
In accordance to Victor's predictions, Shiro began to experience his opponent grow in strength.

In a comparison of actual strength and energy levels, Shiro would have no problem defeating the armored man but the circumstances surrounding the postponement spell makes it difficult. It was as if the universe itself would do anything to keep the man alive until his fated battle began. It didn't matter how weak he was everyone that wasn't his opponent would be made weaker.

As the exchange of blows continued, so did Endo's growth in Strength. Shiro was still landing solid blows but he kept getting back up like a "shonen MC" while Shiro kept his usual pace.

soon enough, Endo's counter attacks began but Shiro was yet to be in danger. He stepped up pace, becoming more agile and delivering a double counter.

"you're not the only one that can move abnormally, now come at me you age old anomaly"

Shiro had little hesitation in his movements, instead he met the blow with a smile even though he knew that the fight would take a while.

"Victor, I know this sounds weird but I think his armour has tech"

"what makes you say that?" Victor asked

"well, I can feel the same vibes I get from an E.V.A."

"It could just be his body charging up" Victor suggested

"but my natural senses are telling not throw lightning at him"

"that's probably because he shot it back last time"

"If that were the case, I'd just be feeling fear, what I feel is the same sensation I get when I'm standing next to gadgets"

"It's a thousand years old armor, I highly doubt it would have anything except for its hardness"

"alright then here I go with the lightning"

"wait, just wait a..."


For a short while there was silence but as soon the smoke cleared, Shiro's suspicions turned out to be true. he could see light coming out of different parts of the armor as they formed different patterns. The armour now had a different look, its silvery colour had changed to black and the light patterns around it glowed red. Endo's looks changed from that of a knight to that of a sci-fi villain.

It wasn't just his looks that changed. his speed, strength, agility, every combat capability he had before was heightened. Shiro had a hard time keeping up but what bothered him was the little amount of energy needed to create so much power and the fact that suit(it could no longer be called an armour) was absorbing the energy in the atmosphere and getting stronger at a very fast pace.

It didn't take long before Shiro could no longer tell the difference in his opponent's power from when the music was on and when it wasn't.

"Victor, I'm turning off the music"

"don't tell me....."

"It takes five minutes to unleash, if Shin is not here by then, I'm going all out"

"Isn't it better to just get out of there?" Victor asked

"if I could, I would have done it a long time ago" Shiro replied

So Shiro turned off the music and began his clash with Endo.

There was great difference in power. with every hit he evaded he could feel the bloodlust scraping at his skin, but he still bothered by the thought that he was forgetting something important. He couldn't figure out what it was until one of his evasions led him to look at his opponent's waist.

"the son of a b**ch hasn't drawn his sword"

At this point Shiro began to wonder if he could survive till the five minutes were completed.

"hey Shiro"

"What's it this time, I'm in the middle of trying not to die here"

"there's something I forgot to tell you" Victor

"just spill it out already, your audio interference might get me killed" Shiro said in an impatient tone.

"when I last spoke with Mia she said she heading your way" Victor said

"did you at least try to talk her out of it?" Shiro asked with worry

"I tried calling her back but I couldn't get to her" Victor replied

"well, it's already too late" Shiro said

"what do you mean?" Victor asked

"Umm she kind of just saved me with a really cool entrance"

Shiro was no longer listening to music so he was out of rhythm and being out of rhythm meant that he was fully dependent on his reflexes. Shiro's reflexes and reactions time were amazing but his balance was unable to keep up, that was the reason he needed rhythm although he ended creating a fighting style from it.

If he could survive for five minutes he would be able to use his ace in the hole but if he were to lose his balance while facing his current opponent, death was inevitable.

Halfway into the five minutes, Shiro slipped and was unable to dodge Endo's punch. he fell but as soon as the punch was about to connect, a sword came in the way and Endo was forced to evade.

Shiro who was now on the floor looked up to see long black hair, a Shin Sekai academy uniform and a nice view.

After hearing what Shiro said, Victor said to Shiro "let me see if I can get through to Shin give him your location, until then just buy time"

Shiro and Mia were unable to buy time. Not because they were weak but because for some reason Endo's strength immediately doubled. Shiro's guess was that the guiding systems of the postponement spell could sense the distant presence of Endo's true opponent and is urgently trying to end his current battle. but the problem was that even though the spell recognized that Shiro wasn't the his true opponent, Endo didn't.

