Chapter 4.21 - Rika - Chaorrupted Berserker

White have been training with Fitz for several hours now. I couldn't imagine myself being mentally tortured by Fitz. At the very least, I was there to stop her when she was about to make things even worse for White. But after all of that, White kept on going knowing the fact that he really need to master wind magic. I'm not saying that he was special or anything. In fact, a lot of top students were like that in our school. They had to endure the hardships first if they wanted to be the best. Even I had to go through such similar challenges like that. And today, it was his turn to overcome the odds.

In the past, White had always been shy. He was never the one to speak up whenever he feels endangered. He was too shy to even ask the teacher for permission to go to the toilet. He had to hold it in until it was recess or the class or school was over. It was that bad. He really need to muster up his strength and speak. But at the time, I never really know who he was. He was just some background character in my life back when he was still shy. He never really shows himself out in the open. I'm not really sure if he ever has a friend back then. But I think there was one guy that he was always with back then. It was Sonozaki Wakana.

Sonozaki has always been a bright person. He wasn't shy. He always speaks up when he needs to. He will always volunteer himself to be the class monitor each year in his class. That all stop when he became a prefect just like most of the best students here. But that's not the problem here. We can see that, Sonozaki was like a complete opposite of White.

I'm not quite sure how it happened but when I get to know him, White was already with him. My best guess was that Sonozaki approached him when he was all alone. Through trials and error, they have become best friends ever since. Even to this day, White still contact with him even though White now has his own set of friends while Sonozaki having his own group of friends. As I said, I'm not quite sure what happened between those two. I thought they were best friend so how come they are being distant with each other for the past few months. I think I could I ask him about it...

"Hey, White. Can I ask you something?"

"What is it?"

"I'm not sure if your comfortable about this but its related to Sonozaki."

"Wakana, huh? Well, I'm all ears."

"You sure?"

"Yes, go on."

"Okay then...what happened between you two for the past few months?"

"What do you mean?"

"You did mention once that he was your best friend but you haven't been with him for a lot of time recently."

"That's quite simple. We're not in the same class."

I shake my head and asked him again,

"That wasn't the answer I wanted, White"

"Really? Then what do you exactly mean?"

"I'm...not quite sure myself but have you two got into a fight or something?"

"Oh. I see what you're talking about."

White begins to reminiscence.

"It's nothing big, really. Everyone close to me seems to always ask this kind of question. Wakana and I have been friends ever since our first year in middle school. That was 11 years ago, I think...We've been inseparable ever since he decided to befriend me. We also had another friend back then. We were a trio. Until it was the final year of middle school. That other best friend of mine decided to go to a different high school. We split up while I followed Wakana to Soul Power High..."

"I see..."

"It was also at that time where I kind of got used to talking with people. Well, at the very least I talked to the people who sat next to me in class. And that was Blax and Rulend. By that time, I already made my own friends without being introduced by Wakana himself. Wakana then decided that we should go our separate ways in high school. We're still friends but not a very close relationship anymore that's for sure. But every time we found ourselves together, he will always bugs me by annoying me in many ways he could."

"He's always like that in class. He can sometimes be a nuances to the classroom."

White laughed.

"I'm not surprised. I've known him for the longest time the same way as I known the Head Prefects back in kindergarten. But that's a different story. We agreed to go our separate ways because Wakana believes that I don't need him anymore to make a friend. And look where I am today. I have Stardust by my side."

"Now I understand..."

"That's great. Now...we have to settle something and I need Fitz and your help."

"What is it?"

"We're going to hunt down the Berserker."

Having said that. We made our way deep into the forest until we felt a strong Infinitum presence. Fitz scanned the area carefully.

"Is this his presence, White?"

"This is indeed him."

White unsheathes his dagger from its scabbard and positioned himself.

"You can come out, my friend! Let's settle this like we always do! Face to face!"

Bushes begins to rustle around us. The trees were swaying left and right as if the wind was being manipulated. But it wasn't controlled by either Fitz or White. It wasn't even a wind manipulation. It was more like a force of chaos approaching us...

"You call that face to face, White? Bringing along two other girls alongside you? I can fight more than that you know? Especially in this state."

"Oh cut the crap. You are underestimating us."

"Very well. We will see how it is..."

A dark energy ball appeared in front of us and exploded. Once the dust of the explosions has been settled, there he was...

"The Black Berserker...or should I say...Blax Tank. Today...we will set you free from your curses. Including the chaorruption you got from Wakana!"

Even I was surprised when White told us about it when he was training. Apparently, Blax was chaorrupted by Wakana who was chaorrupted by our principal, Escher. With that in mind, White even concluded that some of the Stardust members could potentially be chaorrupted as well. Thus, that was the reasoning to why White separated Blax from Stardust after the qualification. We're not sure if any of the other Stardust members were already chaorrupted but if there's any problem, Mei will tell him.

"I'm surprised you noticed that I'm not myself, White."

"It's not really hard to notice it really. But the most obvious point was when your eyes turned purple. Even with that, the purple eyes only appeared for a few seconds as you blink. I happen to be lucky enough to notice it when I stopped time."

"That's cheap. Your ability is too overpowered. But that's just're ability is not perfect for combat at all. You can't hurt me by stopping time."

"Of course I can't. I can only stop time for like 5 seconds or something right now. That's too short."

"So is that the reason why you bring along these two flowers?"

Blax was talking about me and Fitz. I guess, it is logical for White to bring us along. Else, he would be swept down by Blax in a matter of seconds. It sounds like we're doing the dirty deeds for him but I'm sure White had no other choice but to rely on us since the others seems to be out of the realm of possibilities. This was also why White asked Fitz to teach him to master the arts of Wind Manipulation. Now I can relax knowing that it wasn't some hypnotic spell that my cousin made or something.

Blax summons out his greatsword and slams it to the ground, "I'll end this quick, I need to recover the Runix Cube. Your fate has been decided. It was already written in books of how you will fall"

"That won't happen, Blax. Want to know why? It's because...I write my own story!"

Blax swings his huge sword towards White to which White stopped the time and dodged it. Time was then resumed. Blax was unfazed by the dodge and he seemed to be more happy that White dodged it. In fact, he wanted him to dodge. Suddenly, the sword started to sprout out a monster from its tip. It managed to grab on to White with its sharp teeth and throws him to a tree.

"White!" I ran toward him and made sure he was okay.

But then he simply shrugs off his pain and told me, "I'm fine, Rika." White then looks at Fitz and said, "I think now is the time, Fitz."

"Okay then, let's see how much you've learn."

White stood back up and positioned himself. He took and deep breath and lets it out calmly. To which then, the leaves all over the floor started to float and spin around White. He has done it. He can now manipulate the wind. And not only that...

The wind felt very different compared to the wind that I always feel. It's not even the same as Fitz. But what is it? It feels colder when compared to Fitz's hot wind...