Racing heart

"Dear Shiro,

If you are reading this,it means you've been through enough hell for me to remember to give you this book.

It also means that things may get worse very soon so be carefull.

There are many things I would like to talk to you about but there isn't enough time so I'll just say the most important things.

I know that by now you're curious about your mother and you probably already hate me for not remembering her so I'm apologizing even though I know that by now I've done it many times without you listening.

Your mother's name is Ritsu. she is beautiful, lovely, a bit rugged and a whole lot stronger than I am. I have a hand drawn picture of her inside this book but that's all I've got so don't lose it. if you want to know more about her go to 'Hidemoto Yami' or Rin or maybe Orie but but don't hate them for not telling you the truth. And if you go to Yami's, be ready to dodge some I kinda got into big trouble here.

This book contains information about every skills I mastered, from basic combat to havoc wrecking moves, to ones that you wouldn't dare try. But anyway learn and use them well,and be sure to unleash chaos, this is my apology for not being here for you.

I really have much to say but there is no t..."

This letter was written on the first pages of the book that Dave had given shiro. Everything was easy for shiro to understand except for the picture "why is it hand-drawn?" he asked himself

"Who is Hidemoto Yami" he asked again, as he look out the Picture of his mother from the book and stared at it. It was indeed I drawn by hand; very good hands.

One could see enough detail to recognize the woman in the picture unmistakenly. But that didn't seem to be enough for shiro. He was wanted more than just that, he wanted something more real something he could hug, speak to, and talk about his problems with. But he couldn't get it.

He just gave out a heavy..sigh and flipped to the next page, it had a title written boldly on it "RACING HEART"

Mean while in the guest room Mia was trying out different dresses, instantly switching from one dress to another. This was one of the conveniences of her abilities, she could change her whole attire within the blink of an eye but her indecisiveness caused her spend more time changing. She kept changing until she found her perfect dress and was finally ready for her date then she wasted no time in running to Shiro's room and opened the door, distracting him from what he was reading "ohhh you're ready" Shiro said in voice that sent the "I've been waiting" message to Mia, as he closed the book that he was almost done reading and followed her out of her room to the front. The front door of his house, then he sighed and looked up.

"Yang no third wheeling" he said looking at his identical phantom twin brother that was hovering above him. Then Yang left them in peace, and Dave came walking towards them.

He went to Shiro and put something in his hand, then Shiro responded by punching him in the stomach.

"Why would you give me this?" Shiro said, putting the condom back into Dave's pocket and shoving him off. Then he grabbed Mia and ran off, smiling as he looked at the credit card in his hand which he had swiped when he shoved Dave.

Most people expect a date to be romantic,with flowers and kiss, songs of love,confession of love, lovely dinner, and all those after stuff.

But for Shiro and mia there was something more romantic than others;" food stands"

This man from one food stand to the other eating as much as they could. In just one day they had eaten a month of were of snacks fast food and where hungry for more,luckily for them Dave's account was surprisingly endless and they continue their snacking spree till evening then decided to go to am arcade.

It was a huge arcade and there were many games to play but they played only was a game called "karaoke ninja" Shiro liked it because the game reminded him of himself.

You hold a microphone which is the controller,and sing with it while the ninja moves to the beats and slayed his foes:

After about an hour of singing they decided it was time for the final act of the date; A typical romantic dinner,and they choose restaurant called "Tanaka's"

Tanaka's was chosen by Shiro mostly because he wanted an open kitchen where chefs do stunts while cooking.

As they walked through the door one of the"stun chefs" caught their attention,he was youngest among them and he looked very familiar to Shiro "oohh.....that's Yamato from class " Shiro said,finally recognizing the young chef.

Yamato as student was the most unusual of them all, his father was the school janitor so everybody knows he wasn't from a rich family and most of the royal kids made jest of him. He he was the non royals students

"Favored to win" for the students tournament because of his skills, but he skipped the tournament to work and pay his fees. he is also Shiro's rival when it comes to sleeping in class and almost getting into trouble. In other words, he was a role model non royal students.

"So he is where you you are now"Shiro said as he walked towards Yamato who was just noticing his presence.

"I don't have time to talk" Yamato replied as he continued to skillfully flip different edibles around.

After giving few ignored compliments, Shiro finally asked "who owns this place?" and Yamato replied with"didn't you read the sign outside"

"Where's she?, I need special treatment" shiro asked again as he pulled Mia closer to him.

Yamato then realized that Shiro was on date and apologized for ignoring him then he answered Shiro's question "the boss is busy rehabilitating some guy claims to be a king" he said

"But I can be your server for today" and then yamato led them to a table for two that was close to the glass walls. Then the couple began to order.

They were digging into their fifth meal when Mia noticed an unusual flicker of light coming from the top of a neighboring building. She immediately knew that it was a sniper aiming for Shiro and she rushed to move him out of the way.

Shiro wasn't fully recovered, and he wasn't going to be fast enough to dodge the incoming bullet so she pushed him out of the way and tried to stop it with her swords. But the bullet wasn't an ordinary one; it was densely infused with ice magic so it easily broke through Mia's swords and hit her on the left shoulder.

Shiro wanted to give chase but the sniper was already gone, and he had more things to worry about. The areas around the bullet on Mia's shoulder were beginning to freeze, and everyone else had fled for their safety. All the staff except Yamato also fled.

"Do you have a room " Shiro asked Yamato as he hurried to pick Mia up.

"Yes " Yamato answered.

Shiro immediately carried Mia, and followed Yamato to the room and laid her on the bed. She was a now shivering and shaking, and the cold was rapidly spreading. She was running out of time.

Shiro asked Yamato to leave the room, then he knelt down beside Mia and placed his hand on her shoulder, then he began raising it slowly as a little amount of lightning sparked around it and flowed into the bullet wound and pulled out the cold piece of metal.

It was a great relief for Mia, but she was still cold enough to freeze to death. So Shiro cuddled her, and whispered into her ear.

"Does your heart race for me?"

Mia was unsure of what Shiro meant, but without hesitation she answered "Yes "

Soon after, lightning began to flow from Shiro's body into hers, and her wound was already healing.

For Mia, it was the greatest feeling ever; she felt like she was becoming one with Shiro. For her it was a feeling worthy of being called ecstasy.

Shiro cuddled Mia until she fell asleep, then he decided to roll over and sleep on his own. But instead, he was met with a silenced pistol pointed at him by someone he had once met