Chapter XII

"What are we singing?" The raven asked as she looked at Harry.

"Mirrors, by Justin Timberlake." The curly-haired boy said, the two started to discuss about their performance which was about to air in 30 minutes. Liam suggested his fellow band members to accompany him, but apparently, they had different errands for the day.

"Wish me luck!" Harry chuckled as he walked over at Kyla who was smiling at him.

"Good luck." The brunette cheered as her eyes diverted it's attention naturally to Liam who entered the room in a white suit.

"Hang on, I'll check the mics and all." Harry said as he went to the stage.

"Dang." Dylan mumbled as he looked at Liam, followed by a smirking Pierre.

"Dang indeed." Kyla thought to herself as she looked at the raven.

"Damn Loser, you look sick!" Dylan said as he examined the raven who smiled. Kyla on the other hand watched from a distance, smiling at Liam.

"He didn’t want this suit first." Pierre explained as Liam walked away from them and into the stage.

"How the hell can Liam be a hot rocker on the first hour, and a sexy singer on the second?! Where's the fairness?! He slays any style." One girl squealed said.

"That's Liam alright." Pierre chuckled.

"You've been very quiet." Dylan whispered to the brunette.

"He's breathtaking." Kyla confessed, while Dylan had a huge smirk on his face. A few more seconds, and the announcer called both to the stage. It was a mini gathering for all the Teachers of the school along with the staffs, a little party for them. Wherein they requested a song performance.

"Ooh. Harry's looking at you, Loser as well." Dylan said.

"No, they're not." Kyla laughed.

"You like Liam, don't you?" The Danish asked while Kyla shook her head.

"Battle of the green eyes." Dylan teased.

"Dyl, stop." Kyla sighed. The Danish was about to speak up when the song started.

"Aren't you something to admire, 'cause your shine is something like a mirror

And I can't help but notice, you reflect in this heart of mine." Harry sang, his eyes trailing onto Kyla while the brunette smiled.

"If you ever feel alone and the glare makes me hard to find,

Just know that I'm always parallel on the other side." Liam sang, while the teachers looked at each other in shock. Kyla on the other hand was smiling proudly.

"Damn Ky, I knew Harry could sing but Loser?!" Dylan exclaimed looking at Liam like he was some sort of famous celebrity.

"Cause with your hand in my hand and a pocket full of soul, I can tell you there's no place we couldn't go." Harry sang, smiling at the teachers before glancing at Kyla again, who was also looking at him. The brunette felt her cheeks redden when Harry gave her a huge smile.

"Just put your hand on the glass, I'm here trying to pull you through, You just gotta be strong." Just like that, the brunette was captivated again by the raven who was singing with his eyes closed.

"'Cause I don't wanna lose you now, I'm looking right at the other half of me." Harry sang smiling at Kyla.

"The vacancy that sat in my heart, is a space that now you hold." Liam smiled as he finally stared into the brunette's eyes and there it was again. Everything around them disappeared in an instant, as if Liam was a magician.

"Show me how to fight for now, And I'll tell you, baby, it was easy, Coming back into you once I figured it out. You were right here all along" Liam sang once more as he looked at Kyla, not breaking the eye contact.

"It's like you're my mirror, My mirror staring back at me, I couldn't get any bigger, with anyone else beside of me." Harry sang, glancing at Kyla who was looking at Liam.

"And now it's clear as this promise, That we're making two reflections into one." Liam smiled at Kyla, earning a blush from the brunette.

"Cause it's like you're my mirror, My mirror staring back at me, staring back at me." Both of them sang, while the crowd cheered on. Dylan on the other hand was confused, Kyla was a blushing mess. He had seen his best friend blush on Harry's look, but blush on Liam's as well.

"Wow, they're good." Dylan mumbled as he looked at Kyla, who was currently shifting her gaze back and forth Harry and Liam who was also looking at her.

"Ky." Dylan called out when she stood up.

