"Mr. Hansen, Ms. Cortez." Mr. Miller greeted as the duo entered the room.
"Mr. Miller." both reciprocated, nodding slightly before going in their designated seats. A few more minutes passed and not Liam, nor Pierre was seen.
"Excuse me Mr. Miller?" Dylan asked as she raised her hand.
"May I ask where Mr. Henderson and Mr. Scott are?"
"Oh, Mr. Henderson is currently excused for the rest of the periods, he's doing photoshoots for the school's Brochures." Mr. Miller smiled.
"Mr. Scott on the other hand is accompanying him, best friend duties." The man said before winking.
"Speaking of Mr. Henderson, I happened to look by his records. He-along with Mr. Scott, are both applicable of being in the SS. But it turns out, they turn down the offer. As of next year, I don't think so though. Right Ms. Cortez?" The man grinned sheepishly, earning a light blush from the brunette. The other present students inside the class were to look at Kyla. Some were smiling at her, others seemed to be jealous.
"Alright, since we're not waiting for anyone anymore. Let's start Physics." He smiled before standing up.
Despite being one of the top students, Kyla hated Physics. She gets it, but often times she gets confused. Liam had been doing her a favor of teaching her some tips.
"Alright, finish the activity and you can roam around the campus freely. Last period is cancelled due to faculty meaning, so expect an early dismissal." Mr. Miller said as he sat down again. Kyla quickly attempted to do the problems, she was eager to finish. Eager to see Liam to be exact.
"Do you like it?" Kyla giggled as she watched Liam devour the cupcake she brought her.
"I do." Liam smiled with a mouthful, Kyla giggled at the sight. How can someone be wearing black jeans, black shirt, and a leather jacket and still look cute?
"Oh my gosh." Kyla chuckled as she looked at Liam who had icing on his lower lip. The two were currently at the library, waiting for Dylan and Pierre who were getting their library cards developed.
"What?" Liam answered as she looked at Kyla who was looking at him. The brunette didn't even say a word, she just gently stood up and leaned in to capture Liam's bottom lips to take the icing off. Smiling, the brown-eyed girl sat back on her chair and read her book that was placed on the table in between them.
"Well done." Mr. Miller teased as both turned their paperwork in.
"No. You should use my Camera." The brunette heard Pierre argued as they reached the place that Mr. Miller had told them.
"It's fine Pierre, I can use mine." A student named Jamie said smiling.
"Jamie, I only want what's best for my best friend. Not that I don't trust you or something, but please consider using this camera. It'll look much better, enhanced features and all." Pierre said before snapping a picture of the tree nearby.
"Oh wow! That does look much better. Alright, I'll take your word for it." Jamie said before smiling and taking the camera.
"Alright! Pose." The redhead said as Liam did what he was told.
"I swear you were in a different outfit earlier." Kyla teased as she finally showed herself.
"Camz!" Liam exclaimed as he turned around to hide himself.
"What the?" Pierre laughed.
"Come on Liam, we need more." Jamie said.
"Not with them here." The green-eyed guy refused.
"Hang on." Jamie said as she left the place when a woman called her.
"I thought you wanted me to support you?" Kyla teased as she looked at Liam.
"I do, but not right now." Liam said shyly, fixing his tie.
"Alright. Let's be clear you two, what is up with you?" Dylan asked, raising his eyebrow as he looked at Kyla who was helping the raven fix his tie.
"Nothing." Both answered.
"You two are bad liars." Pierre laughed.
"I like Liam." Kyla mumbled.
"What?" Pierre asked while Dylan furrowed his eyebrows.
"We like each other jeez!" Kyla said, before blushing.
"Ky, can I talk to you for a second?" Dylan asked while the brunette nodded.
"What about Harry?" The Danish hissed as they went away.
"It was just attraction Dyl. This is imprint." Kyla confessed.
"How is that even possible?" The Danish asked confused, soon understanding everything as the brown-eyed girl filled him in with the details.
"So Camrenn?" Dylan grinned as they walked back the place.
"I guess so, but please don't spread it around. We want to keep things lowkey as it is." Kyla shyly said.
"If anything, both of you are already spreading it around with your looks and all that." Pierre teased.
"Hi." Liam beamed when he saw the brunette, walking towards her and pecking her cheek.
"Hey." Kyla smiled.
"Could you loosen up more during your photoshoot? I don't like how it reveals your body." Kyla said sternly, but sweetly.
