The bird and the beast

From within the circle came forth a huge bird of prey; a hawk. It appeard to be fully covered in silver. Just by looking at it, one could tell that its beak was harder than a rock and that its claws were as sharp as blades, even its wings didn't seem flying was all they could do.

At this point in the battle where pride was being cast aside, the same thought ran through the minds of everyone watching.


"Go" at this command from Chris, the bird threw itself at Orie with incredible speed. Orie evaded the bird without problem but what came next was quite challenging. After evading an attack from above he found himself facing one from below.

Not many can escape such attacks from Chris. He would use the bird to make his opponents dodge in a certain manner, then he would go in for the real attack when their balance had been compromised. It was quite an effective move, but just not for Orie.