Chapter 4.14 - Rika - Fitz Triangulum

I stood up and pushed myself away from the table as soon as I heard what was told to me from my cousin about the whereabouts of my other cousin, Fitz, who was apparently hanging out with White. Out of all people that I could think of, why it has to be White? And why does White finally appeared out of nowhere after months of disappearances. I thought that he was outside of the seal when it happened that day but apparently he was hiding very well or I might be wrong about that.

"I gotta go see her now."

Asia smiled playfully and waved to me as I left both her and Sally.

"See you later, Cuz!"

A few minutes have passed and I found myself standing on an open field with no one around it. There was only a bunch of water tank that was probably burning up thanks to the hot weather that was going on. I looked around and made sure no one was nearby from what I was about to do at the time. I braced myself as I began to charge my body with electricity. I kept on charging the electrical charge until it was enough.

I released my electrical charges and pointed my hand towards one of the water tank, creating a huge hole from it. Additionally, water vapor began to emulate itself thanks to the weather and my electricity. I began to destroy another water tank and another one which later began to shoot out loads of water toward me. As it continues to wash me up with the heated water, I charge up my body with electricity and took hold on the water vapor that was formed around me.

I manipulated the water vapor with my electrolysis power to make it turn into a wing. With this, I was able to use the wing to make myself fly into the air. All I need to do in order for me to have a long and save flight was to make sure I have enough water vapor to last as long as I could. Thankfully the school had a bunch of water tanks that I can 'share' it from.

With that in mind I flapped my wings and went way up high in search of my cousin and also the last of the Supernova member that I recruited earlier this year, Fitz Triangulum. She was a bit goofy at times to say the least but she's always has been a good girl. But that's the case when she's in front of strangers. When she's with anyone she knows she will probably turn into a tyrant who kept on complaining about the littlest things but despite all that, she can still have a heart deep down inside her. She will always feel guilty about what she said to others. She's just wasn't really good at interacting with people. Especially, when it is someone that is annoying her.

I heard from her the other day that White made her mad when he said something about her. She never said what White said but in retaliation to that, Fitz accidentally used her wind manipulation magic and sent White towards the school walls. She never even forgave him for that and even continued to insult him afterwards. But later on, she said to me that she felt sorry for what she did to White. I told her to go and talk to him but all of a sudden she got mad at me for some reason and stopped the conversation. She's quite a unique character that's for sure.

After flying through the school compound including nearby areas outside the school, I noticed something familiar. It was a big dark tornado formed at the empty abandoned factory area. That dark tornado was probably Fitz unleashing her magic, Dark Wind. Most people don't know this and she was always known as someone who only mastered wind manipulation magic. But since I'm her cousin, I know very well that her wind manipulation was just a cover to her true ability which was Dark Wind. As far as I got from that name. It's only a darker wind compared to the color of white. Nothing else. But who knows?

I went toward the area and found Fitz and White were talking about the tornado she just made. I rushed into them and landed in front of them.

"I've been looking for you all over the place, Fitz."

Fitz crossed her arms and pouted, "Your not my mother. I can do anything I like."

"Can you two please not do this now?" White intervene before it was too late.

I looked around the place and can't help but notice that the whole place was all messed up because of the tornado.

"What were you doing rampaging around here?"

Then I turned to White and expressed my feelings to him.

"And where were you all this time?"

White simply sighed and said, "I've been explaining the same thing for about 6 time already and now it's going to be the 7th. Goodness gracious..."

White began to explain about his disappearances during the huge gap of the entire Magic Duel's Group Stage. After he had done explaining himself about where he was before this, I let out a resounding sigh of relief.

"That's amazing. And you came in just in time as well."

"There was a problem however..."

White doesn't seem to be happy about something.

"Although I managed to stop Blax from killing those other two. I failed to bring him back as he immediately ran away from me. I don't know where he went but I have to find him quick before he stumbles upon another people inside this magic dome."

"Is that the reason why Fitz is here as well?"

Fitz crossed her arms and grinned at me as she slowly walked around the place.

"It's related in a way but not quite. I'm actually training White."

"Why are you training White? What's so special about you?"

"Hold on to your horses, cousin. Is that the cry of jealousy I hear from you?"

"I am not jealous. I am confused!"

White purposely coughed signaling to us that he was still over there next to us. Fitz rolled her eyes and sat on an old tire that was happen to be in the area.

"You see, cousin. White's family has been in a long lineage of wizards with the adaptability with the wind element. White is here today so that he can master the arts of manipulating the wind and since there's no other experts of that in the school, White went to me and asked for guidance."

White then turned his head to me and said, "And that's the story, Rika. Are you okay with it?"

White finishes his sentences and looked at me with his concerned eyes while I'm now stuck in a tangle from either allowing Fitz to help him or not. But it didn't took that long for me to consider the odds since White probably needs it in order to put an end to the madness that our principal had done.

"Fine. But I'm going to be watching you train. I'm also going to make sure that you are training him properly, Fitz."

"Whatever. Just don't make a scene out of it, cousin. I already have one person being annoying to me today. I don't need another one."

"I'm annoying?" I raised my eyebrows.

White sounds relaxed even though Fitz just insulted her. I thinks that was kind of not surprising to me at all considering that White always shrugs off most annoying stuff and endured it as much as he could. But still, even White has his limits of patience and thankfully it wasn't the time yet. Although, Fitz has been insulting him with many things throughout the training. I guess that's just who he was.

Fitz sounded like she was a teacher who was forced to teach a stupid student. Fitz continued to weight on White as he kept failing to follow what she ordered him to do so. There was at times where I can see deep in her eyes that she didn't meant any of what she said to White. I think it was unintentional. Maybe she's just be condensing to White. I don't really know.

They finally took a break and I approached her as she was resting under an apple tree.

"Aren't you being too harsh to White?"

"What are you talking about? I did the right thing. It's not like I'm worried about him not being brave enough to fight our principal or anything."

"What are you talking about, Fitz? You're hurting him mentally."

"You're just jealous White didn't ask you to train him, right?"

"What? No I'm not. You are the one who is jealous I believe. Because you probably can help over the fact that this is the only opportunity you get to be close to White."

"W-what do y-you mean, Rika? I hate him to fullest of my entire life...It's not like I have feelings over him or anything."

"Likely story..." She's not really good at lying that's for sure.

I rolled my eyes in disbelief to Fitz's denial of her feelings toward White. It has always been like this for the past 5 years. But whatever. I don't really care about whatever she feels. What matters was that White would be able to stand against the upcoming battle.