Zombies In Texas

"Ma, I'm off to the football training," I said, all dressed in my customized white and blue football jersey, I dropped the soccer ball I was holding to fasten my boots buckle.

"Don't stay out too late," My mum said, she's a very simple woman who allows me to do whatever I want (so far it's nothing illegal or bad).

"I won't," I answered as grabbed my bag and exited my house.

Hi, I'm Jason, Jason Abraham, I clocked eighteen last week, definitely the most memorable birthday I've ever done! I live alone with my mum. My dad is or let me say was a crazy scientist who enjoys performing stupid and absurd experiments on me. My mum couldn't watch him kill her only-begotten child with his baseless experiments, so she divorced him and we moved to Austin, Texas and we've been living alone since then. I read books a lot, In fact, I have an alarm set to 7:30 pm every day to remind me to read a new book. And Yeah, I'm done with college and expecting to the admitted to the university soon.

Tell you the funny thing, those experiments never worked, though, I reacted to them in some way, but that's just it. Aside from the weird one-time reactions I had, nothing ever since. Also, I never fall sick, I don't know if it's related to his experiments. I don't know what he was trying to achieve, but he was always repeating "I only want the best for you, son,"

"We've been waiting for you for over 20 minutes," Ambrose said as he walked up to me and collected the ball. Ambrose has been the best friend I've made since we moved to Austin.

"Yo, I was sleeping, totally forget the scheduled training, why were you waiting for me though? What happened to the other balls? " I asked.

"The store is locked, we couldn't get in," Ambrose replied.

"Where's the coach?" I asked, I already looked around and there was no sign of him.

"He won't be coming today, we have to train alone," Fernandez said. Fern, as I like to call him is our team captain, we don't really get along, he's way too mean for my liking.

"Get up everyone! Let's start training!" He yelled on top of his voice. We all moved down to the middle of the pitch and started training.

The training was going pretty well, not until Fern hit the ball a little bit too hard. It flew off the pitch and landed on the street. That was when we all noticed a man walking irregularly like a psycho, his white top stained with something that looks like blood which kept dripping down his continuously open-and-close mouth.

"Yo!!!" Fern yelled

"Who are you cosplaying as?" He yelled again sarcastically, trying to make fun of him.

"Could you please pass the ball for us, sir?" I asked respectfully.

"The figure turned at us and growled aggressively, his mouth was dripping f**king blood! He growled once again and started running towards us.

"It's a f**king Zombie!!!" Jake, our goalkeeper yelled and we all scattered, running for our lives. I grabbed my bag and ran also, Ambrose and I ran in the same direction. We heard someone who sounded familiar scream, we stopped and turned back to see that Fern has been bitten on the neck, the zombie chewed on Fern's neck skin that he tore.

Seconds later, Fern rose up also, not as Fernandez anymore but as a flesh-eating monster.

"We need to f**king run!" Ambrose yelled and we took to our heels.

As we entered another street, we saw a swarm of them running towards us. We couldn't go back, cos we'll meet the exact same thing.

"I don't want to die," Ambrose said, almost pissing himself. "I don't either," I said.

"Hey, Heyyyy!!!!" We heard a voice yell from a building.

"Jason!!!" The feminine voice yelled again, I looked up at a building and saw our then classmate in college, and also my crush, Hannah, at the top of the building. Of course, she lives there!

Ambrose and I ran as fast as we could and got inside the house before the zombies could even close in on us. We locked the door and panted heavily.

"Are you guys okay?" Hannah asked and we nodded, Ambrose gestured for water and Hannah did well to give us both. I sighed after gulping down a cup of water.

"Thank you so much, Hannah!" I said. "You saved our lives," Ambrose included.

"Why are those people so violent?" She asked.

"As far as we know, those are no more people. They are zombies" I said.

"We are all gonna die," She said as she sank her butts on the couch.

"Not if we stay inside," Ambrose said. "For how damn long?" She asked.

"Well... till they find a solution probably," I said.

"See, I've watched a lot of Zombie movies, and most of those movies ended without getting a cure!" Hannah said.

"My parents are in Florida, I have no idea if they're fine" She muttered.

"You live alone?" Ambrose asked.

"Yeah, my parents moved last month, I stayed back cos I love it here, plus I needed to get some things in place.

"My mum!" I yelled in remembrance, I grabbed my phone from my bag and dialed her number, luckily, it went through and she picked.

"Mum, are you okay?" I asked and she is, thankfully.

"Mum, listen to me, I'm in a friend's house, Remember Hannah? Yeah, I'm in her house with Ambrose too. There's a little situation in the country right now. Please, don't step out of the house, turn on the tv to see what's happening. Mum, please, don't step out," I said, she was about to talk when the call got disconnected, I checked my phone and saw it died.

"Fuck, I thought I charged!" I yelled

"I have an extra charger you can use," Hannah said and I quickly plugged my phone in. Ambrose and Hannah tried to reach their parents, but the calls didn't even go through.

Hannah turned on the TV, and we saw it was worse than we thought. Lockdown has been declared on most of the places in the US, including Texas. We learned it started two days ago and had escalated very quickly. The news was still going on when the electricity suddenly went off.

"We are f**ked," I exclaimed.

"Huh, guys, we're more f**ked!" Hannah said as she walked back into the living room.

"I'm just coming back from my Kitchen, the groceries wouldn't last more than the rest of today and tomorrow," She said.

"What are we gonna do?" Ambrose asked, he was looking blue.

"Let's just calm down and hope everything gets solved within today and tomorrow," I said, and Hannah laughed, not that she wanted to, but the laugh forced itself out of her depressed face.

"You think they'd get it solved?" She asked.

"I hope," I answered positively.

Night came and went, none of us could sleep. We couldn't even if we try to, the noises of the people screaming and being chased by Zombies were so horrific and grueling.

"The street is surprisingly empty," Hannah said, she was peeping outside from her window.

Ambrose and I joined her in peeping outside, and there was indeed no one. Everywhere was silent, and any loud sound is surely going to attract the Zombies.

"I'm going to make breakfast," Hannah said and left for the Kitchen.

I tried calling my Mum throughout the night, but her phone was off, I just hope she's okay. I'm kind of relieved though, she recently brought groceries, so she should be okay with food. Ambrose also tried reaching his parents, still never went through.