"I mean, you look handsome and all but I don't like-" Kyla started rambling.
"I get it." Liam giggled before fixing his jacket.
"My ship is sailing." Dylan whispered like a proud captain.
"So, Kyla right?" Jamie said as she looked at the brunette.
"Yeah?" Kyla replied shyly.
"I've just gotten a request from Mr. Miller, he asked to include you in the photoshoot to flex the School's top student." The redhead smiled.
"Oh no. I'm not fond of those." Kyla politely declined.
"Come on Ky! Agree already." Dylan grinned.
"It'll be nice, you and Liam will have the same theme. I mean come on, The next Campus President and The Campus Top Student." Jamie asked.
"President?" Pierre asked, while Liam remained silent.
"I'm appointed to replace Harry after he graduates." Liam bashfully said.
"When did that happen?" Dylan asked.
"A few hours ago." Jamie grinned.
"Liam!" Kyla smiled before hugging him.
"You'll be a great leader." Pierre chuckled.
"Now will you do the photoshoot?" Jamie asked.
"We'll have photoshoots of our own tomorrow by the way." Pierre informed Dylan.
"See?! Come on Ky! We'd be goals." Dylan exclaimed.
"Please?" Liam asked in a cute baby voice.
"Fine." Kyla mumbled, while the green-eyed guy kissed her cheek.
"Ooh. I'll make sure to put this on the same page and add "Campus Couple Goals." Jamie teased as she witnessed the moment.
"We're just great friends, We're not together.” Kyla chuckled.
"Yet." Pierre and Dylan winked, before pushing the brunette out the room while Jamie and Liam proceeded to take a few pictures.
"Damn Camz!" Liam said as he looked at Kyla who entered the room in a different attire.
"Shut up." The brunette said.
"This Brochure will be lit as fuck." Jamie grinned.
"What pose?" Kyla shyly asked.
"Pose freely." Liam smiled as he watched the brunette.
The brunette used to wear casual clothes, but upon being with her new clique. Pierre and Dylan with the help of Liam's pleading, styled her different-considering the fact that they’re guys.
"Lean back on the wall." Pierre instructed, Kyla did as she was told.
"Perfect." Jamie then started to angle the camera.
"Bring your confidence out Ky." The redhead said. The brunette looked at Liam while the green-eyed guy gently smiled.
"You got this."
"Hey Ky!" Dylan called, Kyla turned her head to the direction of the Danish who was beside Jamie.
"Look at the camera." Pierre instructed.
"Damn girl!" Dylan whistled and Kyla started laughing.
"Take some! Candid!" Liam instructed and Jamie started to click.
"Now look more intimidating, fierce, something like that." Pierre said.
"We need more pictures! More confidence Ky." Pierre said.
“Hang on, I got this.” Liam smirked, walking towards Jamie and taking the camera.
"What?" Kyla furrowed her eyebrows, The green-eyed guy smirked before he looked directly at Kyla.
"You look beautiful." And just like that, the brunette was left with a huge grin on her face along with a light blush.
"Damn Henderson, that was smooth." Jamie teased.
"Look at the camera babe." Liam instructed while Kyla bashfully did. A few more clicks, and they were already picking pictures.
"I think this'll be perfect." Jamie grinned as she showed them the picture. Dylan and Pierre high fived each other, while Kyla on the other hand buried her face on Liam's chest as the man approached her.
"Aye! Campus Top Student and soon to be model!" Dylan grinned hyping his best friend.
"You’d attract girls in the school" Kyla said.
"Well, don’t I already?" Liam winked, earning a slap from the younger one.
"Blame Pierre!" Liam laughed, referring to why he was there.
"Ditto, Blame Pierre." Kyla said as well.
"Excuse you both, I just did my part as the school’s editor. I felt like you’d fit as the cover.” Pierre joked.
"Ky, I love you but if y'all don't start dating by the end of this school year, I'm stealing Liam." Jamie winked as she looked at Liam's pictures.
"And I'm stealing Ky." Pierre proclaimed, looking at Liam.
"I like it!" Mr. Miller exclaimed as he looked at the Pre-showed school brochure.
"Our students are not only smart, and nice. Who says the school's Top Student and Campus President can't slay?" Mr. Miller read out loud as he showed them a page from the brochure that had the two's picture.
"Couple goals." The man winked.
"We're not together Sir." Liam chuckled shyly.