Chapter 4.8 - Hosuke - Blade of The Sea God

How the tables have turned. One of my trump card, the Mizusame finally made its debut for the whole school to watch. I've been waiting for this moment for a long time. I may sound narcissistic but let's be honest here, who wouldn't be excited to show off their new toy? I know I do. White was probably the same as well when we made those prototypes the other day. However, the Mizusame wasn't really the first of its kind. As I said before, I had many prototypes of it.

It was way after we helped Mrs. R and not long before it was Wizard's Heart Day. It was in between those two. So I was just watching the television as I jumped from channels to channels until I suddenly stopped at an interesting show. It was about Blacksmith. Creating weapons. It intrigued me to the point that it piqued my interest to try it out. So I look up about it more online and even asked Mei about it.

"Blacksmith?" Mei wondered as she was busy reading her book, "I think I have something about that. An Idiots Guide to Blacksmith. How about this one?" Mei handed me a book that she pulled out from her dimensional bag.

"Are you implying I'm an idiot, Mei?"

"No. Not really. You're not an idiot but you are below average in terms of knowledge." Mei remained focused to her books.

She just roasted me alive right there. But, I gave in and swallowed my pride and took the book. "Thanks for the book, Mei."

"Yeah. Sure thing. And in case anyone looking for me, I won't be here for a few weeks got it?"

"No problem. Even White?"

"Even White. Especially White."

"You know, you have been acting differently toward White for the past few weeks. What happened?"

"It doesn't concerns you. As of yet, that is..." Mei flips a page from her book.


"Don't you have anything else to do other than bothering a girl?" She seemed to be annoyed by me. "Like, go find a girlfriend or something if you really want to talk to a girl. Just don't talk to me. You have no chance against me."

"Unless if that person's name was White, correct?" I jokingly said that.

Mei continued to read but her left hand started to move around creating some sort of spell which was later to be revealed as a pushing type of magic. I think she called it Force Push or something like that. She forcefully pushed me away from the area and left me kissing the walls. That wasn't the kind of respond I expected.

In any case, I showed off this book to White who was at first weren't interested in it until I mentioned it was Mei who gave it to me. Only then was he invested to know more about Blacksmith. It even end up with White having an interest on making a weapon just as I did watching those shows the other day.

And so we decided, we would try to make a weapon and see how far can we go. What can go wrong, right? Well, anything really.

"Are you sure this is the right material we're getting?" White asked me.

I confidently replied back, "Don't worry White. We can adapt if we required to do so."

"Your confidence could lead in to two different path and I don't think I might like both of them at all..."

"Oh come on, White. Nothing can go wrong. Besides, this is all on me!" I patted his back.

To which he replied, "Except for the fact that I also had to share my money to buy these materials with you."

"Trust me, White. You won't regret it once we see the results."

And so, we began to try out making a sword at the school's workshop. The school happened to have a smelter for us to use. As much as trials and error to go about, we haven't made a single thing that look exactly like a weapon. Most of it were just clumps of unspeakable horror.

"I told you this won't work. We're just wasting money." said White as he takes a sip of orange juice he bought from a vending machine nearby.

"We have to do this. We must. I must."

"Is something wrong? Did something happened at home?"

I regretfully answered, "Unfortunately, yes. It was my brother."

"What about him?"

I sighed and told him, "He's been ordering me around and always bullies me just because I'm a no brain of a little brother. What does he think I am? His servant? And my parents don't even realises it."

"Is that the problem?"

"Not really. The next one is..." I begin to explain, "You see, I have had enough of my brother. So one day I decided to not follow his order, to which he attacked me back with such vulgar words. At least he didn't hit me. But he went on and on until I suddenly challenged him to do something. It was on a whim and it is the reason we're in this mess right now."

"What kind of challenge did you issued to your brother? How 'on a whim' can it get?"

"Well...I was on watching spree of that weapon making television show so I ended up challenging him to create a weapon and see who has the best creation. If I win, he will leave me alone but if I lose, I'm done. I'm going to officially become his servant for the rest of my life. I don't want that to happen. I need my freedom as well, White."

"Yes. Yes. You want freedom. Who doesn't want that, really." White seemed to be nonchalant about it.

"That's very easy especially coming from you. Who has a lot of 'fans'. Dude, this is a matter of life and death! I won't be able to get a girlfriend because of you."

White was then confused, "How does me having these so called 'fans' relates to you getting a girlfriend?"

"You've been stealing all of them!"

"I did not! In fact I'm still single just like you and every other of our friends!"

"Likely story!" I stood up and unleashed a watery spell toward White.

To which he dodged it in time thanks to his Time Manipulation ability.

White shakes his head in disbelief, "I don't know if you were serious or playing around with the water but stop. Please. You don't want to get on my bad side, Hosuke."

"I was just trying to mess around with you like how other friends usually do."

"Friends don't blast away their friends with a God Level Water Spell."

"Hey, you dodged it in the end."

"And you didn't even retract it as it was about to reach me."

"Big deal." I continued to banter against him.

White then burst in laughter which I followed suit as well. "Alright, I think that's enough fooling around. And look what we have here..."

White seemed to saw something interesting. He was looking at the clump of mess we made. I looked at it and noticed a bunch of blades were finely made after that powerful water spell of mine.

"Wow, what happened?" It really took me by surprise.

"I guess this is what we call an unintentional miracle. At least we got a bunch of these things now. We could do more by applying our magic it seems." figured White.

And that was how the Mizusame was made. A bunch of Mizusame prototypes which was later developed to become the weapon I am proudly holding right now. Oh yeah, I did won the challenge that I issued to my brother.


"Hosuke!!! What the heck are you doing?!" I heard Rider was shouting for me.

To which I finally realised that I was reminiscing about what happened to my Mizusame. Team Buddyz has scored 6 goals while I was out in my own world. What did I just did...

"Hosuke! Come back to your sense, idiot! We're losing the match!"

"Darn it! I thought I wasn't daydreaming! How can this happen?"

Rider sighed, "I got a feeling that it was Rolls fault. I mean, he probably use False Reality on you."

It was then when we heard the buzz to call the end of the match. We just lost because of me being under the spell of Rolls's False Reality. I honestly didn't saw that one was coming. Gosh, this was a letdown. It reminds me of White's anti-climatic curses. Now what am I supposed to say to Blax and the others about this...

All bets are off I guess. At least I got to tell the origin of my Mizusame. But I was that close to show off how amazing the blade of mine is. It was rather disappointing to find out we lost by a landslide. I just hope I didn't jinx this as the first of many losses...