Chapter 3.23 - Zone - Dark Element

It looked very weird. It looked unnatural and natural at the same time. How does that even work? What was going on with the school? Why were there eyes all over the door? Now that I noticed that door, I looked around the school compound and came into realisation that the whole school was somehow 'infected' with these eyes.

"What's going on with this place? This doesn't feel the same as several years ago. What do you think, Airi?"

Airi shakes his head, "Beats me. I don't have the time to think a lot about such trivial things like that, you know."

"We have to think though. The whole place seems 'infected' by some sort of virus. It may lead to something bad."

"What if nothing happens and all these eyes are just decorations?"

I startled and felt unsatisfied, "Now why would our Principal to that?"

"I don't know, people have their preference." shrugged Airi.

"Okay. In any case, what should we do about this door?"

Airi suggested, "How about we just break it down?"

"It's school property for goodness sake, Airi."

"Rich. Coming from a snitch like you."

I couldn't come up with a good comeback from that. I felt defeated from that word of his. I'll get my revenge later but for now we got to focus on finding a way to get inside the library.

Then I suggested to him, "How about the window?"

"I'll take a look." Airi went to the nearest window panel of the library.

He carefully observed the window and gently touched it. Looks like the window seemed to be in a normal condition unlike the door. Maybe we could go through there.

"Can you open it, Airi?"

Airi was struggling, "I'm trying but it's locked tight."

Locked window. This reminded of the time when I broke into that candy store few years ago. I stole a bunch of candies that day. I was still a child, of course I would go for something like candy. What do you expect from a child? But now I'm grown up and I have a way different taste than my old self. I would usually take something precious. Like, information. Now that is worth something. By the way, I just happen to 'borrow' some of Mei's book while we were in that Dimensional Bag Realm of hers. I bet I won't be returning it before its due date though.

"Let's just smash it." said Airi.

"That does not seem to be realistic of you. You'll hurt yourself anyway."

"Then why don't we open the door like normal human beings then, snitch?" Airi was a bit ticked off there.

I flinched a little and was taken aback by his words once again, "Okay, we're definitely not doing this right now. We'll settle this another time. For now let's just do what we supposed to do just now."

"Fine by me."

I grabbed the doorknob not expecting anything other than the door was probably locked as well but to my surprise it wasn't. Something was not right but I kept going and pushed the wooden door in front of me. We got inside the library and it was dark. We figured that it might be because there was absolutely no one inside the library to begin with.

"It was a doozy, huh?" said Airi. "What a waste of time."

Then suddenly, we heard the sound of a relatively small object falling down to the floor of the library. We were able to hear the noise because of the fact that the library's flooring were made out of tiles that will bounce sound and light.

"Hit the light switch, Airi." I ordered him.

Airi does so and what a surprise. A bunch of Chaos Spy and Imps were all over the library. The door was then shut. We're trapped. What a surprise. I wasn't surprised to be honest. I prepared my pistol and knife at my hand.

"We're doing this again?" asked Airi.

"I guess so."

"There's no break for us is it?"

"But we did took a rest just now."

"Yeah. What else is new?"

I happily replied, "I'll show you something."

I jumped and grabbed on one of the Chaos Spy and stabbed it at the top of its, I don't know. Then finally, I'll show Airi my true self. The Phantom Thief he called, snitch. I imbued some magic to my knife and suddenly the Chaos Spy stopped struggling.

"Did you just mind control it with your knife or something?"

"Something like that. But there's more where that came from."

I shake the knife around while it was still stuck inside the Chaos Spy and it begin to flap its wings to any direction I shanked the knife to. While that was happening, I could shoot the other monsters with my gun. Most of it were headshots by the way. Or eye shot if you count the Chaos Spy.

"Airi, don't just stand there. Help me out."

"Oh, sorry."

Airi clenched his fist and punched the floor with his right fist. Some of the tiles in front of him started to peel off from the floor and begin to float in mid-air thanks to combining his earth elemental magic and also his gravity controlling ability. The tiles were then thrown to the Imps and Chaos Spy. Airi managed to hit all of his target with ease. Looks like he has been training a lot.

I won't lose to him now. People don't usually expect my kind of ability to be an ability used to fight against enemy. I agree. But that is why I decided to learn one particular elemental magic. It happened to be very compatible with myself. I stopped shooting bullets and kept my gun to my pocket and clenched my fist. My fist started to release a black, purple and reddish aura all over it. I released the untapped power and it begin to splatter all over the place. Hitting multiple Imps and Chaos Spy. The dark substance that was splattered at the monster then begins to eat them up. Slowly. As I watched them screaming and screeching in pain. Suffering.

"Was that Dark element you used?"

I smirked, "Yes. Dark."

"How the heck do you learn that, anyway?"

I explained to him as we continued to fight, "You see. Ever since The Seven Month War, I started to look up for elemental magic that I could use. At first, I obviously look up at the four original main element but to my surprise. I couldn't even release an essence from the four element. Until I saw Faith who was adapt at using Dark."

"So what happened?"

"Well, I happen to use my Cheat to cheat my way to learn Dark through Faith."

"You're a devil."

"A smart devil and goodness me, my body was suitable enough to use Dark Element. What a surprise indeed. But don't worry. Rulend found out about it and I stopped tricking her. I end up getting some punishment that's for sure. But then, Faith teaches me as usual out of her kindness."

"Faith? Kindness? The Head of Prefects being nice? Have you used your ability again to her?" Airi rumbled.

"No. She was always like that personally. She only acts like how you know her in the public. But when face to face, she's a whole different person. Now that is a genuine surprise. And I'm not being sarcastic this time."

""Well...good for you, I guess." Airi throws another pile of Imps toward a group of Chaos Spy.

I figured the Chaos Spy carrying me has done its job. I pulled out the knife and landed on my feet at the floor. The Imps started to surround me. They think they got me. But they'll never see it coming. My body started to be engulfed by the dark aura. It was as if I was being eaten by it. But that wasn't it. I actually made myself become one with the shadows and jumped from shadows to shadows of the Imps. Each shadow I jumped to, I stabbed the Imp in the back. Jump, stab, jump, stab, jump, stab. I continued to do it to all of the Imps as fast as I could.

How fast you asked? All of that process actually happened in a matter of a few seconds. I returned back to the position I was before, when I was surrounded. I was still surrounded but now it's different. As they were still standing still, I shot a bullet to my head with my gun and immediately all of the stabbed Imps's head was blown off. Their blood splattered all over the library. I just shot myself. But don't worry. The bullet didn't hurt me really. It's actually a bullet made out of my own Infinitum. In other words, I can have as much bullets as long as I still have my Infinitum.

And with that, the Imps and Chaos Spy were eliminated. What happened? When I stabbed them, I was actually tagging them. I tag their shadows to be one with my own shadow. Following exactly I do. I shot myself, showing a sign of committing suicide they had to follow it in some way. They forced themselves to blow their heads off. Now that was what I call, their Last Surprise.