Raven's POV:
I exited the tent after announcing the 4th route as our path. My heart was thumping in my ears. " What now Lila, " I asked my dragon. " I don't know, Raven. Just listen to your heart " she replied. I blocked the link and went deep into the forest. I smiled at the trees. They reminded me of that girl. The Queen of Nature. Maya Linsia. I wish I knew where she disappeared.
I fast-walked between the trees. It was fun. Then suddenly, I heard a rustle in the bushes. I sensed someone's presence. " No need to hide as I already know that you're there " I stated calmly. I heard a faint chuckle. " Still the sensor? Huh? " a voice said. My heart almost forgot to beat at the voice. It was her. MAYA LINSIA.
Ruka's POV:
It's been 5 hours since Raven left. All of the Crew was dead worried. " Where could Her Royal Highness go " Kyle sighed. " The woods," Lexi said lifting her head from the rock. " Yeah that's it " Mateen cried. " So here's the plan, Matty and Kyle you go North. Asher and Lexi go South. And I will go West " I said. I heard Mateen grunt in annoyance. He hated that nickname. We all exited the tent and went our ways.
I kept moving in the darkness with a single torchlight. They say that Shades of Darkness resides in the Forbidden Forest. You should fear. But I don't as for me nothing is more important than the Heir's life. I heard a faint chuckle in the distance. " Who could that be, " I asked my Guardian Entity. (The People of Xiya are AnthoBeast so an Entity accompanies them where ever they go That is called Guardian Entity. Where only the rulers or some rare people of clan Oda get the Dragon. And Black Frost Dragon's power is something that one rare person gets after 5000 centuries). " I smell danger " Xander replied.
I walked to where the voice came from. I spotted 2 people in the clearing so I hid in the nearest bush to hear, Eavesdrop. " Where did you disappear Maya " I heard Raven's voice. " People thought of me like a beast and threw me in the Forbidden Forest " a girl's voice replied with a sad tone. " But why you didn't inform me? " Raven asked with worry. " What would have you done at the age of 10 Queen? " She was obviously crying. " I never thought of your powers as a danger to lives Maya, I saw the good in you," Raven said softly. " I knew you would help me Queen but what are you doing here? " she asked. I came out of my hiding place. " Better ask the person hiding in that bush " Raven said. I was shocked at her sensing skills. I came out. " We are on a mission ". Maya's attention turned to me. " Who are you? " she narrowed her eyes. " He's Ruka Ruford," Raven said. Maya dropped to her knees. " I thank you with my whole heart as you were the only one on my side when the people went against me," she said. I nodded. " No need to thank me, Maya," I said remembering the occasion 7 years ago. Maya stood up. " My power is complicated but I ask you to take me with you I will be of your use," she said. " Okay," Raven said. " And I will inform the others to return to the campsite," I said. " Where are they? " Raven asked me. " Out finding you " I mumbled but the Black Frost Dragon heard it. She rolled her eyes. " Do I look like a toddler? Or are you Minavarie Celia Queen? " she asked. " No " I replied and hung my head. She lifted my chin making me look into her eyes. " Do not ever do that again. Or else I'll make you pay " she warned me with a slight growl and low voice and walked away with Maya. I followed them silently. Thinking about what just happened.
Back at the campsite, Raven told everyone about Maya Linsia. Everyone laughed at the stories but not me. I wasn't used to smiling and laughing. " Maya can ask you what happened in the forest when you were left there," Raven asked. " Yeah no one has ever come out of the forest alive... except for our heir, of course " I added. Maya sucked in a breath and then stood up. She started to sing,
" Maya was a little girl
Afraid of the big, wide world
She grew up within her castle walls
Now and then she tried to run
And then on the night with the setting sun
She went into the woods away
So afraid, all alone
They warned her, don't go there
There's creatures who are hiding in the dark
Then something came creeping
It told her, don't you worry just
Follow everywhere I go
Top over the mountains or valley low
Give you everything you've been dreaming of
Just let me in, ooh
Everything you want in gold,
I'll be the magic story you've been told
And you'll be safe under my control
Just let me in, ooh
Just let me in, ooh
She knew she was hypnotized
And walking on cold thin ice
Then it broke,
and she awoke
Then she ran
faster than
Start screaming,
" Is there someone out there?"
Please help me
Come get me
Behind her, she can hear it say
Follow everywhere I go
Top over the mountains or valley low
Give you everything you've been dreaming of
Just let me in, ooh
Everything you want in gold,
I'll be the magic story you've been told
And you'll be safe under my control
Just let me in, ooh
Just let me in, ooh
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Everything you want in gold,
I'll be the magic story you've been told
And you'll be safe under my control
Just let me in, ooh
Follow everywhere I go
Top over the mountains or valley low
Give you everything you've been dreaming of
Just let me in, ooh
Then she ran
faster than
Start screaming,
"Is there someone out there?"
Please help me
Just let me in, ooh "
(Song name's Lily by Alan Walker)
As she finished the song all the crew leaped in silence. " That thing protected me and... That's how I'm alive and it's still in me " Maya said. " What was it? " Kyle asked. " It was... " she hesitated and looked into Raven's eyes. Raven nodded. "It was a reaper ". Everyone gasped. (Reaper's are vengeance-seeker spirits. The legend says they let the people with deadly potential). Raven stood up. " Time to go to sleep Guys " she announced and we all went to our tents.