Chapter 4.22 - Rika - Chilling Wind

The winds started to pick up even stronger by the minute. My hair flowed intensely to as much as the wind was raging. My clothing was being pushed around by it. I even had to cover up my skirt just because of the blasphemous wind that White was controlling. But even with all of that, there was one thing that lingers in my mind though.

"Why is the wind colder than usual? Isn't it suppose to be summer right now?"

Fitz laughed and said to me,

"Oh yeah. You didn't realize it when we're training just now, huh?"

"What do you mean?"

"I've had my suspicion on him for quite a while. I don't think the Cyclone family is that special in the eyes of the world but I did some research on the Cyclone family for quite a while. I even asked White in order to prove my suspicion."

"Why were you researching about his family?"

""It's nothing important! ...Idiot..." All of a sudden she was being defensive.


"Anyway, as I was saying. I asked him why can't his own family help him out to learn wind magic. To which he said to me that he already know wind magic but he can't seem to find the blessings of his wind magic."

I raised my eyebrows after hearing that word.

"Blessings? What do you mean?"

"Have you ever believed in god?"

"What does that have to do with this, Fitz?"

"You know how our wizard world has a lot of pantheon, right? Well, each of these pantheon has a blessing for those who prayed on them. For example, if you prayed for The Proud Warrior, Herc, you will be blessed with stronger physical abilities. This goes the same for White's blessings as well."

"What is his blessings?"

"He said to me that his blessings is having a unique wind element."


I was still confused. Fitz continued to explain,

"It kind of surprised me when I found out that he was blessed from the same pantheon as I am. But what isn't surprising is that it was a smart choice for those observant one. You know how my wind is all dark and gloomy at certain times?"

"Yeah. What's with that?"

"Other than the fact that it's black which is my unique ability that I was born with, the wind was also burning hot. You probably don't realize it because it is summer right now."

"Wait. Don't tell me...White's blessing is..."

"Yeah. His wind magic has a cold affinity to it. I'm not sure if it's water or ice or something even bigger but it is surely cold."

"Is that so?"

I looked back at White and was told by him,

"Quite frankly, yes. Almost all of my family members has a different type of wind magic to them. I happened to be connected to something cold. But I still don't know what it is since I barely used to wind magic."

"What the heck are you standing around for, White? Come on and face me!"

Blax was getting annoyed by us. He ran in and tried to swing his sword on White. Surprisingly, White didn't dodge it this time. He went in and deflected his sword with his dagger.

"Finally. You've come to face me for real. Let's see how this dagger will be in your favor."

Blax and White distanced themselves from each other and swung their respective weapons to each other. The sound of metals clashing felt like it was scratching down my eardrum. White seems to have the upper hand because he was using a smaller weapon while Blax had to deflect all of White's strikes as best as he could.

White rushed in with a barrage of slashes to the point that it started to create a mirage of slashes. The mirage of slashes was actually White's manipulated wind. This means that, White was not attacking Blax with one dagger but a bunch of them. Except that most of them are just concentrated wind.

"Damn you, Cyclone White!"

Blax then jumped away from White's position.

"I don't get it, White. You have a high agility with the help of your wind magic. So why didn't you even try to hit me at my blind-spot, anyway?"

"That's simple. I'm trying to break your sword."

"What the-"

Blax sword begins to slowly crumble as particles of it started to fall off. Blax then got even angrier and lunged toward White. But White was immediately saved by Fitz who pushed both of them away from each other.

"You should be careful on what you're planning, White."

"Thanks for the save, Fitz."

"No problem. Just don't be a burden to me after this."

"Are you really worried about me?"

"What? Now is not the time to talk about that! You need to focus on the battle, idiot!"

Fitz was stuttering as she tries to finish her sentences.

White ran in toward Blax and they clashed once again. Only this time, Blax seemed to favor more on protecting his sword. Blax tried to stop the wind barrage with his own Berserker Armor instead of deflecting it with his sword.

"You think you've got the upper hand now, White? That's when you're wrong!"

In a blink of an eye, White, Fitz and I was sent flying across the forest. What just happened? I opened my eyes and saw a bright shining light moving all over the place. The light stopped next to Blax to which it was finally revealed to be...

"You're finally fully Chaorrupted, Blax. That took some time, alright." A familiar voice was heard.

Blax replied to this person, "Well, I guess I was strong-willed. What can I say?"

"I knew it was worth it to meet you at the principal's desk the other day."

It was Sonozaki Wakana. A Chaorrupted Sonozaki Wakana. His eyes were glowing in purple at random intervals. Exactly like Blax. It wasn't going well. Sonozaki was way to fast. His ability being light itself seems to be near impossible for us to beat him.

I stood up and tried to surprise him by reigning down a single lightning bolt onto him. But he just ended up phasing through it by turning his body into light. It's useless. White then spoke to me and Fitz,

"Get close to me guys, I'm going to try something. But we have to be quick."

White started running and we followed as well. As we're running, White stopped the time and closed the distance by teleporting us a few meters from Sonozaki and Blax. White probably couldn't teleport us nearer to them because of his limitations.

We continued to run toward the enemy. Fitz realizing that we wouldn't make it in time conjured her own wind magic and created a spear made out of concentrated wind. She simply called it, Dark Wind Spear and throw it toward the enemy. Noticing all that, I added my power to the spear by providing some electrical energy over it. Now it's just called Lightning Dark Wind Spear or something like that. But even with all of that, as the spear was just about to hit them, White's time stopping ability came to a halt and Sonozaki immediately realized what was going on. He quickly brought Blax away from the spear in a mere flash.

"That was a risky move, my old friend. Too bad you will never surpass me, White."

White bit his lip. He seemed to be stressed out by Sonozaki's remarks. I tried my best to calm him down.

"He's trying to anger you. Don't fall for him."

"I know that, Rika. I just didn't expect that Wakana would arrive before the sword was destroyed. This is going to get a lot harder."

"Why are you so focused on destroying Blax's sword?"

"Because I need the real Black Berserker to come out."


"That thing standing right now is not The Black Berserker, Blax. That is a Chaorrupted Blax. I know that he hasn't surpassed The Black Berserker yet. I need to force The Berserker to come out and take over his body. It will most likely happen when he is in big danger."

"What are you two talking about? Can I join in?"

Sonozaki flashes in before us and kicked both of us. Fitz tried to attack him from behind but his body phased through her attack. Sonozaki countered the attack by grabbing her arm and punching her in the face. What the heck was wrong with this guy? He isn't even holding back against girls.

Blax approached me and grabbed my neck. He then proceed to choke me as I was being backed behind a tree. The stake was getting higher as he separate my feet from the ground. His hand was too strong. He really wanted to kill me. I couldn't remain myself from closing my own eyes. I was losing my breath. As I looked at Fitz, she was also being choked but it was Sonozaki who was choking her. Both of us were stuck in the same situation. I can't. I'm reaching the brink of death in a matter of seconds.

I couldn't keep going. I slowly closed my eyes and faced the music. My vision faded to black.


But when I opened my eyes...I didn't saw one but two people standing in front of me. One of them was probably White but who is the other guy? Am I still alive? And...what?! Why does Sonozaki's and Blax's hand were chopped off?!