Chapter 5.3 - White - The Ravenous Raging Hydra

There it was, The Ravenous Hydra. Standing ferociously at the pond that I happen to never notice before. Well, the only reason for that was because of how restless I am to be an outgoing person. I'm not an outgoing person. Why should I care about the place around me when I can just care about the things next to me. Like my video game console...I really wish I'm not fighting this kind of fight but instead finishing up my playthrough of a game that I just bought.

Putting that aside, Kirin had made a bigger mess now. He chopped off the hydra's head but little did he know that a Hydra's head will multiply whenever it's head was chopped off. Now there's four of them. And not just that, Kirin seems to be not done with it yet...

"Kirin, stop!" Blax shouted at him.

"What now, Blax? Don't you see I'm trying to kill this thing?"

"That's not it. You're making it worse!"

"What do you mean?"

Both Blax and I were disappointed.

"I thought you went to a boarding school so that you can learn advanced magic knowledge..."


"And to top it all off, THERE WAS A FOLKLORE ABOUT THE HYDRA BACK IN PRESCHOOL!!! How can you forget such a classic tale like that?"

"Geez, Blax. You don't have to shout at me like that. I didn't know."

"Well then, just please stop slicing its head..."


The Hydra now have 9 heads. Just like how the story was told by my teacher back in preschool. Just great. If I remember correctly, the hero managed to defeat The Hydra by blocking off the chopped parts from growing. The hero had help from his relative. His relative had an ability to produce metal. He used his ability to turn the chopped region into metal. Stopping the growth of the head. But then comes the problem...we don't have anyone with that kind of ability.

"What should we do, White?"

Blax seeks for an answer in which I desperately said,

"Is there even anyone with an ability to produce metal?"

"What? Oh. Yeah. one that I know of."

"At least there's one thing that is clear to us now...We have to avoid chopping its head off."

Kirin scratches his head and pointed out something,

"Why would your principal summon such a beast like this anyway? What's the point? It's not like that thing can get out of the pond, right?"

Blax also realized the same thing after Kirin said that.

"Wow, You're right."

He was right. What's the motive of summoning The Ravenous Hydra at this time? Unless The Hydra could fly or it has legs down at the bottom of the pond...We really don't have much time. Not when we still don't know what was Escher's next plan after this.

"Hey, look over there."

Kirin saw something. A pack of monster jumped off from Escher Tower and went to protect The Hydra.

"Oh no, you don't. White, you think of something while Kirin and I distract our enemies."

"Hey, wait!"

And there they go. Leaving me here wondering what should we do now while those two were busy distracting the enemy. I think I was being such a doormat to my friends. I don't get it. Why would they point me out to become the leader of Team Stardust but then completely forgets about that and headed straight on without my obligations at all. Yes, I sounded pissed at that time but I was never able to express it because of how I was at the time. I really should have put a front and show them that I'm not just a pushover.

While I continued to contemplate about myself, Blax had unleashed a devastating sword bash to a bunch of monsters. Blax didn't use the sharp part of his sword but instead smashing through the monsters skull using the sides of the sword. It's good of him to be considerate at this time but the problem was that he bashed them too hard that probably some of their skulls were broken.

At the same time as well, Kirin used both of his magic camera as well as his normal camera. His normal camera was used as a distraction by using the flash feature that his camera have. As he waited for his magic camera to finish producing the picture he have taken, he gracefully dodged and countered the monsters attack with basic martial art skills. When the pictures have been produced, Kirin crushed all of the pictures and finished it off by burning it to ashes using a lighter that he had kept in his pocket. What an overkill...

Following up after what he have done, Blax spun his sword around and turned himself into a human tornado. It's the same technique he did when we were climbing the tower. The difference this time was the finish. He didn't simply stop and collect his thoughts but he stopped spinning and jumped as high as much the momentum he have got from spinning and landed his sword to an unsuspecting monster. That's impressive for him to pull that off especially when he was carrying a sword that big.

As I was still standing around thinking about the solution, a small number of monster tried to ambush me from behind. They think I wouldn't expect such an attack? Well they were wrong. In fact, even I was surprised when all of a sudden bright light passes through me and spun around the monsters. The light continues to spin around the monsters until all of them were somehow knocked out by the bright light. It didn't took me long enough to realize who was it...

"Wakana...what are you doing here?"

This was probably not the person that I expected to come and help me. Not when he barely defeat me a few hours ago. What's going on, here? Why was Sonozaki Wakana helping me?

"You must be very surprised, White. Out of all people. You wouldn't expect me. Especially when you remember that I'm on the enemy side."

"Playing mind games on me now, Chaorrupted Wakana."

I raised my dagger in preparation of any surprise that Wakana would do to me.

"Now hold on White. Maybe you should be a little bit more observant this time..."

Wakana raised both of his hand as if he was giving up. What was the meaning of this? Observant, he said? I tried to look around him carefully but alas, I haven't found a single clue that could help me at all.

"I don't understand. What do you mean, Wakana."

"God damn it, Mr. Cyclone. Look at my eyes! Is it glowing purple?"

He moved his face closer to me as I heed his call. I think I suppose to understand something but at the same time I kind of felt some weird tension between the two of us. Things are kinda being heated up around here. What the heck?

"'re...not chaorrupted...anymore?"


Wakana hugged me.

"But...but how? How can you stop from being chaorrupted? I just saw you with Escher and the rest at the top just now. Or is this a trick?"

"No, this ain't a trick. In fact, a friend of yours helped out."


"Additionally, a problem has been solved."


"Look at The Hydra, White. Watch your surroundings as well."

I looked at The Hydra as what Wakana asked for. I still don't get it. But after a while, I notice that Escher's Inverted Tower was losing balance all of a sudden. Now how did that happen? I look at the tower and saw a crack around the bottom part of the tower. The tower tilted from left to right until suddenly it fell down onto The Hydra and crushed it. At the same process as well, The Hydra was 'buried' by Escher's Tower.

"Huh. That's...unexpected..."

Cyclone White's Anti-climatic Curse lives on...