Haz.

"What are you talking about? We can't let this thing out of here."

"You're right. Infinibots!" Haz agreed to my suggestion and prepared his Infinibots.

"By the way, Haz." Suddenly I got an idea, "What element are you adapt to?"

"You'll be surprised if I tell you." Haz grinned.

"What do you exactly mean?"

"Observe, Lore, observe."

From the way the Giant Imp was acting, it looked like it were ignoring us. That just prove to us that the Imp was a mindless monster that only seeks destruction. As a matter of fact, that thing was probably an unnatural being especially when there was no such thing as a Giant Imp in any written records of any bestiary. That's an abomination created by these other Imps. That's my assumptions at least.

One of Haz Infinibot transformed into a pole-arm. Suddenly, lightning waves starts to swirl around the pole-arm. Haz casually walked to the Giant Imp. He stopped after reaching a few more metres left from it. He readied his pole-arm and then the pole-arm starts to burst a strong electrical charge all over it. Haz grinned and threw the pole-arm to the Giant Imp. The pole-arm hit the Imp's back. The Giant Imp was then electrocuted in the process. As it were still being electrocuted, Haz ran in towards the Imp and transformed another of his Infinibot into a flamethrower.

I thought he was going to burn the Giant Imp but what was released from that flamethrower was actually sand. Yes, I said it. Sands. As much sands as possible to the point that it could throw the Giant Imp up to the roof of the building. Haz puts the flamethrower...'sandthrower' next to a table to make sure it keeps standing still while it still shoots out sands to the sky.

"What was that?" I asked Haz while being confused and shocked at the same time.

"I learned Lightning and Sand element. I know, it's not from the main four, right? It's just a matter of preference, really."

"Aren't you supposed to be higher ranking than Rika then? You can use her trademark element AND control objects. Why are you on the 5th?"

"My lightning is not that strong. Rika's ability is an innate ability she have. I cannot replicate that. She was born with it. I only learn it recently it."

"I see...But still, this doesn't prove you are the 5th top student from the way Rin and Luther fight. What makes you so different than those two?"

"We don't have much time, Lore. Come, let's go to the rooftop."

I was still confused, "How?"

"We'll use this sand to launch ourselves to the roof."

"Wow. Great idea."

"Hurry, I don't want to waste more Infinitum. The fight has just begun." Haz ordered me to make haste at once.

We both jumped onto the sand and launched ourselves to the roof. We landed safely on the roof. Haz stopped his sand and later on the Giant Imp finally came down from the sky. I ran in and pushed the Giant Imp using my shield away from the hole that Haz just made. In the process, I managed to get a hold on the piece of paper that I noticed a few minutes ago. I flip the paper over and read it.

Reports on The Runix Cube

Report #7 - One of the Runix Cube has been obtained thanks to the help of the Imps and their experimentation on an enhanced version of the Imp. The first of its kind successfully pillaged the school field and discovered that one of The Runix Cube was located there. The Runix Cube will be immediately transported to Lord Escher's Tower. Thanks to Slugfizz, the Imps have gained more resources to put out more experiments. Report End.

"That's all they wrote." I said in a intrigued tone.

"So the Giant Imp's is Slugfizz." concluded Haz. "We might be able to cut off the Imps experimentation if we eliminate Slugfizz now."

"Let's do that."

Slugfizz was finally able to stand back up and began to roar as loud as it could. Slugfizz rushes in toward us with its huge sharp claws. We figured it would be an easy battle but suddenly Slugfizz was able to breath fire through its mouth. The fire almost burned me. Thankfully I splashed myself with some water. If I haven't learned the water element, I would be toasted.

"Be careful, Lore."

"You too. That thing won't give us a chance to break."

"And we won't give them the chance to break as well." claimed Haz.

Haz transformed one of his Infinibots into a small sub-machine gun and began firing at Slugfizz. Just what was Haz doing anyway? It doesn't looked like it would be effective at all especially on a monster that literally has an armor as its skin. But later on I noticed something on Slugfizz. Slugfizz was rushing towards us, yes. But it was moving rather slower than before. What just happen? I take a more careful inspection and notice that the sub-machine gun bullets were covered in ice. Ice? What kind of sub-machine gun did Haz made?

"Surprised again, Lore?"

I looked back at Haz and said, "You bet I am! What is the meaning of this?"

"Ice Manipulation. It's a thing."

"When did you have the time to learn all of these?" I wondered.

Haz simply replied, "I have all the time I need."

"That's not really answering the question."

"We can do this another time, I think. You should go and attack that thing while its still moving slow."

"Alright then. You owe a story."

I threw my shield toward Slugfizz which then made Slugfizz slowly fell to the floor. The shield bounced back toward me and I caught it back with ease. I continued to rush in toward Slugfizz. As I were about to get near it, I changed my shield status to Charge Mode and charged toward Slugfizz. As Slugfizz struggled to stand back up, I trampled over it thanks to my Charge Mode. Then I unleashed waves of water in front of me. I surf over the water using my shield. The wave that I unleashed formed a U-turn shape meaning that I'm surfing my way back to Slugfizz.

As I turned around and flew away together with the shield, Slugfizz wakes up again but was once again struck down down by my shield. Haz stopped firing his guns and transformed it into a pole-arm. The pole-arm was then electrocuted like before but this time it wasn't just one pole-arm, it was a bunch of it thanks to the amount of Infinibots he had made. He threw it all around Slugfizz, creating a lightning trap. Surrounding it and disabling it from escaping. Slugfizz makes a desperate move and destroyed the area it was standing on and headed back down to the lab.

Seeing that, I said, "Oh, you're not going anywhere."

Slugfizz suddenly returned back to roof. It was actually because of my shield. As soon as I realised it I threw my shield under Slugfizz. The shield then grew bigger turning it into Titan Mode. It then levitated back to the roof using my water magic by forcing a burst of water to carry the shield and Slugfizz.

"Finish it, Haz."

"With pleasure."

Haz revealed two other Infinibots from his pockets and transformed it into a gauntlet that was automatically worn after transforming. Haz launched himself into the sky using his sand magic. Slugfizz tried to get away but Haz threw an Ice ball to it, momentarily freezing it for a few seconds. Way up in the sky, Haz's gauntlet started to glow in red, orange and yellow. It even started to burn a little.

Haz plunged down and headed straight toward Slugfizz. He prepared his gauntlet in its position and punched Slugfizz head's with it. His punch went right through Slugfizz for some reason. In a matter of seconds later I soon found out that Slugfizz was cut in half by lava. It slowly melted down to my shield. Haz launched back up the sky with his sand magic to escape from the electric trap. He then, activate the trap and fried the melted Slugfizz. Slugfizz was then completely eliminated.

Haz finally reached the roof and retracted back his Infinibots into his pockets, "Glad that's over."

I was in awe and patted him at the back, "You REALLY have to tell me your story. Lightning, Sand, Ice, and now Lava? Is there anymore you have in your sleeve?"

"Unfortunately four is enough. I can't handle more than that."

"Well if you can't have five...You can at least have The 5th rank among the top seven students of Soul Power High School." I tried my best to compliment him.

"It's a well deserved title. Come on, let's clean up the lab."

"Sure thing, buddy."