The evening didn't arrive as fast as it usually did. Seconds felt like days. Hours felt like weeks. It was a strange feeling that made her anxious and to Nyxie it appeared as if she were moving ten times faster than usual while the time passed twenty times slower. Her homework was done within minutes, as weird as it seemed, only one essay lasting an hour.
But, as the clock struck six, everything started rushing, again, and she just knew she was going to be late. Not knowing what clothes to put on for the first time in her life felt like hell. She didn't want to go with the same ones that she had worn during the day but also didn't want to make the other girl uncomfortable, knowing she most likely would, if she hadn't had the chance to go home and change yet.
Pushing her feet through the same jeans as before while grabbing a clean top, she brushed her hair quickly and left the apartment.