Chapter 3.26 - White - Far From Over

The dagger that I held in my left hand. It was a birthday gift from my parents. It was during my 7th birthday that they gave me the dagger. I could remember just like it was yesterday. The day when I know that those two people are one of the best people in my life.

Everyone would think that I lived a glorious life because of the fact of our ancestors legacy but no. It wasn't like that. Throughout the history, not a single of my grandparents ever lead a fancy life. Most of them lead a normal and average life of an average rated Wizard. But from the way I look at both of my parents, those two have amazing abilities. So why aren't they famous or important? My father being the wisest in the family said that with such an ability comes along the burden of responsibility. The fact that it was powerful was enough to provide a huge responsibility.

When they gave me the dagger, they said that it was because I'm going to bring something good in their life. But why do they chose me then? In actuality, all of my siblings also had their own version of the gift. All of it were weapons but all of it were different accordingly. So what does this say about my position in the family? Nothing really. It's just parents being good parents.

But I never would of thought that I would use it especially when I couldn't even have combat abilities. Until earlier this year, that is. Was I lucky enough to become the so called chosen one? I don't know about that. Considering that there's like two other people I know who had the same thing as I did. And from where this was going. I might be meeting up with another Crystal-infused Wizard.

Lots of things happen in our life and my life is not so different like many people. I don't have anything tragic happened in my life. I was never really being bullied to the point of breaking my own mind. I guess the only thing that was lucky for me was being normal. But then again, what is normal? Most of my peers are wonderful people. I mean look at them...

Blax, he's a master of close ranged combat. He even won a lot of tournaments. Rulend, was a child genius. He even lead us during the 7 Month War. Hosuke...well he has a different story than I am like many of my friends. He had a more, sad life. It'll be resolved eventually I hope. Lore and Rider were now famous enough to be known as the duo that was known as The Combination. Thanks to their seamless cooperation, of course. Then there's Zone and Airi, the sort of "black sheep" in my group. Those two were kind of corrupted but in a more lawfully accepted way. Airi never wanted to share anything about himself a lot but he has shown to be always confident about his ability. Then there was the overconfident, Zone. Which I don't need to explain much. Let's not forget, Haz. One of the top 7 students of Soul Power High.

If I had to be honest, I would say that I was surrounded by amazing people. But even if I was surrounded by them, it doesn't mean that I have to believe in the power of friendship or something like that. Because in the end, it is all up to me and myself to get through an obstacle. My friends will only be there to support me, I have to have the strength to at least finish the job if I ever wanted to be something more than a speck of dust. That was what I think so. But I'm not sure whether my ideologies sounds solid enough for anyone else. But then again, it is what I believe. Not what other believe in.

"How did you do that, White?" asked Mei who was still surprised.

"I didn't do much really." I looked at my dagger and said, "I just combined my attack along with both of my abilities. I literally cut through time and space."

"How is that possible?"

"Well with this dagger and my abilities. I was able to focus and carefully cut a tiny hole in the time and space continuum."

"Wait continuum? You mean you just made that Cyclops non-exist! You erased that Cyclops from the faces of reality. Past, present and future. Even the other dimension version of the Cyclops! That's insane!"

"I know. I can tell you more, but I think I'm not the right person to be asked about all this time-space continuum disturbance. Do you believe that Time and Space was made out of a fabric?"

"Well, I wasn't before this cut through it just now. Like cutting a piece of cloth. It's a very dangerous power, really. Don't you think leaving the tear apart would be bad?"

"Don't worry, I patched it up already with my abilities."

"Hmm, that's that I guess. It would be bad to leave the tear open. It would create a rift that can be potentially deadly to leave behind, as they tend to erase anything that comes into contact with it from all time."

I replied back to her, "At least it can be useful for space-time portals, or be used as massive weapons and shields."

"Yes. But with such an amazing power. You mustn't use it too often, White."

"Don't worry Mei. I was just caught in the action just now. Besides, I just got to being used to my Space Manipulation today. This dagger just helps me concentrate more. But ever since I was just awakened by it, it's obvious that I would brought out tremendous power. It's like the time when I had my Time Manipulation back then. I was able to rewind time. But now I couldn't."

"But will you able to do so later?"

"I don't know." I kept my dagger back into my backpack.

"In any case, I think we should get going right now."

"You're right, Mei. Let's go to the square."

As we finished talking we noticed that the two Cyclops that were fighting each other had just finished their battle. The winner was the clone that Mei made. Mei later pulled the clone back to the mirror that she made earlier. We continued to make our way to the school square and there we finally saw it. It was a huge surprise indeed.

Everyone was there. All of our friends. All of our schoolmates and teachers were there. They were cheering. But who were they cheering for? We looked a little more carefully and saw a huge circle in the middle with a number of people outside of the circle.

"Isn't that your teammates, White?"

"I think so but why are they being cheered for?"

"That's...your classmate, White."

"Wait a minute...this is...The Magic Duel?"

Suddenly, a loud voice was heard commentating the fight, "There goes Hosuke down to the bottom hatch as he was wiped out by Team Brilliance's Magnificent Three! Only one remain for Team Stardust. How will Blax get out of this? Will Stardust ever find a way to win the quarter final of Magic Duel? Make sure to not let go of your seats because a winner is about to be decided!"

I can't believe it. The Magic Duel was still on going. But how? Aren't they supposed to be trapped inside this school? What the heck was going on? I'm confused about all of this and where was Escher? I couldn't see him in the crowd or anywhere else. I looked further way however...and I saw it...

A huge tower was levitating. Wait, it's not just a tower. It was an inverted tower. The tower was all upside down. The sharp pointy roof of the tower was at the bottom and the main entrance was at the top. What was this nonsense?

"What's going, White?"

"Don't ask me. I'm as confused as you are."

"Team Brilliance and Team Stardust in the Quarter Final of Magic Duel. I never would of thought that would happen."

"Hold on just a sec, Airi, Lore and I aren't participating the duel. How do Stardust even manage to get through the Group Stages?"

"We will know more if we go there I think."

"Wait. I'm very suspicious about this. I got a feeling we should not reveal ourselves just yet. You got anything?"

"I think I got just the thing for this, White."

"Good. We have to find out what is going on with this place. In the meantime, I wonder how are the others are handling on their side..."

Then we suddenly heard a loud sound. It came from the lab. Mei was surprised as I was but it looks like everyone at the square wasn't. I believe that must have been Lore and Haz. We can ignore that for now, I think. Those guys are formidable. But still, this just make things even more complicated, why does no one even notice about the huge explosion just now. I don't really understand what was going on but it looks like this is far from over...