"Why noww?, why now?" for some reason, Tanaka's car seemed to be facing some major technical difficulties. She had turned the key multiple times but the engine wouldn't even cough.
"Why aren't you using a Shin Sekai brand?" Yamato asked out of curiosity. Tanaka's restaurant was quite successful and it didn't didn't seem like she was financially lacking. Also, Shin Sekai products were very affordable and much more efficient than others. The reason she chose to distance herself from them was not something one could easily guess.
"It's a long story" she answered as she opened the bonnet and started looking for what was wrong with the car.
It didn't take long before Tanaka started panicking.
"Oh no no no no no no"
"what's it?" Yamato asked
"It's fried" she answered
"what's fried?" Yamato asked
"everything....everything's fried" she replied in panic
it didn't take Yamato long to guess that the cause of the breakdown wasn't just due to poor quality "this was a sabotage." he said. His guess was that it was done by the hunters that attacked the restaurant. Considering the fact that their car wasn't the only one that broke down he deduced that they did it in order to hinder escape and then he laughed at their confidence.
Just as they were about to give up, a voice came from beside them saying "you seem to be in a pinch."
They turned to see Victor inside a much more cooler ride than theirs. "Hop in" he said, and they did. Tanaka dove into the front seat while Yamato calmly sat himself at the back, thinking "how did he get here?. I'm pretty sure he wasn't here the whole time." He didn't hear sound of any engine and he didn't hear any brakes. "no car is that silent." he thought "so how?" he pondered. the only person that could answer that question was Victor but Yamato felt like he would find out sooner or later so he didn't ask.
"Next stop....Shin" Victor said as he started the car and drove off. It was not a long drive. It didn't take up to three minutes to arrive at Shin's location. All that was left was to talk to him.
The aura that Shin emitted was imposing, the mere sight of him was enough to bring anyone to their knees. There was no change in visual appearance, he still looked like Dave but anyone that saw him could recognize the difference. When Tanaka witnessed this sight, all she could do was Marvel at it. Even though Shin was doing a good job suppressing his energy, the little that escaped was enough to make anyone take a different route in order to avoid trouble. Finding him was easy but getting to talk to him was something different entirely, at least that was what Tanaka thought.
Victor wasn't going to waste his time marveling at power When his best friend's life was in danger. With great hesitation and a much more greater determination, he walked up to Shin and said "I'm taking you to him now"
For a moment there was silence but it was broken when Shin replied with "What took you so long? I've been waiting"
At that point, the situation became a lot more clearer to Victor. Shin wasn't walking towards Shiro. It was just coincidence that he was walking down the path that led to Shiro. the truth was that he didn't even know where to go. He knew through Dave that he knew that if he contacted Victor, he could have found out where to go but his energy was so excess that every device he touched exploded. Even with the slightest swift movement his energy leaked and caused damage around him so he had to walk slowly and get used to his new body while waiting for Victor to find him.
"I'm almost used to it now though" Shin said, as he moved around a little.
"Is Dave still in there?" Victor asked with in troubled tone
"of course!!" Shin replied with a smile
"I'm just borrowing his body for a while"
With a sigh of relief, Victor held Shin's hand and said "let's go" but he was told to wait.
"there's someone I need to find first" Shin said
"aren't you worried about Shiro?" Victor replied but he was shocked by what Shin said next.
"I'm much more worried about the man that attacked him"
"and why would you be worried about that man?" Victor asked, and was replied with
"that man incurred the wrath of the gods. Even the effects of the postponement will have a hard time keeping him alive, so stop with the worries and help me find a woman named Tanaka Silva"
"What exactly do you need me for?" Tanaka asked as she stepped forward with her hand raised.
"I'm pretty sure know why." Shin replied
"your boss needs you"
As soon as She heard those words, her eyes widened and tears fell down her cheeks. with a smile, she asked "when will he return?" and Shin replied "soon" he said "not too long from now"
Neither Victor nor Yamato understood what those two were talking about but they were in too much of a hurry to even ask.
"Let's go" Victor said as he tapped Yamato's shoulder.
With full eagerness Yamato turned and said "Okay" as he walked towards the car "let's get into the....". Before he could complete his sentence the car was no longer in front of him. He looked beside him and saw Shiro sitting with Mia. Tanaka was there too but he didn't see Victor and Shin until he looked further into the distance.
Victor was shocked see how correct Shin was. Shiro was okay even though he was quite beat up but what surprised him the most was how quickly the battle escalated. It was already at the point where Shin had to stop Orie from killing Endo. He thought he knew everything Orie was capable of, but what he saw made him rethink everything he knew about Orie. "there should be a limit to how much power the gods can grant their priests but there doesn't seem to be any with this man. It's a good thing he can't use it freely. If he could, he would be unstoppable."
Still holding on to Orie's hand, Shin smiled and said to him "let me handle it from here" and proceeded to pull Endo out of the pit.