Chapter 8 " Watch out for the Lover's Lake "

Ruka's POV :

Great. Just Great. Mom told me to even give my life to protect Heir Queen and me. Uggh... I let her get attacked. And to make matters worse they don't even know who the attacker was. This stupid Lexi calls herself her best friend but fails badly to protect her.

Heir Queen came out of her tent and looked here and there. I was keeping watch so I didn't move from my place. Her eyes turned to me. There was something in those grey eyes that I felt lost in them. She is extremely beautiful. What the hell am I thinking.

She walked over to the rock where I was sitting and sat beside me. " It's the first time we are meeting even though we are in the same league," she said in a distracted tone. " Aye Heir Queen, it's because you are an Heir while I went for warrior training at the age of 2 " I replied. " Maybe " she continued " Ruka, what happened to Prince Aiden ". I exhaled a breath and said, " Prince Aiden Ruford was the elder brother of the Demon Lord and my father. When I was 10 years old, my father was captured by Haydrixin. After some time we found his body in the frosted forest. He was in a coma and he still is the way it was back then". " I am so sorry Ruka. If I had known," she said. "It's Okay Heir Queen" I shook my head. " Ruka, don't call me Heir Queen, Call me Raven " she sighed. " Okay Raven " I said. We both sat there, staring at the distance, as the cold wind blew her hair in every direction.

Raven stood up and said, " You can go get some sleep. I will keep watch ". I stood up and shook my head. " I can't sleep, Raven ". " What's the reason behind that may I ask? " she raised a brow. " First of all I am a Luronian- " I started but Raven cut me and said, " That's not the reason. Luronians also sleep for 3-4 hours ". " I am also suffering from Insomnia " I completed my sentence. She looked a bit shocked. " No one could guess that by your face," she said. I chuckled lightly. " I shall go and make some coffee " Raven stated and went back to her tent. I sighed and drank some water from the flask near me.

Soon Raven came back towards me. She had two cups of hot coffee in her hands. " I thought you would need this," she said giving me one cup. I took a sip and my mind refreshed. " It's exactly what I needed " I exclaimed. " Thank You, I guess " she replied. I looked at her face for a moment and my heart confirmed my suspicion.


Raven's POV :

The dawn broke and I glanced at Ruka. He was fast asleep. Black hair falling into his Maroon eyes. His skin was tan from practicing under the sun. I looked away. Far. As far as the sight goes.

It was a beautiful morning. I stood up and walked into the forest. I wanted some time alone. The forest was beautiful. Birds chirping and snow scattered everywhere. I walked further and found a lake. Its water was as pure as a virgin. As clear as a crystal. Flowers were floating on the lake's surface. "It's the Lovers Lake, Raven " I heard Ruka's deep voice say behind me. "The Lovers Lake? But How " I asked confused. He came and sat beside me. " It is said that if a person puts a water lily decorated with flowers in the lake and wishes the love of a certain person, his or her's wish comes true," he said with a smile, " Besides, it's one of the only two 'melted' water lakes of Antartica ". A smile? He never smiled before or ever. "You are smiling, Ruka? " I asked surprised. He chuckled a bit and then explained " Ruka I think I shall wish the love of someone cause when I think about her I can't control my smile ". " Who is the lucky girl " I smirked at him. " Just Someone " he smirked back.

He collected some Red and White Frost Roses from the near bushes and took a water lily from the water. He started to decorate it with the Frost Roses. After the decoration, he picked up the water lily and closed his eyes. He wished something and placed it in the water. We watched it float away. "Let's Go," he said so softly, his voice barely loud than whisper. I nodded and we walked back to the camp.

Kyle's POV :

Here they come.Heir Queen and Prince Ruka. Oh my god. They have loads and loads of winter fruits in a basket. Wait a second, from where the hell did they got that basket. Well never mind.

" Heir Queen, we have had the breakfast and now we must choose a route among the available 4 routes," I said in a serious tone. " First of all, don't call me Heir Queen, it's Raven. And secondly, I want you all to gather up quickly I want your advice " she said and turned to talk with Prince Asher and Beta Mateen.


Soon we all were gathered near the fire. Heir Queen pointed at the first route on the map " Here is the first route " she said

" If we chose this one then we have to cross the Muddy Swamp, the Burgoles Bolan, Pirate Ship, and Death Gate". "What is the Burgoles Bolan ?" Beta Mateen asked. " Burgoles Bolan is Burgoles Bolan " Prince Asher chuckled. "Shut up Asher " Heir Queen growled, " The Burgoles Bolan is a place where people go but never come". " That means if we chose this route then we will have to find a way out of the Realm of Death," Prince Ruka asked. "Aye Ruka " Heir Queen confirmed.

Then she pointed to another place on the map. " This is the second route " she informed, " If we chose this route then we will have to pass the Zoroaster Tribe territory, and believe me you would not want to go there. We also have to bear the foreign attack border and The Horizon Volcano ".

She pointed to some else mark and said: " This is the third route, If we chose this then we will have to go through the cursed vaults, Hinanaqo Valley, and the Realm of Insects ". " Insects? Ewww... " I shuddered. "Awwww...the little boy is afraid of insects " Prince Asher teased and I rolled my eyes.

Heir Queen didn't pay any notice and pointed somewhere else on the map. " This is the fourth, the last and most dangerous route. If this one is picked then we will face the Realm of Lost Souls, Cave of the Furious Beast, Kingdom of Frosted Hearts, and Minamara Snow Mountain, " she smirked.

After a long discussion, we agreed to take the most dangerous and difficult yet fastest route, the fourth route.