Chapter 5.4 - Sonozaki - Through The Chaos

I see that many of you was probably wondering how in this great green world can I suddenly not being under control of the chaos. It's a fascinating story to say the least. I'll also tell you what happened when Escher's Tower suddenly starts to tip off. Now that I have your attention...

It all started way back 3 years ago...

I was walking around the school until suddenly I saw the principal talking. I looked around but there was no one around. I took another glance and found out he was talking with another person through his cellphone. Look, I'm not usually the curious type like someone else in the school compound but I can't help how that there was a little droid flying about above the roof near the principal. It didn't took me a while to realise that the droid was probably one of Zone's stuff.

"He's probably taping the principal's call..."

I flashed my way toward the drone and captured it. I sighed.

"Another one of your pranks, Zone?"

The droid shakes it body, signifying a disagreement to my question.

"We're gonna have a talk."

Later on, I found myself at a back alley at the school all alone with Zone who looks concerned over his droid that I was still holding in my hand.

"I assume you want your little friend back, Zone?"

"Of course, I do. Can you give it back?"

"You know where this is going, right?"

"Of course. You want something from me. What do you want?"

Zone lied down on the alley way wall next to him.

"You were taping the principal's call weren't you?"

Zone sighed and nodded.

"Yes. I did. Is that all you want? Oh hold on. Of course, you're not finished. You want to know what he was talking about, am I right?"

"What is it, then?"

"It's something really interesting alright. It concerns our school's future. I've been wiretapping the principal for the past few weeks and I have found something significance between all of his call that came from a single person. Most of their keywords used during their conversations were rather...peculiar."

"The future of our school?"

"Yes. They were also talking about a certain pieces that they found buried under the school. He said it was a piece of a Runix Cube but I don't know if that's important or not. What hooked me was when they kept talking about the word, Chaos."


"I've look into the principal and what I found was that he was a professor. And it seems our principal have invented a staff that could control a person through the means of corrupting their soul. It's also can be used to create reality bending illusions. They called it, The Staff of Illusion.

"Staff of Illusion. Chaos and Corruption, I presume."

"I think so, what the heck is our principal planning? I have no idea. Their conversations were too vague about this plan. But he did talk a lot about the final phase of this plan. Around the final phase of the plan, he would use 'the key' to unlock the fragmented world that was hidden inside 'the key'."

"The key? Using a key inside the key? I don't get it."

"It's not like they were trying to explain to us. They know something big. Moreover, once he has unlocked this fragmented world, he said that he wanted to bring them all there..."

"Bring them all there?" I tried to think of something but pushed it off and asked him again, "Anything else?"

"That was the last piece of information before I got caught by you, Sonozaki. Can I leave now?"

"Not yet."

"What now...I'm in a hurry."

"You are not in a hurry, Zone. They were talking about a magic that could control a person through corruption. Do you think such magic can be countered?"

"I don't know, ask someone else about this. I'm not that smart, you know."

"Fine. I'll ask Mei about can take your toy and be with it."

I put the droid to the ground and left the alleyway and seek out for Mei who was studying under a tree. She was reading a really thick book. Pretty impressive. That's our number one student, alright.

"Hey, Mei. I got a question."

"What is it?"

"What if someone were happen to create an item that could control others by means of a false reality exist in our time and use it at us?"

"But magic already exist, Sonozaki. It's an ancient one, actually."

"Oh really?"

"You said through a false reality, right? Then, yes. Mind controlling magic has been with us for quite a while. As time grows, many different version of the same magic continues to exist. Although you may say that it is new, it is still mind controlling."

"Is there a way to counter it?"

"There is one way you can counter it. And that is by preventing it from happening."

"That's not really helpful, Mei. Even I know how to do that."

Mei thinks for a few seconds,

"Okay then...what about a countermeasure?"

"Countermeasure? Like what?"

Mei grabs a book from her dimensional bag and look through the book as she explain to me.

"You can place a countermeasure by placing a long term spell inside your body. This spell was usually known as a protective spell. It was always used back in the day to prevent people from catching a widespread disease. But it's ancient."

"Can you do it?"

"Of course I can. It'll take a while but once I fully understand it. I can do it. Is there something wrong?"

"Can you place it on me then?"

"What are you planning, Sonozaki?"

"It's nothing really. You see uh..."

I lied to her.

"You see, White got a new friend who could mind control someone and I have the idea that what happen if the mind controlling didn't work at all. I just...faked it throughout the day and mess around with them even more."

"White, huh...I guess I can learn this spell now that you mentioned about it...Sure. I'll learn this and put it on you. Tell me the result and tell me about White, okay?"

"Alright, got it. Thanks a lot Mei."

And that's what happened. I've been faking myself being under Escher's illusion all this time. The pain and suffering I felt? That's my own fault but whatever. I was just trying to find another stupid reason to fool around with White. I don't know why but I just love teasing him. He's probably pissed when I told him all about this.

Anyway, about the cracked tower...When everyone was sent to the prison cell. I happen to steal the cell keys and helped those that were captured. The leftovers of Team Stardust couldn't get out at the front door. So I suggested to them to break a wall and that they did. With a small portion of the wall broken, the tower began to tilt and slowly fall down onto The Ravenous Hydra. Burying it in the process. It's a very vicious plan that's for sure.

Honestly, it was very fun tricking everyone that I have been faking myself being under an illusion. But now that things are getting even worse, I think I finally get the message that I should stop. But still, I also ended up getting a lot of information about Escher's plan. Especially the final phase of his plan.

It's very interesting, alright. I didn't know such thing exist. I mean, here I am writing this down in my book just for recording sake. I don't know. I thought it would be fun but once I realise Escher's final phase in his plan, it's something that I have to carefully think next. Because what happens after this...may just be different for another time. Leaving everything here...behind...