A nice couple

Okay... She didn't want a soulmate... okay... That was okay...

"Nyxie?" Her head shot up at her name, looking at the girl next to her who was trying to hold her laugh back. "You okay?"

"Uhm... Yeah," she stuttered. "I'm... yeah." Shifting uncomfortably on the sand, the frown stayed present on her forehead.

Garciela smiled softly and wondered she'd give her a few days to calm down before explaining what she had thought with her last statement. "I haven't asked you. What are you studying? It's your first year, right?"

"Yeah." The blonde took a deep breath and then released it, trying to push the thought of dying alone out of her head. "Film and television."

"Oh. What do you wanna do for work then?"

"Producer," Nyxie said simply. "What about you? Why are we in the same class?"

"I'm studying screenwriting. So, I chose some of the light and sound effects classes too. That's probably why."

The blonde nodded with a smile. "So, you like to write."

"Yep. And read. Lots."