Who the Hell Is He?

Liam closed his eyes and took off his shoes for the second time. He walked quickly to Ashley's side, took away her cell phone, and cast down his eyes blankly, trying to hang up the phone.

He turned on the screen, but it didn't show the phone interface he intended.

It was the main interface of the mobile phone instead.

There was no call log at all.

He reacted instantly, his stomach ached with anger, but he smiled, "Little devil, are you kidding me?"

Ashley blinked and said innocently, "I didn't say I called him."

Liam said in a cool tone, "Then who did you just talk to?"

Ashley moved to the other side of the sofa, "I just practiced."


"You just told me to die, I'm not talking nonsense. I have…" Ashley suddenly remembered that he had taken her phone and wanted to grab it back, "I have finished the practice, and I will call dad now."

Liam stared at her for a long while, without stopping her, he handed her the phone obediently.

"Okay, go ahead."

This development was different from what Ashley imagined. She glanced at him, a little suspicious, and didn't want to lose the battle, so she could only open the address book slowly.

Seeing her behavior, Liam said calmly, "After it, it's my turn."

"I didn’t cause any trouble." Ashley frowned. "What are you going to tell mom and dad?"

"I didn't want to call them." Liam said with a smile, "I meant it is my turn to hit you."


"It's okay, you can tell mom and dad." Liam got up to close the window and closed the curtains by the way. "Just tell them everything. After that, it's my turn."

The room dimmed a lot in an instant, like a prelude to a rainy mountain.

Ashley’s confidence then lost more than half, and she began to feel uneasy, "...If you hit me, dad will kill you when he comes back."

"Okay." Liam didn't care, "I'll wait for him to come back and beat me to death."


Liam didn't look at her. He looked around in the living room, then picked up the feather duster placed on the TV, gestured silently in his hand twice, and slowly said, "Kid, do you want brother to come over or do you come by yourself?"

Ashley stared at what was in his hand without answering.

Liam didn't seem to ask for her response, "Ok, I’ll come."

Realizing that the situation was upside down, Ashley suddenly called him, "Brother."

Liam replied leisurely, "Okay, I’m coming."

Watching him come over step by step, Ashley was silent for two seconds, staring at him with her big eyes, and she knew the current situation and said, "I was wrong."


"Sorry, Liam, I will never do this again."


"Good girl." Liam always yielded to the weak, throwing away the feather duster, "Behave yourself every day, don't always fight against me, brother will bring you delicious food, ok?"

Ashley grumbled unconvincingly.

Liam, "Then I’ll head out."

Ashley turned her head to look at him, and suddenly asked, "Brother, who are you hanging out with?"

Liam put on his shoes for the third time and said casually, "Roommate."

Ashley, "Oh."

"Nothing else? Do your homework at home." Liam said, "Don't go into the kitchen, don't cook by yourself. There are so many foods at home, you can eat some when you are hungry, and you can go outside to buy food. Call me if any problem."


"Right." Liam scratched his cheek and added, "Don't open the door to people casually."

Ashley nodded.

After a while, Liam went out.

There was a crisp sound of closing the door in the hallway, and then it was quiet.

The cartoon on TV has ended, and the ending music has been played. Ashley felt a little bored, so she threw the potato chips on the coffee table, then turned off the TV, and went to the toilet to wash her hands.

She thought of the word "roommate", and the tip of her heart seemed to have been scratched, gently, causing itching. She felt that the opportunity was just around the corner, and she could catch it with a grasp, the impulse surged in an instant, and it was suppressed for a moment.

She took a bottle of ice water from the refrigerator and drank it in small mouthfuls.

Ashley returned to the room.

Bella happened to call her, "Ashley!"

Ashley, "What?"

"Next week is Ethan’s birthday." Bella said, "They said they would go to KTV together and ask if you want to go."

"What day is it?"


"Cool." Ashley said, "I'll see at that time."

"Are you going to prepare a gift for Ethan?"

"Do I need to prepare a gift?" Ashley thought for a while, "Then I'm not available."

"..." Bella was speechless, "It’s not a must! It’s his birthday. If we go over without taking anything, we will feel embarrassed."

"I think so." Ashley said seriously, "so I won't go."

"But certainly only a few people will prepare!" Bella didn't want to go alone, and said, "You don't have to pay much attention to this. I will say that the one I prepared was bought by the two of us together."

Ashley pulled out a comic book from the shelf, "Let's talk about it then, aren't you going to the cram school?"

"Ah!" Bella’s tone suddenly became anxious, "I forgot! I gotta go!"

Then she hung up the phone.

Ashley lay down on the bed and flipped through her address book. Seeing the number she noted as "Jacob", she hesitated to click on the interface for sending text messages. Her fingers moved and stopped again.

‘If I want to text him, what should I write?

Happy holidays?

But recently, it seemed that there was only one Army Day that had just passed.

Then-a belated blessing--- I wish you a happy Army Day!


It seems a bit strange.

Or pretend to send the wrong text message.

It seems quite deliberate.

Otherwise, I should call Liam and say I'm going to find him? Maybe we can meet.’

