Nyxie was lying on her right side, arms under her head as she watched her girlfriend getting ready. Philippe's sister had arrived in the afternoon, and now, the whole family was going to sit down around the dining table and have the traditional Christmas Eve dinner together. While the blonde could already smell the masterpiece dishes that Gracie's family was preparing downstairs (and was excited to eat it all), she was also a bit nervous, knowing some of the family members were going to quiz her on things, for sure.
"Why do you need makeup for your family dinner?" she asked with a yawn.
Gracie chuckled and looked towards her. "I don't know." Then, turning back towards her vanity mirror, she shrugged, "For myself I guess. I feel pretty today."
"You're more than pretty. Every day."
The older girl smiled at herself, not replying, thankful to have her supportive girl by her side.
"And what about the dress?"