Chapter 4.9 - Nif - Analyzing Team Stardust I

February 20XX - Responsibility

It has come to a surprise to me when the school begins to wrap around in between these magical walls that was made by the one and only principal of ours. Lots of students started to scream in terror and tried to break the unbreakable wall. All their futile attempts came to a stop when our principal, Escher, The Battle Mage and The Champion of Chaos called in his armies of Chaos Spies, Imps and Cyclops. In a matter of a few weeks, his army managed to seize us all with the last of the runaways were the one and only, Blax Tank.

Blax Tank. The School's Head Librarian. A very high calibre person who was famous for breaking a school record a few years ago. He had also entered several fighting tournaments in the city to which he won most of it. He decided to stop fighting when he finally found the love of his life, Kin Star. She's one of the school's prefect. It has come to my attention that another reason he stopped entering any other fighting tournament was because he decided to seek for a different kind of happiness in his life. One that is more simple than just feeling the glory of winning a tournament.

Blax wanted to sustain his family with a decent amount of support from his own hard work. He started taking part time jobs and sometimes even asked for any additional jobs that he could. Blax was at his low point when he finally feel the tiredness of sustaining a family. It was at that time when a couple of his 'old friend' came in and barged into his personal life. They threaten him to enter a tournament so that they could beat his so called arrogant self. Blax wasn't arrogant, in reality, the blame was all on this acquaintance of his.

He would kept being bothered by these people each and every time he went to work. It kept getting worse when they threaten him with a knife to which Blax snapped and beat the sense out of them. Having done all that, he noticed that he had caused a lot of damage thanks to his unshaken fury that was released. He only did it out of self defence but in return, some of his family members were hurt by what he had done. From that day on, he promised himself to only use his ability when it needed the most and never use it for anything that is going to benefit only him. That was Blax Tank. Currently the 2nd-in command of Team Stardust.

March 20XX - Loyalty

Little was known about what could Escher do to us but most of us figured that he would enslave us the same way as what had happened several years ago. But it wasn't like that and instead, we got The Magic Duel back in running as usual. With the help of Rulend Soft, we climbed our way to the top of the ladder of The Magic Duel.

Rulend Soft, the head librarian assistant. In other words, he was Blax's assistant. He wasn't just an assistant before this. In fact, he was just another boy who was happily frolicking around the school field playing tag with his friends. It came to a rude awakening when his one and only best friend decided to move out of the country and leave him.

Rulend didn't really like the idea of being left alone. Of course, he did have other friends during his time studying at his middle school. He had always been the silent type and talk only when he was asked. But that changed when he was put up to speak up about cases that happened in the school. Out of nowhere, Rulend was blamed for ransacking his middle school library. Not really sure how it came into fruition but Rulend felt like he was being framed by someone.

He later found out that it was a friend to his best friend that just moved out of the country. Rulend seemed to understand what that guy was feeling but it looks like he was blaming Rulend for his friend leaving him. Rulend had to force his hand and mouth and say the truth to him. It opened his eyes a bit to which then he decided to gave in and announce his guilt to the school board. It was all just a simple mistake where his friend never had the opportunity to talk to everyone about him leaving the country.

During the time of questioning, Rulend decided to defend this new friend that he met and went on to take the blame for himself. It was something that seemed to be profoundly impossible for a young boy to sacrifice for the sake of others. But it was the wise Rulend who managed to overcome all of that burden to which he has now become wiser and smarter on giving the right advice to those who need. His deduction skills was off the charts and he have been the source of advice to most of his colleagues. It was also during this time when he finally met Blax along with our team leader who would later become the unlikely trio we all know today. And to this day, he still remembers all the moments he had with his old best friend. To which, he will ensure that his new friend will have the best moment as how he had before. That was Rulend Soft. Another Stardust member.

April 20XX - Determination

The Group Stage had started on the middle of last month which follows to this month where we continue to pursue our sub-goal on winning the Group Stage so we could bridge the gap between us and Escher who was still on his way to find the Runix Cube that was hidden deep inside the Fairy Forest and Corris Ruined Ruin. It was only a matter of time before we finally take the opportunity to breach into these area and recover the artifact. Feeling light headed in all of this, Rider Blade ensures us that we will make it through the end no matter what.

Rider Blade, one half of The Combination and also one of the most interesting person I ever known. Unlike most of my seniors like Blax and Rulend, he was rather different than most of them. At first, I thought he would be the most wisest of them all since he was wearing a pair of glasses but that wasn't the case. He was probably the most craziest one among all of us. The moment he open his mouth about giving out ideas was the moment when most of the straight person in the room lost it.

He'll always give out these weird ideas like what should we paint and draw on one of the empty school wall. He suggested that we should draw a smiley emoticon holding a chainsaw wrecking chaos across a field while riding on a freaking unicorn that has three horns and six legs. I know. It's very unbearable. It's always stuff like that blurts out of his mouth. He would even develop a weird personality where he would wear such non sensible outfit by simply transforming himself with his ability Transform.

I don't have much information other than the fact that he is weird. But still, whenever things get serious he will always give out his best to be as serious as he can. It's kind of like having two different personalities being switched like a flip of a switch. In any case, whenever he gets back to his sense he will always bring out what he always does. I heard he has a lot of different kinds of armors and weapons that he has been collecting for the past few years. It has gotten as much as to the point that he could open his own shop.

From his Stone Armor to his most powerful armor, The Dragon Knight Armor. He will always find a way to get through such hardships. Even when the situation was getting all messed up he will always stay determined because that was who he was. I just felt kind of pity over him because I heard he got into a fight with Lore a few months ago.. They fought it out to the point that they broke their partnership. I hope those two relationship will get better soon. But I got the feeling that it won't be like that for a long time. Not when the two of them were separated by these magical wall.

And it looks like I'm running out of ink. I guess it was almost time for me to get a move on. Blax was probably looking for me at this hour especially when the moon was rising at the top of the sky right now. I shouldn't be here but I just kind of miss having fun at this place. This tree. We used to eat over here during lunch break. But that's all in the past, I guess. If only he wasn't such idiot...