Ashley threw away the phone and started thinking about it while reading the comic book. After a long time, she threw away the comic book, hid in the bed, and began to brew the sleepiness of the afternoon.

‘So why should we meet?

It doesn't seem to be a good thing to meet him, he is always teasing me, and the age difference is so much, she feels that there is a generation gap when talking to him, and there is no common language at all.

Much better to sleep at home.


Who the hell is he?.

She needs sleep!’

Ashley got up again, took a few sips of water, pouring out all her impulses by the way. She lay back on the bed with satisfaction, staring at the ceiling, and suddenly began to hypnotize herself, "I don't think I like him."

"He is just good-looking. When you see a good-looking person on the road, everyone will look at him/her more. Even encountering a good-looking dog, people will want to go and pet him/her."

The air froze for a moment.

Ashley sighed and continued to hypnotize, "Maybe I really like him, but if I meet someone who looks better, I will like others."

"For example, now, if I can't meet him, I don't particularly miss him." Ashley nodded and brainwashed herself, "This proves that such feelings are very hypocritical."

After saying this, she relaxed a little bit, lay back again, and continued to read the comics.

Unconsciously, she fell asleep on the book.

She didn't know how long it took, and the phone on the bedside table rang.

It sounded for dozens of seconds before Ashley was awakened. She opened her wistful eyes, stared blankly for several seconds, and then took the phone and hung up it directly.

Then came another phone bombing.

Ashley stayed in bed for a while. When the bell rang for the third time, she answered the phone, "Hello?"

Liam's slightly impatient voice sounded from the other end, "What are you doing? I called you many times."

"I'm sleeping." Ashley was also unhappy, "I hung up once and you shouldn't call again."

Liam snorted, "If I don't call you, you will tell mom and dad again, right? Get up. I will have dinner with my friends. Would you like to come over, or I will pack some dishes back for you?"

Before Ashley could answer, another voice suddenly sounded at that end, "Hey, Jacob seems to be a tutor nearby, let him join us?"

Liam, "Whatever."

"Ok, I’ll call him."

Ashley pursed her lips, retracted what she was about to say, and whispered, "I'll eat with you."

Liam, "Are you sure?"

"Yeah." Ashley got up and found the most reasonable reason, "I'm hungry, it's too late for you to pack them back."

"Okay, change your clothes." Liam said, "I'll call you later."

After hanging up the phone, Ashley walked to the closet, looked at the clothes inside, took a skirt, and put it on. Ashley went to the bathroom to wash her face, just when Liam called, she quickly put on her shoes and went out.

Ashley got into the elevator.

She didn't know if it was because of too much sleep, she felt a little uncomfortable after waking up.

Especially her stomach.

Ashley thought it might be diarrhea, and regretted not going to the toilet just now.

She walked out of the door downstairs and saw her father's car at a glance. Liam was sitting in the driver's seat, next to him was a man who was fat.

Ashley walked over and got into the back seat of the car.

The man in the passenger seat looked back and greeted her, "Little sister, do you remember me?"

It was Liam's roommate, Mike.

Ashley nodded.

Liam looked back at Ashley, "Seat belt."

After watching Ashley fasten her seat belt, Liam started the car.

Because she was going out with Liam, Ashley brought nothing but a cell phone. She glanced at the phone, then looked out the window and asked, "Where are we going now?"

Mike, "Go and pick up another brother."

Ashley said nothing more.

Liam glanced at Mike, "Ask where he is."

"He said he was right at the bus stop in the East Square--" Speaking of this, Mike pointed a short distance away, "Eh, is it him over there?"

Hearing this, Liam glanced in the direction Mike pointed and then drove the car over.

The car stopped. Following the window, Ashley saw Jacob coming here, then opened the door of the back seat of the car and changed the seat. She lowered her eyes subconsciously, keeping her eyes away.

Mike said, "Do you teach high school students?"

Jacob lazily responded, and there was no other movement afterward.

Ashley watched him secretly.

He seemed to be a little tired. He leaned on the seat when he got in the car, his eyes half-closed, and his forehead was scattered with fine hair, looking like a baldy. The dim yellow street lamp was scattered on his body, the light and shadow intertwined, faintly unclear.

After a while.

Jacob raised his eyelids suddenly and looked over.

As if caught her sight.

Ashley subconsciously grasped the hem of the skirt, fearing that she would look guilty when she looked away, so she did not dodge. After staring at him for a few seconds, she lowered her head, pretending to be calm and looking at the phone, as if nothing had happened.

Upon seeing this, Jacob raised his eyes playfully. He didn’t know how he provoked this child again. He sat up a little bit, put his elbow on the car window, and asked with a chuckle, "Kiddo, why don’t say hello?"

Ashley glanced at him and said obediently, "Hello, brother."

Mike turned around again and said unwillingly, "Eh, why don't you call me?"

Ashley paused and shouted again, "Hello, brother."

As if he hadn't heard Mike's words, Jacob stared at Ashley, with bright eyes and a natural blatant seduce, but he didn't seem to mean that.

He tilted his head and said leisurely, "Do you think I am handsome?"


"No wonder--" Jacob suddenly approached Ashley, raised his eyebrows, and smiled, "You blushed as soon as you see me."