"Hang on, I need to go to the bathroom." Kyla said hurriedly walking out the place. The brunette was indeed confused as hell, but one thing made her realize something.

"Camz!" Kyla turned her head to where the voice was coming from.

There he was, the green-eyed guy who made everything messy. Calling out her name, a few feet from her. The brunette looked around the hallway, no one else was there. Just the two of them.

"Where are you off to?" Liam asked concerned as he looked at Kyla with his emerald green-eyes.

"Camz? Are you mad? You didn't even talk to me before I-" Liam started but cut himself off when Kyla started walking to him. The brunette remained silent, she was just walking towards Liam.

"Ca-" Liam started but was cut off once again, and this time by force. He felt herself get pulled, and the next thing she knew? Kyla's lips were on his.

"I like you Liam."


"Mija?" Sandra called her daughter as she stared off into space again.

"Yes?" Kyla replied, dreamily.

"What in the world has gotten into you?" Sandra laughed.

"Did that Harry boy do something?" Kyla shook her head quickly.

"No...about that Mom, there's something I need to say." The brunette said as she fiddled with her fingers.

"What is it?" Sandra smiled as she took the brunette's hand in hers.

"There's this person at school." Kyla started.

"It's another guy, isn't he?" Sandra smiled, Kyla gently nodded.

"He saved me one time from being hit by a baseball and we became close. He's in the class that was combined with ours, his best friend happened to be Dylan's close friend in the Dance club." Sandra nodded as she listened attentively, smiling at her 17-year-old daughter. Kyla continued to tell the story, while her Mom continued to ask questions whenever she gets confused.

"And then, earlier today when you talk to me telepathically." Kyla shyly mumbled.

"I dreamt of him, and it seemed like we were on a date or something." Kyla said.

"Then one day, Harry sang his song to me, and it felt nice. But when I went to the theater room, to the backstage. I saw him there, he was singing Mom. Then he caught my eye and smiled at me while he continued to sing, and everything else disappeared mom."

"Then later on, Harry asked him to sing with him. He happened to be pointed out by his other friend, and he agreed. During the song, I watched them both. Hazza and I would exchange glances and smiles. When it was the other guy singing, he caught my eye and smiled, and I was drawn again Mom. Like there was nobody else, just us." Kyla confessed.

"And…well I did something to confirm my theory." Kyla shyly said.


"I'm so sorry." Kyla bit her lip as she pulled away from the kiss, turning on her heels.

"Wait." Liam called out as he grabbed the brunette by the arm.

"I like you too..."


"And?" Sandra smiled.

"Was Ally right?" Kyla bit her lip.

"I think Ally is most certainly right, What did you do to confirm your theory?" Sandra said, raising her eyebrow.

"I…Kissed him." Kyla confessed in an audible whisper, as blush crept onto her cheeks.

"Oh my." Sandra said, looking at her daughter before hugging her.

"You've grown up!" The woman said, kissing her daughter's forehead.

“But next time, let him kiss you instead.” Sandra teased.

"Are you saying I did imprint?" Kyla asked.

"You probably did." Sandra smiled.

"So, what's his name?"


"That's a very lovely name, I'd like to meet him some time." Sandra smiled.

"I'm scared mom." Kyla said.

"Dad might flip out of he finds out I imprinted on someone else."

"Don't be scared of him. If he tries to get in between your life again, Mami will fight with you." Sandra smiled.

"So, when will I meet Liam?" Sandra grinned widely.

"Can we not talk about him when Dad is here? And will you please promise you won't tell him anything? Unless I say it's the right time?" Kyla pouted.

"My lips are sealed mija." Kyla squinted her eyes.

"Okay. I trust you." Kyla giggled while Sandra pretended to be offended.

"All I need to do now is to make him fall for me..." Kyla mumbled.

"You're not hard to love mija." Sandra reassured her daughter.

"But now that you've imprinted, you need to do what it takes to keep him. You know the consequences, right?" Kyla nodded.

"I will mom, I'd do anything."