The market day

"This is my day"

"This is my day"

"This is my day"

It kept repeating but Natsumi could not understand what it meant"

"This is my day"

She knew she had forgotten something

"This is my day"

She was sure she had forgotten something

"This is my day"

Something that would help her discern the situation.

"This is my day"

It stopped as soon as she realized what it meant. She remembered that when she thought it was Orie's birthday, he had told her these words. She remembered how he told her of the four market days of his tribe and that he shared his name with one of them. She remembered that he told her how the days affected his power, and this made her the least surprised person among the audience when Orie got back up on his feet.

"WHAT... THE... F***!!!!?" Ellie screamed at the camera

"How much blood does this guy have?"

"He's lost so much yet he is still standing"

"What kind of immortal dragon sh** is this"

"This is not easy to believe"