Chapter 4.2 - Blax - Replacement

After waking up the following day, everyone was brought to the school square. It seems that I was one of the last remaining escapees from yesterday. Escher's army managed to capture all of us in just a single day. Right next to him, was Sonozaki and a few other 'chaorrupted' people that apparently Escher managed to grab way back before he cast that sealing spell. Rulend was right behind me during the regrouping. Along with the other Stardust member.

I sighed, "Never expected that Sonozaki would betray me."

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you, Blax." Rulend sounded very regretful.

"What do you mean?"

"I should have been curious enough to check on Sonozaki's condition when he asked us to go here. If only I knew, things could have been avoided."

Rulend seemed to be at a lost for words. I replied to him, "Either way, we're still going to be stuck inside this huge dome."

"At least we can retaliate like back then, right?."

"What's the use, Rulend. Things changed. We're not fighting with demons this time. Its better if we go through with it. We have to think of something else..."

Rulend gulped and said, "You're right. I'll think of something in the meantime."

The situation was getting dire. Hope was all lost from how it looked. I wanted to fight back but I'm no idiot who charges into the unknown. Rulend has been advising me for a long time for me to notice that. I'm no longer just a muscle of the group, I'm also a reliable person now. With White not being here at all for some reason, I'll gladly take up the arms as the temporary leader for the sake of Stardust.

It looks like all students have been regrouped to the square. Escher was about to begin his speech but was stopped by Sonozaki who then whispered to him. Escher nodded his head, probably agreeing to something that Sonozaki suggested.

"Welcome back once again, my fellow students!" Escher begins his speech, "You might have been wondering. What I'm going to do with all of you. Don't worry. You are still considered as my students and you are still a student of Soul Power High School. At first, I considered to make all of you as a captive for me. But that won't be profitable for me. Then, some of my lieutenants suggested something interesting."

That's rich, he still considers us as his students and now he wants to do something to us. I'm expecting something bad especially coming from someone calling themselves The Champion of Chaos.

Escher continued, "As of today, The Group Stage for The Magic Duel will continue as usual! All contestants are now ordered to make a short meeting before The Group Stage begins this noon. As for the others, they will be collected by my men for further steps."

Was he being serious? He's not stopping The Magic Duel even in this time? Was he nuts? Or was it because of a certain person suggestion. I don't really know what was this 'chaorrupted' thing was but obviously it made him turn into an entirely different person. I don't have time to dawdle around the school yard fighting a useless battle. I need to go to the old ruin and find the pieces of the so called Runix Cube before Escher snatches them.

"Blax. It's no use. We can't escape. As much as we wanted to escape, I have a plan. But you might not like it at all." Rulend whispered to me.

I replied back, "What's your plan?"

Rulend took a big breath and begin telling his plan, "I have a risky idea. Winning, The Group Stage."

"Are you serious? We're not doing this. It's wasting our time."

"No listen. We cannot afford to lose this stage. Or else, we will be joining the others who aren't joining the tournament. My intuition tells me that the enemy will be observing them even more than how much they are going to observe us. Escher did say that contestants will have to make a meeting. Meaning that the security might be lowered for us."

"What are implying then? We don't even have the time to escape the school compound in time."

"That's why I said we have to win the group stage and enter the Elimination Stage. The reason is because all Group Stage match happens exactly at the same time. But during the Elimination Stage, only one match will be presented. We can escape during that time."

I gave a little thought and began to understand the plan, "I see what you are trying to do. Looks like you saved us once again, Rulend."

Rulend smiled, "Aren't I the brain to your brawn?"

I laughed a bit, "Stop it. I'm no idiot, you know that."

"Well of course. I'm doing this not just for the sake of the school, I'm also doing this to recuperate all of the honor that was lost from you back then."

"No, Rulend. This isn't about you anymore. It's all in the past. I don't need hand holding from you."

Rulend unwillingly nodded, "Alright then. I'll tell the others about the plan."


"There's one more thing,, Blax."

I turned my back to him and told him, "Listen, if its something personal, now is not the time, Rulend. We have to prepare for The Group Stage."

"It's nothing like that, Blax. It's about our team. We don't have enough members. White, Lore and Airi isn't here."

"Well this isn't good..." I kind of feeling panic but I hold my feelings and said to him, "Just call everyone for the meeting. Even the juniors."

Once the speech was over, the students were separated accordingly. The Magic Duel participants were brought to the school's club building. Each of the team were given a room for us to have a meeting until The Group Stage begin this afternoon. Meanwhile, I heard from Hosuke and Kaym that the others who aren't participating will be carefully chosen to become food vendors and helpers for the tournament. While the remaining will automatically become spectators. When you hear Champion of Chaos, you would figure that the name implies that it was a tyrannical person but now he allows all of his students to act like normal students. What was he trying to do?

I tried asking about it to Rulend and he only said, "Perhaps he is trying to distract us. But from what..."

With Rulend's intuition, I finally understand what was he planning. I decided to tell what was his actual plan during the meeting. Everyone seemed to fully understand the situation. But here lies one problem that remained.

"White, Lore and Airi aren't here." said Rider as he walks around in circle. "We can't participate."

"Can you stop walking in circles?" asked Hosuke who was getting confused over his friends antics.

Rider took a seat right next to Kaym. I looked around the room to make sure everyone was there except the three mentioned before. I'm here, that's for sure. Rulend is also present. That makes it two. Rider and Hosuke was also there. We only have four official member. I can see that my juniors, Kaym was in the room. Along with, Nif and Kin. Let's also not forget Serena who seemed to be distracted by a butterfly.

"I have an idea. It sounds crazy but it is allowed in the rule."

Rulend seemed to know what I'm about to say, "It's the only way, I guess."

I explained to them, "Everyone in this room except one will be entering The Magic Duel and will be replacing White, Lore and Airi."

"And consider the ability that you guys have, Nif won't be entering." concluded Rulend. "Which means, Kaym, Kin and Serena will be replacing White, Lore and Airi for the remaining of The Magic Duel."

"What?" Kaym stood up. "I'm not ready for this though."

"Calm down, Kaym. You're just making this hard for us. You don't want Nif to join the fight right?" said Kin as she looked to be determined. "I accept the replacements."

Nif then looked at Kaym and asked, "Kaym? What about you?"

I walked to him and whispered to him, "You should just join us. Nif can't fight properly. You don't want her to get hurt don't you? Show her that you are a man. Isn't that what you wanted to do? Showing Nif, who you are?"

Kaym sighed and said, "Alright. Alright. I'll do it! I'll take the job! Don't worry Nif! I'll show you just how powerful I am!"

Hosuke then whispered to me, "When did you have the time to know about his feelings toward Nif?"

"I know Kin for a long time and she told me a lot about Nif. Nif broke up with him last year. Perhaps, Kaym could reforge that relationship problem."

Hosuke raised his eyebrows and said, "Okay. That's a surprise. I didn't know they were together once."

Everybody went back to their seats. Looks like we finally have an equalizer for The Magic Duel. We now have the addition of The Half Demon, Kaym. The Copycat, Kin and...

"Serena!" I roared at her.

Serena finally snaps out from being distracted by a butterfly. "Oh yeah. Yes. I'm in as well. Don't worry about me. I'll do my best for everyone! I'm going to make White proud!

I gave a sigh at her statement. But still, now we are complete. Let's not forget we also have The DJ, Serena here with us. I just hope everything will be well for us...