"Good Morning." The green-eyed guy smiled as Kyla entered the classroom.
"Good Morning." The brunette smiled back, making her way to her seat.
"What?" Kyla giggled when Liam frowned after she passed by the raven. The green-eyed guy huffed and crossed his arms.
"Dork." Kyla chuckled before leaning in and planting a soft kiss on Liam's cheek, earning a huge grin from the raven. The two had already confessed their like for each other, but they remained lowkey with it.
"I like mornings like this." Liam smiled as he looked at the brunette who was reading a book.
"What do you mean?" Kyla asked, looking at him.
"Mornings where I go to school and I see you, and we have the room to ourselves." Liam smiled, before looking at the door when another student entered.
"So much for that." Kyla teased as minute by minute, students went inside the classroom while the raven huffed.
"Hey baby." Lucy smiled as she sat down Liam's table at lunch break, while the green-eyed guy completely ignored his and continued typing on his phone, smiling happily.
"Ugh. Liam, try noticing me sometimes." Lucy frowned as she tried to snatch the raven's phone.
"Mind your own business. Jeez." Liam mumbled typing away.
"Who are you even talking to?" Lucy groaned.
"Kyla." Liam replied.
"Isn't she here?"
"Do you see her here?" Lucy shook her head.
"Exactly." The raven said before standing up and leaving the cafeteria.
"God Liam." Lucy huffed out while the green-eyed guy, tried his best not to get mad.
"Don't use his name in vain." Liam mumbled, as he tried to calm himself down.
"Who? God?" Liam bit his lip to stop himself.
"Yes." The raven struggled to say, before continuously walking away.
"Liam!" Lucy groaned hurrying up and following the raven.
"Leave me alone." Liam mumbled, looking at his phone then ahead.
"At least smile at me or something." Lucy frowned, finally the raven looked up and smiled.
"Camz!" The green-eyed guy exclaimed before running towards the brunette who was walking down the opposite side of the hallway. Lucy watched the green-eyed guy run happily towards the brunette who was with another man.
"Hey." Kyla smiled as she hugged Liam.
"Dylan!" Liam smiled happily before fist bumping Dylan
"Loser!" Dylan reciprocated.
"I missed you so much." Liam frowned before.
"Low, we've been gone for an hour." Kyla chuckled.
"I know, but it sucked. Pierre was excused, and you two weren't there and the cafeteria was so crowded and ugh!" the green-eyed guy complained.
"Here, I got you something." The brunette smiled before handing him a tiny box
"And I got you this." Dylan said before handing Liam something.
“You’re the best Dyl.” Liam grinned, hugging Dylan.
"I'm jealous now." Kyla frowned.
"Don't be." Dylan chuckled before kissing the brunette's forehead.
"I like you, not Dylan." Liam chuckled as winked at Kyla. The duo were called due to an emergency, and needed to leave the school urgently.
"Alright, Ms. Cortez, Mr. Hansen. You're both excused for the time being." Mr. Miller said as the brunette nodded. Liam and Pierre looked at the two as if they were puppies left behind.
"We'll be back before first period after lunch." Kyla said as she hugged both guys.
"Take care. I like you." Liam whispered in the brunette's ear, leaving her blushing.
"Bye." Pierre said as he fist bumped Dylan. The two hurriedly went outside the room, running along the hallways.
"Where is it?" Dylan asked the brunette.
"Not that far from here, but we need to be careful. We can't be seen." Kyla replied.
"Get in." Ally said as the duo reached her.
"Thanks for coming on such short notice Als." Dylan said.
"No problem." The woman said as she drove off.
"What happened?" Ally said.
"Some Outlanders happened to encounter a pack not too far from here. They're surrounded." Dylan explained.
"Outlanders?" Kyla nodded.
"Here." Ally said as she handed both a bottle of something.
"Use this after, to get the scent off." Ally said as she stopped the car.
"Clothes." Ally said as she handed both a little box with extra clothes.
"I'll stay there." Ally said as she pointed out a spot, Kyla jumped out the car first followed by Dylan.
*"Lead the way." The Danish mentally said while Kyla looked at her in response. Both guys ran as fast as they could to approach the site.
*"Princess!" An injured wolf said as he bowed down.
*"What happened?" Kyla asked.
*"Vampires." One added.
*"We're outnumbered Princess, we tried to protect the realm but they managed to snatch it."
*"Where are they headed?"
*"South your highness."
*"Let's go Dyl." Kyla ordered.
*"Princess, there are a lot of them. Queen Sandra is also chasing them, along with a few more." Kyla nodded in response as they ran south, They needed to take the realm. The realm was used by wolves to use at the portal to go to a place secluded for them only. Each wolf pack had a realm, The stolen one was guarded by the finest wolves around, but apparently despite the strength the vampires were smart enough to outnumber them.
*"Uncle Derek!" The brunette said as she ran faster, upon seeing Derek downing four vampires.
*"Go! The one who holds the realm is already by the portal!" Sandra commanded as the brunette passed her mother, who happened to down three vampires. The brunette sped up, she can't let the thief go.
*"Shit!" Dylan groaned as he was tackled down by 3 more.
*"Go!" The Danish instructed as Kyla stopped by her tracks. A few more vampires attempted to stop her, but she was able to dodge it.
*"Gotcha." Kyla smirked to herself as she trailed behind a vampire that was currently jumping from branches to branches. She was below the vampire, and she needed to do something. As if luck was on her side, a branch happened crack.
"Ouch!" The vampire groaned as the brunette hurriedly pounced on him.
"Let me go! Stupid!" The man growled as it tried to get out the brunette's grip. Kyla placed a paw on his neck, suffocating him.
*"Fuck!" The brunette growled as the Vampire used it's ability to control things to hit her. The brunette quickly stomped on the count's neck, dissociating the head from the body.
*"Eww. But good work." Dylan said as he appeared behind Kyla, who was currently running around the place, trying to get the blood off her paw.
*"Ew! Ew! Ew!" The brunette exclaimed limping around the place.
*"Get it off!" Kyla panicked as she ran around.
*"That was close." Derek said, followed by Sandra.
*"We need to keep the realms much more secured." Derek added.
*"I suggest, marking ourselves with the realm. Like use a spell or something, instead of carrying it around we ourselves contain it." The brunette suggested as she continued to walk around, wiping her paw on trees.
*"Are you hurt?!" Albert said as he appeared from the sight.
*"No, we're fine Sir." Derek replied, as the man looked at his daughter who was still running around, wiping her paw.
*"What happened to you mija?"
*"I killed him Papi." Kyla replied as she pointed at the dead body using her nose.
*"Well done, you did great." Albert said as he praised his daughter. Albert was not always so controlling, Kyla understands him as she grew up. But the brunette still refused to follow some of his orders that she thinks is too much, and the older man had no choice but to let her daughter be. Except for one certain order that the daughter and dad duo still argue about till this day.
*"Thank you Pap. I learned from the best." Kyla said as she wagged her tail, gently running to her father to jump on him. Despite the differences, the brunette was still treating him like they never argued.
*"My, you've gotten stronger." Albert chuckled as he gently placed his head on top of the brunette's.