The Inquisitor

"Oh god, why the hell did I choose this place " Lucas said to himself as he scanned his environment. The lights were shaking, he could see naked wires sparking, and water seemed to be leaking from most parts of the ceiling. "Oh well, back to business " he shrugged and picked up a little bucket of water then looked at his guest that was sitting "not so comfortably" on a chair.

"wake up " he said as he emptied the bucket on his tied-up guest, and watched him get drenched in the water and wake up.

"Oh come on!" Shiro yelled as he woke up to see himself tied up and wet. then he looked around the room slowly, and in a calm voice he said "why don't we begin?" and turned to Lucas with a smirk.

With little hesitation, Lucas asked his first question, "who are you?". Shiro wasn't quite sure what that meant, so he replied with "I'm sure you already know what". And with great disappointment, Lucas put his hand on his hand over his face and paced around the room for a while. Then stopped and said "It seems like I didn't phrase my question properly" then he asked again "what are you?!!".

"I still do not understand what what you want to know" Shiro said, as he followed a pacing Lucas with his eyes.

"Oh God" Lucas said to himself

"what do mean you don't understand what I want to know?"

"I want to know what you are"

"I want to know why the underground wants a high school student dead"

"I want to know how you survived a blade to the heart and a freeze bullet within two consecutive days"

"And I want to know why I had to use real poison to tranquilize you"

"Did you just say real poison?!" Shiro asked in tone of discomfort.

"well yeah" Lucas replied, realizing the information he had just leaked. The tension between them increased in the silence, and Lucas had to break it with "you're still alive so there's no problem, look on the bright side, you're immune poison"

There was an awkward silence for a while, then Shiro laughed little and said "I thought that 'Lucas the Inquisitor' always knew about his targets" and the silence became more awkward for a few extra seconds.

"How did you know about that" Lucas asked, completely stunned. "just what the hell are you"

"Raiden" Shiro answered calmly "It is the title given to those who are of my bloodline"

Finally, Lucas got a reasonable answer, but there was no information of value to him in the answer. "so why are you wanted dead" he asked, looking at Shiro.

"I don't know why don't you ask Genji?". Shiro's answer was another bombshell on Lucas, "No one is supposed to know that name, how do you know it?!!, how do you know the true name of the ORDER". He was surprised beyond expressible measures, the answers he was receiving didn't even have the nature of the ones he was expecting. "So how do you know?" he asked again, this time with a much calmer tone.

"Why wouldn't I know the name of the man that has been hunting me from birth" Shiro replied with a little smile.

"Wait, did you just say from birth??" Lucas asked, but got no answer. he asked again but Shiro still didn't answer until he finally gave up, then Shiro gave sigh of relief and said to Lucas "you still haven't asked the question you meant to ask"

"I was just getting to that" Lucas replied "and it seems like you're no longer comfortable in that chair" he said as went behind Shiro and brought out a knife. As Lucas worked the blade on Shiro's binding, he asked "the sniper that attacked you last night, was it the same one from three years ago?"

"Do you mean Bonnie?" Shiro asked.

"yes I mean Bonnie" Lucas replied

"Then my answer is yes, it was the same sniper"

"why did you want to know that anyway?" Shiro asked as he stood up from the chair, finally free, and stretched his body.

"Because I need to ask you for a favour" Lucas replied.

"what favour?" Shiro asked

"please don't harm her"

"and why shouldn't I harm her?"

"Because I need to save her"

"from what?"

"the ORDER"

"I thought he hired you"

"no he didn't"

"then why did you capture me"

"the last I saw Bonnie, she called her target Shin. Apparently she failed, and I thought she was dead, probably killed by the one whose life she was supposed to take. That's why I paid you a visit. Just after being convinced that I had the wrong person, I saw someone get shot with her technique. Then it occurred to me that she didn't fail, she had the same experience as i did with you and gave up her hunt, but not without consequences. normally she wouldn't be targeting you again but she is, and that only means one thing; it's not of her own will. I captured you just to ask for this favour"


"yes seriously"

"what's your connection with her anyway?"

"my full name is Lucas Clyde"

"there is no need for further explanation"

After the long talk, Lucas was finally ready to let Shiro go. the sun had already come up and people were beginning their day, and Shiro couldn't keep Mia waiting.

As Shiro stepped out of the 'not really complete building, Lucas called him back and spoke into his ear "You better be careful, there's a bounty on your head, it worth two hundred...million" as Shiro heard it his eyes opened wide.

The warmth, the gentle touch, the calming voice, Mia could still clearly recall the events of the previous night. she wished it could last forever, she wanted to hold on to Shiro and never let go, but as she woke up, he wasn't there with her. she called his name but no one answered, then she stood up and walked to the door to look for him outside.

As she opened the door, she was immediately attacked. Her attacker was a humanoid doll with no face but it seemed to be seeing clearly. it's attacks were precise, and Mia who had lost balance could barely dodge, but as soon as she regained it, three swords found their way into the body of the faceless doll and the commotion was over, or so she thought.

As she was about to let out her sigh of relief, she heard loud noises of different frequencies...then silence. She walked out to see what was going on and saw Shiro standing in the midst of what seemed to be horde of dead faceless dolls.

The joy that came over her wasn't one that she could control, she ran to him and hugged him with all the love she could give, then she looked into his eyes and shed tears of joy.

"don't ever leave me like that" she said in tear-filled voice. "I won't " Shiro replied, confused about how Mia responded to his absence, he expected her to be a bit infuriated but instead she was happy to have him back.

"I know I already answered it but I want to say it again" Mia said as she rested her head on Shiro's chest "Yes, my heart races for you, it has been racing, it is racing now, and it will keep on racing" then she raised her head up and looked at Shiro and called him by his full name "Shirokage Anderson, I love you" she said it with all the sincerity in her heart and Shiro held her closer to him and reciprocated "Minamia Lee, I love you too" he said, then with little hesitation, he dropped his lips on hers. what Mia felt at the moment was greater than anything she ever felt in her entire life, words were not enough to describe it, she never expected her first kiss to be so perfect and ecstatic but there she was, with the one who truly loved her just after the end of a battle, I was just as she had wished it to be when she was a lot younger. Then she realized something and stopped the kiss and looked at Shiro with a suspicious eye.

"did you plan this?" she asked in a tone that suppressed her excitement. Shiro gave long "ummm" before answering "yes", his mind-voice was already yelling "oh shit!!!" when Mia cried out loudly "I love you" started kissing him again. In her mind, Mia said to herself " this ecstasy, this racing heart, I feel it ,and I know that he feels it too"