Chapter 4.12 - Hosuke - Best Friend of The Sea God

I wasn't in control of myself. I was so angry over the fact that Shallow's family called the order to destroy The Sea God Shrine. Even though I only went there once with Blax, I know for sure that I have a deep connection with that sacred place. He dare to make a mockery out of The Sea God Shrine. Shallow have disrespected me and my ancestors!

"I hope you are ready for this, monster..."

Shallow slowly crept away from him in terror, "No. No! I give up! It's over. I'm not fighting anymore! Please forgive me!" Shallow threw his white flag into the air as he continues to beg for forgiveness.

I completely ignored his plea as I immediately torn off the white flag before anyone was even about to call off Shallow from the match.

"This is a death match, Shallow. Don't you know what that means?" I questioned him.

He whimpered and replied, "Please, no! Hosuke, listen to me!"

"I don't really know why your family decided that it was a good idea to disturb a sacred ground like The Sea God Shrine and turn it into a shopping complex."

"Oh yeah? Well let me tell you something." Shallow decided that it was a good idea to continue to berate me, "That old place has been lying there in the background of the city collecting dust. There was no visitors there at all. Not even a single person ever step forward to that place for the past 12 months! That place deserved to be replaced!"

"And you think that is a valid reason for your family to decide it was a good idea?"

"Hey! Enough about my family. I'll say it, alright. It was me. I was the one who suggested the idea! It was originally supposed to be replacing the old factory. but I suggested it just because of what I believed was valid. That old shrine deserve to be replaced instead of that old factory. At least that place was filled with people. Even if they are scum of the earth."

I closed my eyes and took a breather. I looked over the other side of the arena and noticed that Kaym and Rider had just crashed into Mordekaizer and Ozzy while Kurokiba was hit by a back suplex from Rulend. It looked like we were getting back on track but there was one thing that still blocks my path...

"So it wasn't your family's fault. They just followed your idea even if they questioned about it?"

"Yes. They did asked me why the shrine. They didn't want to but I forced them to do so because it was more profitable and less cost than it took to destroy that old factory."

"Then I guess. You will do your job and be responsible for this..."

"What are you going to do? Sue me? Why go so far for just a measly useless shrine that no one even cares. That Shrine is the worst shrine I ever look upon the face of earth!" Shallow...was shallow about his words.

"That's enough! You're finished!" I raised my right arm.

I charged a huge chunk of Infinitum to this one attack that will completely obliterate my enemy. I wasn't even thinking of making him suffer. I just wanted him to be gone from this plane of existence. As I continued to charge my overwhelming energy, an unclear static voice started to talk to me through unknown sources.

"Hosuke...What are you doing?"

It took me by surprise once I realised who's voice was that. It was Cyclone White. The one and only. Not a copy or a fake one. It was his voice alright. But how did he talk to me? At the time, I only figured it as a miracle but it wasn't what I expected of course.

"Have you forgotten some of the tales of The Sea God that you have listened? You're suppose to act more humane than this. This is not you, and Shallow is not the monster here but you are."

His words was calming but sharp.

White continued, "Listen up. Enough is enough. Forget what happened and forgive him. Killing him won't bring back the shrine at all Hosuke. Please, listen to me."

I hesitated at first but then I replied to him, "Fine." I lowered my hand and sat down on the floor.

Shallow fainted from the overwhelming force that I built just now. I really wanted to help the others but I think I'm all out of gas for now.

"I know, White. I'm not going to be that kind of monster that kills for revenge. I'm one of The Sea God's people and if there's one thing I learned from that calm as the water is. But there's one problem, White. A calm water doesn't mean there aren't any crocodiles in it, right?" I laughed. "You owe me one, bro."

I laid down on the ground as I look upon the gloomy orange sky. Looks like my momentary rage was just the calm before the storm...a storm was brewing...and I didn't like where it was going.

As Rulend, Kaym and Rider successfully defeated Mordekaizer, Ozzy and Kurokiba, all that was left was Rolls and Eren. But at the time, Rulend had already exhausted himself when he fought them in a three on one battle just now. Eren immediately struck him down with a single aura slash that came out of his famed blade.

Kaym tried to intervene but all he did was crashing into Rider for some reason. It was actually the work of Rolls who used his False Reality to make Kaym believe that he was locking on to Eren.

"What the heck are you doing, Kaym? That was too much for an interruption attack."

"Jeez, I'm sorry. I was so into the moment, I forgot that Rolls was still in the arena."

To which, both of them was later on blown off by Eren as well. Leaving only Blax all alone against Eren and Rolls.

"You can come out now, Blax. There's no one else other than you who is standing in your team. Just give it up, now!"

" he, anyway? I can't feel his presence at all..." Rolls was confused.

"What do you mean?"

The earth started to shake all of a sudden. The magnitude almost broke down the arena but thankfully it was reinforced by a magical wall that was awfully similar to the ones that Escher used. I bet Escher didn't expect this would happen but he managed to control it in time. He still has a plan for us from the way he was still protecting his students.

Both Eren and Rolls were confused about what was going on. Their confusion then turned into massive pain when both of them were suddenly choked into the air by two strong hands. It was Blax. He appeared from the ground and ambushed them. He charges in and choke both of them. Blax strength was once again displayed as he carried both of the boys away from touching the floor with his bare hands while still choking them.

There was one problem with all of this though. His body were covered in black mist. The Black Berserker is back! Blax continues to choke both of them as they squirmed around trying to get a hold off the hold. Blax grip was getting tighter and tighter to the point that he could snap the boys neck in half.

As the moment was getting way too horrible for everyone to watch, everything came to a halt. It was as if time had stopped itself. Well...time did stop itself. But not for everyone it seems. And I know exactly what that means...

But as soon as time came back, both Eren and Rolls were lying on the floor. They have been officially eliminated which resulted with Stardust winning the death match and advancing to The Quarter Final of Magic Duel. We barely managed to win thanks to me who was still not eliminated. Thank goodness I decided to not throw the towel just yet. Else, it would be a draw.

But there was one lingering problem that was left behind, Blax was no longer there. And neither did I ever felt the presence of White who I think barged in and stopped Blax from killing two other competitors. Where exactly did White took him, I wonder? I can't really guess much other than stating what was obvious. I believe that it was indeed White who came in. But I don't know what happened during the time skip, but now I'm totally sure of one thing. White and the others have successfully got into Escher's magic seal. They were finally in the school already.

We've won the group stage and advanced ourselves to The Quarter Final. Plus, White and the others are finally here just in the nick of time. Trying to end the moment in a positive light, I figured that we are one step closer to reach Escher's domain.