Chapter 3.25 - White - Through Time and Space

To be honest, it was going nowhere for us. We're trying to make our way to the school square but the whole place was rigged with surveillance cameras. If only Nif was around to help us out. She would be able to use her Utility-type magic, Digital Assist to help us in this situation.

"I have an idea. But I'm not sure if you're capable for it." said Mei.

"What is it?"

Mei suggested, "You could stop the cameras recording time using your time magic. But I don't know if you can do that for the whole school."

"I can't really do that but I do have one option."

Mei tilted her head, wondering, "And what exactly is it?"

"I have Seven. It's one of Haz's Infinibot and this one is custom made with unique abilities. Unlike the others of its kind."

"What can it do?"

I explained, "I can use Seven to stop time on certain areas by throwing him and sticking it at where I wanted. It will cause a harmless magnetic explosion that anyone or anything that caught up in it will not move."

Mei was intrigued, "Interesting, how long and how far is the distance of the explosion?"

"The last time I used Seven was about 5 seconds and that was last February. Range...about 7 metres from the blast radius."

"Can you throw?"

"Of course I can. What do you think am I?"

"I don't know. You are not that athletic, I know that."

"That really hurt."

"Just do your thing, White." Mei shakes her head.

In that case, I pulled out Seven from one of my pockets and juggled Seven around. This kind of thing was making me anxious for some reason. I guess it happens for most people. Especially when someone was relying on you to do something. With that in mind, I carefully aimed at the camera that was about 10 metres away from us. I kind of hope that my throwing skill was not bad but I'm not sure about that given how I am not that good at sports. I carefully observed the area to make sure the coast was clear for me to throw. Once everything was okay, I threw Seven towards the camera.

Seven flew as far as I could and it managed to attach the walls and it was only a few centimetres from the surveillance camera. I gave the signal to Seven and it activated the Time Bomb, stopping the recording time for the surveillance camera. Now they won't record anything for a few minutes.

I did say that correctly. A few minutes. Haz and I have been developing Seven for quite some time to the point that Seven could even outstretch its duration even longer than mine. All of that after a tough experiment he did on me that other day.

"Alright, we got a few minutes to settle with the Cyclops."

"We're really going to do this, White?" asked Mei.

"Why not?"

"You're not even combat ready. Are you sure you can even hurt them with your ability?"

"I'll think of something soon."

Suddenly I was a bit confident about it. I guess I was still in high morale after just recently getting Space Manipulation. To be quite honest, I was excited to see what my new abilities could do other than just teleporting me to not more than a few metres. Mei who was ready, threw a rock at the Cyclops. The Cyclops noticed us.

"Hey, you! Listen up! We're taking you down!" Mei pointed to the Cyclops.

I ran to one of the Cyclops and as I reached in front of that big monster, I stopped time around it and climbed on it from the back. Time moved again and I began to punch its face right from where I was hanging from. Meanwhile, the other Cyclops's eye were on Mei. Mei's hand started to radiate an aura around it. She closes her eyes until a huge mirror suddenly appeared in front of the Cyclops.

As the Cyclops were looking at its reflection in confusion, the reflection suddenly got out of the mirror and attacked the Cyclops. Now there were three Cyclops. Except that one of them was on our side. The two Cyclops brawled it out hand to hand without even unsheathing their swords.

Cyclops were known to be having a tribal understanding between all clans. Each and everytime they go to war against another clan, the winner will be decided through an honorary duel. A hand to hand no nonsense fight. All Cyclops respected this to the point that if anyone even if it was one of them dares to disrespect the duel, they will be severely punished.

And so, Mei stood there idly until she realised that she could of help me out in the meantime. I was swinging around the Cyclops that I was hanging on to. Mei finally showed up and threw a cold snowball to the Cyclops. The small snowball was able to cause quite a huge effect toward that Cyclops. The Cyclops began to drop on its knee but it managed to grab onto me and threw me away from it. Mei catches me by using one of her unknown forbidden spell where she could catch me by controlling my own movement. It's like levitation. It was also like Airi's ability.

"You're alright?" She asked.

"I'm okay."

"You should really prepare yourself for this, knowing that you're not even capable for combat."

"I think I have enough of standing around and watching other people fight. Ever since I got my magic, I grew more confident about myself but even with that I was still not able to fight. My punches aren't that hard and my kicks were just kicks. I am so done with all the nonsense that I got."


"Not anymore, because this time. I'm not letting myself become the observer. If I wanted to help. I will help. Only if it is necessary that is."

"You shouldn't hurt yourself just for the sake of helping, White."

"I'm not doing it just out of good will and respect or anything like that. I'm only doing it for my own satisfaction."

Mei was a bit surprised, "That's not something a hero would say...right?"

"I'm no hero, Mei." I looked at her and said, "I'm just another wizard in a world filled with about 6-7 billions of other wizards. I don't deserve this magic of mine. It was given to me on a silver platter just like yours did. This isn't how I wanted. But it happened."

"But, White. What about Stardust? Your ancestor's guild?"

"Stardust? I tell you what, I honestly don't care about it anymore. It's not that I'm being disrespectful to my ancestor. Its just that we can't really live on to the glory of the past. We have to carve our own path. I'm no star. I'm just another breathing particle in this endless universe."

The Cyclops finally stood back up. The effects that was placed had already gone apparently. The Cyclops walked toward us as it unsheathes its axe.

"White, you should move now."

"I'm not moving."

"You're gonna get yourself killed, White!"

"Don't worry about me, I'm just a nobody."


The Cyclops raised its axe and strike down towards me. In a blink of an eye, everything started to flash toward me. From the day I was born to the day I finally were able to walk and to the day I played with my siblings. All of them was flashing through my memories. Even the time when I had my tenth birthday where my parents gave me gifts. Most of the gifts throughout the year was okay, but this one though...I could never have though I would need it today.

The axe stopped. Mei was terribly shocked. My left hand was holding a dagger. I managed to catch the Cyclops, axe with my dagger. But it wasn't just another dagger I had. It was a dagger given from my parents. My dearest parents.

"I'm not just another Stardust that strayed away in the infinite universe. I'm my own Stardust now. I'll write my own story!"

I slashed my dagger to the Cyclops and in an instance, it felt like time stopped for a few seconds. Then as it started to move back, the Cyclops was sent flying away to the wall. It wasn't like the normal flying away. It was almost like the Cyclops instantly crashed to the wall. Like a blink of an eye.

I slashed the air and then suddenly I was in front of the Cyclops. I slashed at its abdomen, and the Cyclops was kneeling in front of Mei suddenly. I slashed the air again and I was in front of the Cyclops once again.

"What the just happened, White?" Mei asked as she begins to get a little afraid.

I stabbed the Cyclops and simply said, "I just cut through time and space..."


As I pulled back my dagger, the Cyclops was nowhere to be seen anymore. It was gone. Gone from our eyes...I've literally cut down the Cyclops out of existence...