Chapter 4.3 - Rulend - Strategic Outcome

From what information we've given, the first round of the group stage will be a racing contest. All four teams in each group will face each other to see which team has the fastest wizard among the group. From the way this was going, we're going neck and neck with Team Buddyz. Why? Because they were also in our group. Meanwhile, other notable teams like Supernova, Brilliance and Purity were all on a different separated group.

"At least we can get our payback from the qualifiers." said Blax who tried to keep it positive for him.

Rider nodded, "You're right. I really need that payback after the disgrace that I've got from that self pretentious, Rolls Sharp. I don't even get to do some action against him."

"You'll get your chance in the group stage later, Rider." Hosuke assured Rider.

"Let's get ready for some action, Stardust." Blax stood and clenches his fist.

Then, I interrupted them by saying, "Let's not get too excited. This round is an individual contest. We can only choose one of us to participate the racing contest.

"A racing contest, huh? Who's fast over here?" Blax crossed his arm as he looked around us.

Hosuke shrugged and said, "Don't look at me. I'm no good at running."

"Of course not, Hosuke."

"Are you implying that I'm fat or something?"

"No I'm not." replied Blax.

Kin managed to break them off, "That's enough you two. We need to win this round, you know."

"Plus..." added Serena, "We could use for some early stretch in the group stage if we got first place."

I looked around and considered Rider to participate the race but I think he won't be capable enough because he was more of a combat efficient wizard. I'm thinking of someone else. Someone people will least expect.

I finally made my decision, "Serena. You're in the race."

"What? Me? Are you serious?"

I sighed, "As much as I don't feel like it, but you're the only one here who seems to have some knowledge about speed."

"Oh I can't wait to blaze through the race! I'll be moving like the speed of sound!" Serena was excited.

Hosuke then responded, "Why not speed of light? Light is way more faster than sound."

"We don't have anyone with that kind of ability, Hosuke." I answered, "At the very least we can stay assured that Rika or Sonozaki isn't in this group."

"That would be a landslide for us..." sighed Hosuke in relief.

I turned my head back to Serena and told her, "You better get ready, Serena."

Serena jumped in joy, "It's time to get shaking, for this racing!" Serena brought out her roller blade and begins spinning around the room.

She kept on spinning and eventually crashed at the doorway.

"I'm okay..."

"God help us..." I can't believe I had to put up with this.

I can't even believe that White were able to hold on to her. That girl was kind of weird. I remembered when she first approached us. Well, she approached White that is. Wait a minute, I think I got that wrong. It was White who approached her. Sometimes it confuses me just because of how much White have changed ever since this year. Well, he didn't change a lot apart from him getting a very powerful magic.

You see, Serena was just another girl who was apparently doing nothing crucial until suddenly White notices that there was something different about her. From what I noticed, she's very happy go lucky. I guess White was into that kind of girl or something. But then again, he denies the fact that he was into Serena. I think it's because she's kind of problematic for him. White doesn't really like that kind of girl that's for sure. I think someone like Mei would be perfect for him. But then again, Mei have changed drastically ever since The Seven Month War for some reason. I really thought, he would be with Mei.

But, I digress. Because what's matter at the time was that I had to believe in her ability. Serena and her ability, Beats will be useful enough to boost her movement speed. It doesn't really need a lot of explanation for her ability. She uses music to influence her surrounding and even herself. She could heal herself if she plays anything soothing and peaceful. She could be all powered up if she plays anything upbeat. She'll be going fast along with her roller blade if she plays anything fast paced. It's pretty self explanatory when you hear what kind of music she started playing. But we won't know that, because she'll be using her headphone to keep it to herself unless she brought out her amplifier.

"Let's get this over with, everyone." Blax said that as he made his way outside.

As we made our way to the school square, we noticed that the school compound has been decorated by the other students that wasn't participating The Magic Duel. At the square, we can see loads of stalls had been set up just like it was during the opening ceremony of The Magic Duel. I really wish I could forget that awful plan that Blax made earlier this year to somehow help White get close to Rika. To be quite honest, it doesn't really work that way but Blax can be a little proud of himself to the point that he believes that he can take care of things on his own.

It's almost like he never wanted to be helped or something. But he was the one who sort of helped me back then. He reclaimed back part of my lost past. You see, I used to have this close friend of mine back in middle school but then he went away to a different school, leaving me all alone. Blax came in and became my friend. That's basically it. Nothing deep.

"Hey, Blax. What do you think about the decorations?"

Blax looked around in disbelief, "I can't believe everyone would be so laid back about this. We're being enslaved by our principal and yet we're still doing The Magic Duel."

Rider interrupted, "But isn't that how it is even before this?"

Blax corrected himself, "Well yeah. But, this is more like our principal is now one of the most powerful person standing in this compound."

"That's still the same thing as it was before though." said Hosuke who realised what Blax just said.

"Fine. Nothing's changed! Except for the fact that there's a huge invisible wall preventing us from escaping the school area."

"At least you got something right, Blax." Kin giggled a little.

"In any case..." Blax continued, "I don't like how this is still going on while the world outside the invisible wall is probably in peril trying to find a way to break the wall."

"Indeed." I nodded, "It doesn't really bode well. As much as I like to experience The Magic Duel. I don't really expect to be experiencing it this way."

Hosuke then said, "But still, we could at least give a sigh of relief to know that we're safe. I mean, foods and beverages are provided, mini-games all over the place and there's even a souvenir shop."

"Even though there's not a single visitors or outsiders here..." Rider finishes.

"Oh yeah..." Hosuke having noticed that felt like he was being a little bit stupid.

Nif noticed that Serena was missing and told us, "Where is Serena?"

"Now where did that girl go?" Blax sighed.

Then, in a matter of seconds we can hear her ordering some food from one of the food stalls. We can hear that she ordered for a chilli dog, some fries and some other fast food. I can't help it but notice that all of the food around here looked delicious. How the heck does the school had the time and money to do all of these things anyway? But then again, our principal is a Champion of Chaos. He could probably do something more insane than just this. We don't even know what was his ability.

"Serena!" Kin called her.

Serena heard it, "What? Owh-". She was then dragged away by Kin.

"You should really stop being distracted. Your match is about to start, Serena."


What a troublesome girl. I just hope she doesn't get distracted during the race. Or else we will be on a desperate situation where we have to at least get some number one spot on the other matches later. It's going to be a long day alright. Everyone seemed to be getting hopeless of Serena but I believe in her. The outcome will be very strategic. A strategic outcome. That's a good title for something.

In any case, we took our position and watched the match from an area specialised for us. Serena made her way to the square along with the other contestants. It looks like Team Buddyz brought out Kurokiba Sho into the fray. I knew he would be participating this one. But the chess piece has been placed and it looks like Stardust may just got the checkmate. Let's just hope Serena takes this thing seriously...