"Two more laps."
"Halfway there!"
"One more!"
"Gotcha!" 16 years old Kyla thought to herself as she finished her laps for the day.
"Sir!" Kyla said as she jogged towards the teacher.
"Good timing kid, you're 15 seconds faster than last week. Pretty good stamina you got there." The brunette smiled as she felt proud of herself.
"Damn Ky, you need to teach me how you improve day by day." Dylan panted out as he reached Kyla.
"You did good as well Hansen, 9 seconds earlier than last week's record." The Gym teacher smiled as he pats the duo.
"Alright! Go freshen up and go home!" Students from their class said their goodbyes as they headed to the shower room.
"We're lucky gym class is our last period." Dylan said as he walked alongside the Latina.
"I think so to." Kyla responded as she looked at the bleachers, smiling when she saw a familiar green eyes.
"Sorry what?" The brunette said as she shook her head.
"You're fantasizing about Deins again?" Dylan chuckled as Kyla shook her head.
"I certainly was not!"
"Sure, keep telling yourself that." The Danish laughed as he watched her entered the shower area.
"Pretty fast for a nerd." Kyla ignored the comment and went to the last booth to take a shower.
"You go ahead Dyl, I'll watch over your clothes." The Kyla said, while Dylan nodded and entered the other side.
She was used to being made fun of, or bullied. The brunette didn't really mind the jokes they make for her, she didn't care at all. For her, Karma is always just around the corner. Kyla has always the quiet smart kid in class, she's used to being in the star sections along with different smart students like hers.
Apparently, she was that quiet kid who lived in a house away from the neighborhood. Some students from the lower sections used that fact to their advantage in teasing the brunette, but she never really paid attention to it.
"Your turn." Dylan said as he got out the booth.
The Danish always had her back, Threatening and scaring jerks that had been mocking the brunette. Dylan was originally from Los Angeles, but needed to move in Miami due to his grandmother's illness. He was the eldest son and the emphatic one who agreed to
stay with her for as long as she needed.
Both of them met each other during their enrollment period for freshmen year and instantly clicked. The younger one's grandmother happened to know Sandra, Kyla's mom. Kyla had the
Danish's back when it comes to academics, while Dylan had the Latina's back in the field of extra curriculars.
"So? Did you contact Aunt Sands?" The Danish asked as the brunette got out the shower.
"I did, she'll be here in a few minutes." Kyla said as she dried her hair with her towel. The duo walked out the shower room when Kyla bumped into a student from another section.
"Watch it nerd!" The boy said as he entered the girl's shower room. While the brunette sighed and picked up her notebooks from the ground.
"You watch it!" Dylan exclaimed as she crumpled the boy's shirt in a fist.
"I was kidding man. Chill!" He nervously explained as he raised his hand.
"You better be." The Danish said through gritted teeth before violently pushing him off.
"Pervert." Dylan mumbled.
"Thank you Dyl." Kyla smiled as she picked up her notebooks.
"Here you go." Kyla looked up to find the familiar green-eyes she grew to admire, holding her notebook.
"Thank you." The brunette mumbled shyly as she reached for it.
"No problem, Kyla." Kyla swore she was captivated by the smile her helper had just showed her.
"Did those jerks messed with you again?"
"No Harry." Kyla smiled as she shook her head. Harry was a nice guy, he was a year older than Kyla, but is on his last year.
"You sure? DJ here seems to be stiff." Harry chuckled as he looked at the Danish.
"She's lying Harry." Dylan mumbled.
"Really now?" The curly-haired boy said as he looked at the brunette with his eyebrow raised.
"Yeah, some jerk ran her over on his way to the woman's shower room."
"Dylan!" Kyla hissed as she hits the Danish.
"Let me just.." Harry said before heading towards the bathroom.
Harry was the President of the student body, aside from that he's also a vocalist for the school band of the school, along with two more boys and two girls.
"All of the girls get out the shower now!" Harry yelled. Some groaned and refused to follow the man's orders.
"You idiots that's President Harry Deins you're listening to." Dylan yelled.
"Now!" Harry repeated and as soon as they heard that, girls quickly dressed up and ran out the shower room.
"Hiya Kyla Banana!" A smiley pair of sea green eyes appeared in front of her.
"Lou!" Kyla smiled as she waved at her
"Have you seen Hazza?" She beamed.
"So you've caused trouble eh?" Harry's deep voice sounded from the woman's bathroom.
"What's happening?" Louise asked as she followed the man's voice.
"This lad thought it was nice to ran over Kyla and call her nerd." Harry said as he cornered the boy.
"I was just kidding! I swear."
"You were? That's a shame, such a lame excuse." Louise said as she went beside the curly haired boy.
"Wazzup Ky?" Zane smiled as he jumped off the bleachers.
"Zane! Luke! Nelle!" Kyla exclaimed as the trio appeared.
"What's up?" Nelle asked.
"You have to stop Harry and Louise, they're at the woman's shower room now." Kyla said as she looked at each of the trio, worried.
"What the hell are those idiots doing there?!" Nelle exclaimed.
"Perverting?" Zane laughed along with Nelle, receiving a head slap from Luke.
"No, some guy ran over Kyla and they wanted to get back at him." Dylan appeared out of nowhere.
"Oh.. It's on boy!" Zane said as he ran to the bathroom followed by Nelle.
"Are you ok though Princess?" Luke asked as he looked at the brunette.
"I'm fine, thank you." Kyla smiled.
"Well if you're fine then, let me just.." Luke smiled before running to the shower room, some girls were drooling at the men. While others gave Kyla a raised eyebrow.
"And stay away from Kyla!" Zane yelled as the boy ran away.
"What are you all looking at?" Dylan growled at the girls looking at her best friend.
"Alright ladies, you may return and shower peacefully." Luke said.
"Also, please don't date jerks like him and make out in the shower room. At least, go home or something." Louise said.
"Guys, that was unnecessary." Kyla said.
"Oh please Princess, You've been nice to everyone." Harry smiled at the brunette. Kyla swore she felt her heart race, he was looking at her with those greenish-yellow eyes and those dimples on his cheek.
"And they've been nothing but jerks to you." Nelle said, cutting Kyla off trance. Nelle was the shy easygoing one. She also composes songs that'll either make you or break you, she plays guitar and is a sweet one.
"Alright cheeky lads and lass, we need to get to band practice." Luke chuckled. Luke was the dad of the group, he was always the responsible one. He'd organize band practices or rehearsals, he's also the man to get the boys out of trouble.
"You two stay away from trouble." Zane grinned as he pats both the duo’s shoulder. Zane was somehow the chick magnet of the group. He was the evident chick magnet, probably because of the "bad boy" image he was sporting.