Chapter 4.23 - Hosuke - Memories of The Sea God

We've managed to retrieve the Runix Cube that was hidden at The Fairy Forest and The Stone Ruin. Team Supernova had finished their job and parted ways with us for a while. At least until the tournament resumes next week if we were to follow the schedule that the principal made. But I'm not quite sure whether our principal will still be there next week. Not when we are already preparing to launch an assault against his floating tower. If our mission were to be a success then I bet that The Magic Duel will have to be stopped as the consequence.

This reminded me of the time when my best friend used to be...with me. No he's not dead. He's just not in the same school as I do. It felt like we switched place. On the first year of high school, I went to a boarding school while he went to Soul Power High. But three years later, we kind of switched place although he went to a different boarding school. A vocational school, I think. We were kind of best friends back in middle school. Yes, we're in the same school as White and many other in Soul Power High except that I haven't met White yet back then. I only begin to know him when I got into Soul Power High during the 4th year. And that was last year.

His name was Kirin Yin and he has an average built body if I could describe him in such a way that is. He really loves girls. Whenever there is a damsel in distress, he will always barge in and stop the wrongdoings. But I'm not talking about his adventure of hunting down girls and being shot down mercilessly.

There was this one time when Kirin and I caused a whole mall to be shut down entirely. We were just walking around and enjoying the day until of a sudden, Kirin got an idea.

"Hey, Hosuke. Would it be funny if I started to rip apart some stuff over here?"

"You gotta be kidding me? Here? Don't you think that's a bit too evil?"

"It won't hurt if we just try it out. Come on."

When he said that he wanted to rip apart some stuff at the mall, what he was talking about was he was going to use his ability, Capture. It's basically like this. Kirin can summon a magic camera. With that magic camera, he can of course take a picture. The captured picture then will come out of the camera in Polaroid form. That picture that he has on his hand can then be used like a voodoo doll.

You know how those voodoo dolls were used to make fun of people, right? Like when you stick a needle to the doll, the person representing the doll will feel the needle. When you burn the doll, the person representing the doll will be burned as well. It's that vicious. And when Kirin said he wanted to rip apart the stuff in the mall, what he meant was he was going to rip apart the picture in half.

"I don't like where this is going, Kirin."

"Oh come on. It'll be fun. Watch."

Kirin summoned his magic camera and snapped a vacuum cleaner. Once the picture started to take it physical form, Kirin rip it apart in half. The vacuum cleaner was actually turned on at the time and what happened then was the vacuum cleaner was blown up with all of the trash flying around. Once everything calmed down, we can see the vacuum was split into two pieces. The cleaner was surprised and confused of what just happened. Kirin laughs it off.

"You see the look of that cleaner's face, Hosuke? Now that's brilliance."

" is funny when you do it. But this is wrong, Kirin."

"I know, I know. I sound like such bad person aren't I? But it's not enough...I feel like I want to do more."

"Are you serious?"

"Yes, I'm serious and no I am not stupid. I am by the way have a higher IQ than you are, Hosuke."

"Did you really just insulted me?"

"It's a joke, Hosuke. A joke."

And so, we went on into a store and started to tear up a bunch of products from potato chips to kitchen appliances. As we were enjoying all of that, we saw a familiar person browsing through the store. It was White. Looks like he's here to buy some of that delicious fried chicken chop.

"Hey, White! Over here!"

"Oh, you two. What are you doing here?"

"Nothing much, just browsing around the store as usual. Let me guess, you're here for that fried chicken chop, right?"

"Oh you know me. But not today, though. Today, I'm going to buy some chips and some soda so that I can eat it while gaming."

"I see. You're going for another session of that one day gaming, huh?"

White laughed a little and said,

"Well, tomorrow is a holiday and everyone in my family is not at home. The house is my own for the day. Pretty much, I can use the house main television and the high quality stereo to play some video games."

"You never stop talking about games, huh?"

"As much as you are, Hosuke. Even you as well, Kirin."

Yeah, White knew who Kirin was. He and Kirin was acquainted back in the last years of middle school. He sometimes bothered him by teasing him about his crush on Rika. White did have a crush on Rika if I'm not mistaken. In fact, the whole top three classroom knows it and it was all because of Kirin as well as Sonozaki Wakana. Those two...

"Hey, White. Wanna look at something cool?"

"What is it, Kirin?"

"Observe...the mattress over there."

Kirin took a photo of the mattress and waited for the photo to come out of his camera. He then rip apart the photo which then leads to the mattress falling into two parts with all of the mattress's puffy kapok. What's that? You don't know what's a kapok? That's the fluffy white thing that was used as a material to make a pillow. Yeah, it's not just feathers and cotton you can use to make pillows and mattresses. In any case, the three of us snickered with the sight of the floating kapok that was messing up the whole section.

"But in all honesty, guys...You guys should stop. You think I didn't notice you guys were here a couple of minutes ago? Ripping apart some of my favourite potato chips?"

Kirin nervously laughs and replied,

"But it's actually funny to see some of the stuff fall apart."

"What's not funny is that this will cost a bunch of money."

"Don't worry about that, White. Here."

Kirin taped the teared up photo of the mattress and once he was finished with it, the mattress was back to normal. Lots of things can be done to this photo, to be honest. I'm not surprised if Kirin found out something new later on. But in any case, what's worse was when Kirin decided to take a photo of the entire cash register area. Yeah, there were a bunch of cashier each on their cash register counter. Thankfully, Kirin didn't rip apart anyone in the picture. But he did rip apart a whole other bunch that was in the picture.

We ran as best as we could and Kirin, of course fixed it back once he was scolded by White. The very next day, we found out the mall was closed down for maintenance. Both me and White rolled our eyes over Kirin who acts innocent in that situation.

"Can you please stop being such a prankster gangster, Kirin?"

"Prankster gangster, White?"

Kirin rolled on the floor laughing. I laughed as well. Probably because of the ridiculous words that White have conjured. Prankster gangster...what the heck, White.

"I didn't meant to say that! It was a slip of the tongue!"

"Likely story, White."

I guess I'll end the story over there, it was quiet a fun memory to say the least. I kind of miss him now that I think of it. I wonder if he's still come around the area once in a while during his holiday. Eh, what am I talking about. Of course he won't. He is probably busy doing all of his assignments that he doesn't even have the time to spend with us. He probably has a lot of new friends at the vocational school he went.

Well, it's a different story when he just happened to be walking around the area and end up somewhere were he's not suppose to be at all. Which is something that I might even think possible to be happened. Kirin can be very surprising. He always love to make a showy introduction. I just hope he doesn't come in and begin to tear off people's hand all of sudden. Now that's nonsense. Ha ha ha.
