Chapter 4.13 - Rika - Team Supernova

I can't believe it. But then again, I actually knew that he will arrive sooner or later. But I cannot believe that White was able to get inside our principal's wall. In all honesty however, I didn't really saw him but I kind of felt his presence when Blax was choking Eren and Rolls. I felt that time seems to stop momentarily but of course, I didn't get to experience the stopped time.

But I'm certain it was White. Who else would have an ability to manipulate time itself. Given how long he took to arrive here, my bet was that his time stop ability have been stronger than before. Although, I later found out that his time stoppage hasn't even reached the 10 seconds mark. So how does he manage to stop Blax instantly, anyway?

Putting that aside, it looks like the final match of the day was finally over. That was an intense match between both team alright. I can't wait to see Team Stardust in The Quarter Final later. I'm kind of disappointed and sad when I heard White and some of his friends were outside of Escher's magic wall. I was really looking forward for an in-depth look at White's Time Manipulation ability. As far as I can remember, he hasn't displayed much of his ability ever since the beginning of Magic Duel. He did show me once on how he stopped a falling rock for a few seconds but that's just it. Other than that, the public hasn't really know who was Cyclone White.

Since this is my first time, I'd like to introduce myself even though I might already been introduced earlier in the year by someone else. I'm known as Rika Lightning. Most of the time, people who aren't really close to me would also call me by my title, The Thunder Mouse. In all honesty, I don't really know how that title came into a fruition besides my lightning ability. All I know it came from a group of boys that White used to hang out with back in middle school. He's still a nobody even after that, I guess.

But still, I'm sure he will make a name for himself sooner or later. With everyone starting to leave the arena, I headed my way back to my team's room. Once I entered the room, I noticed that some of my cousins weren't there at all. Just In case that someone has forgotten already...My team, Supernova consist of most of my cousins. Some people would say it was unfair but I'll be honest with myself and say that even our team has weaknesses. It's only a matter of time before the enemy learns a pattern on how to beat us. But that won't happen because we will swiftly beat them before that.

"Rika! Where have you been?" a long haired brunette girl with a single rose on her hair greeted me.

I took a seat and replied to her, "I was watching the death match, Rose."

"You could of just watch it from the television here you know." A boy in a torn up uniform made a remark on my decision.

"It's better to watch it there, Shay. At least I got to see our future opponents a closer look. Don't you think so, Shawn?" I looked at another boy who was wearing a modified school uniform that has diamonds all over it.

He gently nodded and said, "Most certainly, Rika. That is indeed a wonderful idea. I even took the opportunity to take a closer on our soon to be enemy. You of all people should know this, Shay."

"Oh, shut up brat" replied Shay.

In order of appearance, the girl that greeted me just now was Rose Lindow. She's a nice girl and she's really good at cooking. She will always be the one to cook for us whenever we all decided to go for training in the forest nearby. I almost forgot one crucial thing about her. She loves animal. All kinds of it to be honest. I was surprised when a wild bear approached her and the bear didn't even attack her. The bear was being pet by Rose just like that. Rose really knows how to take care a numerous amount of animals.

On to the next cousin, we have Shay Wallenburg. He always wears tattered clothing. I already told him to change his clothes but he said any new clothes he wears would be torn in a few days. I guess there's no helping for that. The only reason for that was because of how often he likes to fight. He didn't get any trouble because all he fought was usually a non living target. Most of the time, the nearby park will be half destroyed thanks to him. I'm surprised no one ever caught him doing that. But then again, the public did asked him to destroy some of the old park equipment...

Anyway, the other cousin that was wearing the expensive looking uniform was Shawn Wallfort. He's a bit of a problem if I may say so myself. He acts all high and mighty as if he was a king but it was only possible because he had these henchman of his to help him out in every single situation he asks for. I think he calls it, King's Order. He will create a spirit out of his Infinitum and he will give any order to it. The spirit will do anything he asks for. I guess that's why he was now wearing that expensive clothing.

"Can you two stop fighting?" Rose felt annoyed watching the two boys argue.

"Why don't you stop allowing squirrels from entering this room?" Shay countered back.

"These squirrels are my friends. I can't simply do that." she said that as two squirrels started to crawl around her.

"Those vermin needs to be exterminated from this room." said Shawn in disgust.

To which Rose responded, "These 'vermin' you call is a thing of beauty. You should know better, Shawn."

"That's enough, you three." I intervened. "Now is not the time to argue about squirrels. We have to consider about our next move in the Quarter Final."

"Well...what do we do then?" asked Shay as he looks outside the window.

I started to think and notice that some of my cousin weren't there at all. "Where are the other three?"

Rose answered by saying, "Asia and Sally is eating at the food stalls. Fitz however...I don't know where she went. Last time I saw her, she was with you watching the deathmatch between Stardust and Buddyz."

"I see." I decided to go look for them first before discussing any further matter about The Magic Duel. "I'll go look for them. In the meantime, don't do anything stupid guys."

I made my way toward the food stalls area and noticed there was more than a dozen of them. I didn't realise it was that many stalls when the group stage started. I also find it weird how our principal or as he was now known as Escher, being the bad guy in all of this still was able to play the good guy by somehow giving us 'protection' from his men. It's almost like an illusion of sort.

I don't want to pry on that a lot if he thinks that his students are the most important thing for him but it was still weird knowing that your own principal was an evil person who had enslaved some of his students several years ago. But at the time, he wasn't our principal yet. He became our principal two years ago to replace the principal that was killed during The Seven Month War.

Having said all of that however, I'm still having difficulties trying to find Asia and Sally among these stalls. It took me about half an hour before I finally saw those two happily eating a plate of hotplate cuisine.

"There you are...I've been looking for you two for half an hour already." I tried to catch my breath as I slowly made my way to their table.

Asia noticed me and responded, "Hey, Rika! Come and join us, we're just getting started with the hotplate meal."

"This is great and all but I think we really need to go back to our meeting room and discuss about what needs to be done in the Quarter Final." I said in a polite manner not wanting to be disrespectful to my cousin's kindness.

Sally however, tried to hook me back to eating their food, "Oh come on, Rika. The Quarter Final is ways ahead. We still have a lot of time to think about that." Sally grab her chopstick and began to chow down her food.

"Come on, Rika. We have all the time in the world. The deathmatch was just an hour ago." Asia handed a chopstick to me hoping that I would take it and join them.

I sighed and gave in, "Fine. I'll join you guys."

"Awesome!" both of them exclaimed it together at the same time.

I sat down in defeat and joined them eating the hotplate. While we were eating I asked them about Fitz's whereabouts, "Have you two seen, Fitz?"

"Fitz?" Sally looked surprised.

Asia answered for me and said, "I think I saw her talking with a boy after the death match was over."

"Which boy are you talking about? Do you know him?" I pressed for answers from Asia.

She replied, "I think it was our classmate White. The boy without the magic. Of course you know him right?"

"White is here?!" I really wasn't expecting for White to show up to her first of all people he would met.

Now this changes everything. But why he went to Fitz out of all people?