Chapter 4.10 - Nif - Analyzing Team Stardust II

May 20XX - Compassion

It's been a while since I last wrote down about my analysis on the current situation of Team Stardust and also an in depth look at the members background. Today, I would like to give an analysis on the 'mother' of the team who goes by the name of Kin Star. She was considered as a mother because of her compassionate toward her friends and also because of how her past defined her as she is today. By the way, a little off the rail here but right now, we're on a roll in the group stage. Serena & Rulend successfully captured the first place in their respective rounds. Next on the list was Rider and Hosuke but we know later what happened about that.

Back to the topic at hand. Kin Star, is currently a school prefect for Soul Power High School. She was a girl born in a rough background as her family struggles to pay the bills of their household. It's not only that, their relatives also kept on pressuring their family about some trivial matters such as her parents failure in the past and the failure of their kids. It really puts off Kin and her family to listen to their relative talking badly about them.

But even with all that, Kin challenged herself to prove to herself that her family deserves better and so she studied and practices her magic so that she could be the next great wizard in the country. She had a background of winning one of the annual juniors wizard tournament back in her hometown when she was still around the age of a preschooler. Her glory came to a stop when her left arm was injured thanks to an unconformable accident which was believed to be a sabotage to take Kin out of any upcoming tournament.

Having all said and done, she headed forward and decided that she would pursue a different path from being a fighter in the field and instead going for the scholar award. She wanted to create a tome that will provide helpful spells that could help the future generations of wizards. But that dream also came to a stop when people suspects her as copying other people's work despite the fact that she didn't. Their only proving points was the fact that Kin had an ability called Copy. Which was honestly unfair for her.

The false rumors of her copying other people's work continued to spread across the entirety of her middle school life. It even dragged out to her high school life where she finally broke down into hopelessness. She was innocent and honest. She tried everything she could to prove herself but people continued to struck her down.

Her only safe bets was her pet pigeon, Viral. She got Viral as her pet back when she won her first juniors tournament back in preschool. She took care of it just like a mother would take care of their child. Things got into a more rough spot when she brought out Viral for show and tell where some of her 'friends' decided that it would be funny to release her pigeon out of its cage to which she broke down into sadness because of her one and only hope just flew away from her.

After several hours of drowning in tears however, Viral came back clutching in the arms of Blax who captured the pigeon when he was feeding the school animals at the school garden. It was at that moment where Kin finally found another piece of hope for her to hold on. Trusting it all to Blax returned her with a great blessing of having such wonderful people from Stardust to be her friends. Today, she always watches over our behaviour and make sure everyone is in their 100%. That is Kin Star. A member of Team Stardust.

June 20XX - Goodwill

Rider and Hosuke just caused a landslide for Stardust and it doesn't bode well for all of us especially when Team Buddyz was getting the upper hand against us who just got out of a total defeat. We even lost on the next match where Blax, Kaym and Kin took part in. I don't really know what exactly happened but it all comes to the blaming of Serena being under the illusion of Rolls who cheated their way by sabotaging us. We could told off they were cheating because by the time we realise it, the match was over. Now we are tied with Team Buddyz and we have to settle it with A Deathmatch Tiebreaker.

This all came because of Serena who was easily being manipulated by the people at Team Buddyz. It wasn't really her fault to say the least. When she heard that she would be able to help her team she would do so, she was too trustful of outsiders. She had a good heart if only she was bright enough to figure out that they were tricking her. But still, she is a nice girl and she was just trying to help. We don't blame her in the end. That's what our leader would of wanted.

Serena, she was also a prefect like Kin albeit she's below her in rank. She has a thing for music. She always talk about her favourite song and she would sometimes hum to the beat of most of her memorable music she have heard. Her appreciation toward music has made her prominent enough to try out and make her own music. She managed to make a couple of them and from the sound of it when she shared it with me, it was very well made.

She had a little following thanks to her creation to the point the she has her own DJ name. She's called DJ Seraph. Yeah, she named herself from an angel because most of her music was considered heavenly to our ears. Although that might not be the case for me and most of the others in Stardust. Most of us considers Serena's song to be just okay and not a masterpiece. Meanwhile, our leader said that it wasn't a masterpiece of the world that was for sure but it was surely Serena's masterpiece.

Leaving that aside, nothing prominent happened in her life other than the fact that her family shunned her for her optimism. It's kind of messed up when your own family hates you just because of who you are. But as the year goes by and she kept pulling herself together through her passion in the arts of music. If there's one thing I'd like to comment on her was that she could at least try some other genre other than the upbeat and modern ones that she usually hears every day. Maybe try out classical or something?

July 20XX - More Than Just A Star

It's already July and in a few hours Team Stardust will engage with Team Buddyz in a deathmatch to decide the winner of the group stage. The winner will get to ascend to The Quarter Final of The Magic Duel. But that wasn't our main goal to winning the deathmatch, right now. Currently we are still aiming to get to the Quarter Final because we don't want to get thrown out by Escher.

If we fail, Escher will surely control us the same way as he controlled the other students who wasn't participating the duel. We don't want our freedom taken and while all of these was happening, Escher was on his way to recover the Runix Cube and soon he will summon The Chaos Beast, Hydra. We don't want that to happen since that would just make Escher an even bigger threat to all of us. I just hope we make it in time. The sooner we finish the deathmatch, the sooner we will make our way to The Ruins outside the school. Given the time provided for them to prepare for The Quarter Final, it would take us a few days before they realise we are away from school.

Rulend better think of a good plan if we ever hope to recover The Runix Cube away from Escher. Better yet, I hope everyone is in the same page considering after what happened few days ago. Things in Stardust were getting a lot more tense by the day. Blax seems to be distancing himself away from Kin for the past few days. When I asked Rider about what he feels about Lore, he was still indifferent about him. Rulend seems to be quite in a mess after knowing that we lost consecutive matches. He has hid himself inside a private room thinking about what we need to do. Meanwhile, Serena was blaming herself for all the things that happened recently it. It was only a matter of time before this team is going to crack. If only our leader would be here to keep an eye on us and maintain an established relationship with everyone. Then again...

I just heard a loud explosion outside and checked it out using my Analysis ability through my watch and it seems to be someone was using magic at three different places. The loudest and recent one was at the school's lab. The other two was at the library and near the back of the cafeteria. I couldn't tell who it was but I can tell that their magic...was familiar to me...

Was that you, captain?