Chapter 3

Yandy: 11.24.15

I exited my first class of the day wondering what all I will pack for the Thanksgiving week. I saw the library on my right and wondered if Janice was in there, I walked in and all eyes were on me. Ignoring the anxious feeling, I walked up and through the aisle for Janice. Where is she? I frowned as I walked out of the computer section. Usually she'll be over here. I looked around and saw these group of girls whispering while staring my way, I raised an eyebrow and glanced behind me to see a Hispanic girl reading her book. I slowly turned back to them with a glare on my face, they flinched and quickly turned away. I can't believe the nerve of people, they shouldn't be talking about her like that. I swear. I shook my head and left out of the library.

You know that feeling you get when someone is talking about you, well around 11:15 today I started getting that feeling. When I usually do it's mostly about my afro but I knew the signs of it and what I was picking up was definitely not it. I decided to ignore it and head on to my 2nd class of the day hoping that the feeling would go away. Guess what? It didn't. All through class people kept staring at me and I had to keep calm and not blow up because I was so close. When class ended, I high tailed out of there and onto the quad. I took a couple of deep breaths and went on twitter to make my mood a bit better. I sat at a table and scroll through my feed, tweeting a little, and reading all the crazy ass stories. After awhile I shut it off and started to think about my day and how weird it was going. I don't know what's going on but every time someone walked by I would hear "Her?" or "What does he see in her anyway?" and I'm so close to losing my cool that-

"Excuse me." I snapped out of my thoughts and slowly looked at the voice. There were two girls standing there, a white blonde and an Asian brunette.

I fought the urge to mean mug them "Yes?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Are you Joon's girlfriend?" The blonde one asked.

I frowned "What?" I asked.

The brunette fold her arms "Joon," She looked me over "are you guys dating?" She asked with a little attitude.

I gave her a confused look "Who's Joon?" I pocketed my phone "And where did you get that idea from?" I asked with narrowed eyes.

Blonde put her hands on her hip "He's Joon." She nodded her head over her shoulder "He told us you guys were dating but we don't believe him." She explained as I stood up.

I looked over her shoulder and I felt my eyes widen, it was him, the Asian basketball player. He was standing there in a long sleeve navy shirt with a dark green Aztec cardigan on, dark blue jeans that were cuffed, and dark brown boots. He stood there in thought with his arms folded, he ran his hand through his hair before looking our way. He froze when he saw me staring, he blinked then smiled at me. I slightly glared at him but that only made his smile grow.

I faked a smile to them "Let's go see for ourselves." I stalked in his direction.

He didn't look nervous at all and it kind of threw me off because I was told that I looked an evil troll doll.

"Joon." He answered with a hum "Did you tell these lovely ladies that we are dating?" I asked overly sweetly and gestured to the two girls.

He stared me in my eyes "Why yes I did honey, do you have a problem with that?" He asked as he leaned closer to me.

I faked a smile to the girls "Excuse us for a second." I pulled him at least 5 feet away from them "What the fuck is going on?" I hissed with a smile.

He grabbed my hands "I need your help." He said looking into my eyes.

"With?" I asked as he kissed my hand.

"I'll explain later, just ride with this for now." He smiled and my heart nearly stopped.

I blinked then scrunch my face "How about we break up right now?" I threaten.

His grip tighten on my wrist "Two factors," I tilt my head and raised an eyebrow "One, good luck with that because everyone on campus knows that we're together." He pulled me into his chest "Two, if you stage a break up I will sabotage this season and say it was due to my heart break that was cause because and I don't think you would want 3/4's of the campus hating you." He smiled evilly before resting his head on top of mine.

I gaped at him what he said then thought about it, I could give not one fuck what anybody thinks about me and I will gladly give them a beat down if they try me. But the more I stood in his embrace the more I wondered what the hell this is about and why he chose me. I shifted in his arms and I felt him tense and slowly relax. Hmmm, I shifted again and he tensed again. Does he not like to be touch?

I pulled away from him and smirked up at him "If you wanted to date me so bad you didn't need to threaten me." I said nonchalantly "Just ask me on a date like any regular person, ok?" I teased.

He turned red "I-"

Someone clears their throat, we turned and saw the two girls standing there. Ooops, forgot they were there. I looked at blonde because she was the one that asked.

"So you are dating?" Blonde ask with a frown.

I pulled out of his embrace "No we're not." I stated, I felt him tense next to me. I might as well have fun for now.

He let out a laugh which I think was fake "Babe, what are you talking about? You know we're together." He gritted through a smile.

I took a small step away from him so I could look up at him "Not after what you did last night." I rolled my neck.

He raised an eyebrow, looking confused "Last night? What did I do?" He demanded.

I smiled inwardly as I glanced at them, they stood there in curiosity with a hint of jealousy while they watch us.

"Remember?" I took a step toward him "We were at it" I looked him in his eyes as I closed the distance "and it was feeling so good." I moaned "And you got me to the highest of highs" I traced his lips with my index finger "And you suddenly" I took a step away from him "stopped. Remember that?" I asked in mock anger.

He went pale and I wonder what was going on with him, he quickly snapped out of it and looked at me like he found something.

He looked down at me with a pout "I said I was sorry babe, I thought you forgave me when I cooked for you?" He grumbled.

I smirked "You thought it was going to be that easy?" I smiled at him "I'll forgive you, only if you kiss me." I winked.

An anxious look took over his face as he stiffen and the blonde scoffed and smiled at me patronizingly "He has this thing about-"

He cupped my face and kissed me gently, I was a surprised because I didn't think he'll actually do it. What the shit? He started pulling away but I pulled him closer and ran my hands under his shirt which caused him to gasp. I quickly stuck my tongue in his mouth and we were having a full fledge make-out. When I thought they had enough I pulled back and stared at him in awe because he wasn't that bad, he was pretty good.

I caught my breath, "You were saying?" I asked, smirking over at them.

They looked between us before staring at him "I never thought you would stoop for a black girl." The brunette said with a frown.

I laughed humorlessly as I started to roll my sleeves up No she didn't. She must want these hands.

"Sweetie, you said upgrade wrong." I smiled at her.

The blonde one tilted her head "No, she meant what she said." She looked at him "You can do so much better." She frowned.

I tried to take my earrings off but he caught hold of me "Actually I can't," He held me close to him "she's the best thing that happened to me." He said as he laid his head on top of mine.

I stopped squirming and watched as there face turned from smug into jealousy.

"So I would really appreciate it if you would leave me alone because I'm taken and if you would have any self respect for yourself you would stop the childish antics and continue you on with your lives. But since I know that won't happen because you lack self respect, move onto a new victim." He scolded in disgust.

Daaaaaaaaamn, I watched their faces and they were in almost in tears. They apologized and turned away from us in defeat.

"You just tore down their self esteem." I pointed out in awe as I watched them walk away sadly.

"Uh." I turned to him and he was looking sheepish with his hand behind his neck "Yeah, I didn't want them to keep insulting you because I could barely contain you so I decided to say that." He muttered.

I felt a little bad for them until I remembered why we were here in the first place "So," I drawled as I looked up at him "why am I your 'girlfriend' again?" I asked.

He stiffen and was about to say something until he noticed that people were looking our way "I rather tell you in private." He said as he bit his lip.

I stared at his lip then into his eyes "Follow me, I know just the place."