Mia laid on floor weakened as she watched Shiro trying his best to protect her. She didn't care if it was because of an overwhelming spell, she didn't care if the outcome was inevitable, she just couldn't stand the fact that she was unable to protect herself and the one she loved. Soon She found herself facing down and trying to say a prayer. she didn't care which god would answer as far as they save Shiro. Still facing down, Mia heard a familiar voice say an unfamiliar phrase.

"Stare into the darkness of closed eyes.....EIGENGRAU" and suddenly everywhere turned dark. In the midst of the darkness She heard the voice again "IKUKUU" and after that came a rumbling from the earth.

When she could finally see again Mia found herself in a forest. she looked up and saw a beat up Shiro on the branch of the tree behind her. and when she looked forward, she saw the strangest thing ever.

Standing in front of Mia was a man whose only covering was a white piece of cloth that covered from his waist to his knees. Every other part including his feet was left bare. the white markings on his dark skin made him resemble an ancient being she had read about but as he turned to look at her, his identity was made clear.

Not one of her guess would have led Mia to the answer she got. There was no way on earth she would have expected it to be Orie. It was the second great surprise in one day. Even though the markings covered the entire right side of his body and face, there was no mistaking that he was Orie.

"what kind of strange people am I involved with?" were the words that went through Mia head and as she carried Shiro got away under Orie's Instructions. She carried Shiro and got to a safe distance where she couldn't interfere with the battle.

Even with his mind clouded by rage, Endo could instinctively tell that the man standing in front of him was not to be taken lightly. As soon as he stood up, he drew his sword. the blade was red hot and it could be seen to reverberate and oscillate at a high frequency. As he dashed towards Orie, he was met with a barrage of roots and vines that were aimed at restraining him but he cut through them so easily and quickly and none was left.

"what a bothersome spell" Orie said to himself as he motioned his hand and made the forest vanished. then he uttered "Obgun'abali" and a dark curved Matchet appeared in his hand. as soon as he held it firmly, the skin on the marked part of his body turned completely black and the markings changed shape and looked like one that imposed death. Mia who was watching from afar saw this and wondered "what in the world am I witnessing?"

The clashing of blades occurred about a hundred times in what was perceived as a second and Orie was already feeling his disadvantage. Surprised by the incredible growth rate of his opponent, he immediately backed away and touched the ground yelling "ALA!!" and suddenly a huge pit appeared under Endo and the fell into it.

Again Mia noticed the change in patterns of the markings on Orie's skin and the skin on the marked side was no longer black. Immediately after that, the markings changed again and this time they gave a bright pure white glow that could blind the eyes then Orie yelled "AMADIOHAAAAA!!!" and Mia saw a weather change accompanied by the greatest lightning she had ever seen which struck inside the pit.

The shockwaves and vibrations from the strike forced Shiro to wake up. Mia saw this and ran towards him with the intent to cry her eyes out but was met with "Is it just me or it kind of bright this afternoon?". She was surprised by this and decided to correct him.

"It's still morning and besides, it's clou..." After looking up she couldn't complete her sentence. The sun was closer than usual and the temperature was rising very rapidly. She looked back at Orie and saw that the markings on his skin had not changed but the intense aura he was emitting showed that he was behind it.

With a deep mellow voice, Orie muttered "Anyanwu" and was immediately covered in flames. The markings the markings that covered only half of his body spread and covered him all over and the heat that he emitted could be felt from a long distance.

Mia turned to Shiro and asked "What kind of man is your teacher?" and Shiro replied "you can tell from the divine power that he emits, he's a priest"

"what kind priest?!!" Mia asked in shock.

Priests were know the emissaries of the gods. Each priest was blessed with one special gift by the god they represented but some tribes followed different rules and Orie's Igbo tribe was one of them. In this tribe, one priest was capable of representing multiple gods. Those priests were known as "DIBIA".

Even this explanation was not enough to relieve Mia of her shock, it was like it added more.

Just as Orie was about to unleash an attack that would probably have reduced everything to ashes, someone held his hand and said in a calm but domineering voice "don't do it"

He looked back to see Dave or who he was at the moment, Shin.