The Man From The Parallel World

After about 50 minutes, Hannah returned with food. She made Breakfast Buritto.

"Thank You!!!" Ambrose said as he started eating, apart from the fact that he was hungry, he loves Burrito!

"Thank you, Hannah," I said and started eating too.

I finished eating and drank water. It felt so satisfying. "We have enough for lunch, but for dinner, not so sure," Hannah said.

"Then we'd have to go get groceries tonight," I said and they both looked at him.

"Jason, first of all, there are God damn Zombies walking freely on the streets, and no grocery store will be open!" Hannah lamented.

"Wasn't planning on buying groceries," I said.

"Are you suggesting we loot?" Ambrose retorted.

"Yes, I am. We have no other choice, do we?" I asked. Hannah continuously shook her head in disagreement.

"No...No...No! We won't risk our lives," She said.

"If we don't, we will die of hunger, so in whatever way, we're still risking our lives," I said.

"He's kinda right," Ambrose supported. "But, how are we going to do that?" He asked.

"Well... there's a grocery store very near... (cuts in)"

"GeKings?" Hannah asked and I nodded.

"(Continues) I suggest we go there tonight, the store would probably be left open. So we'd just go in, grab whatever we can, and get the hell out of there. All that must be done without making a noise," I said.

"Sounds easy when you say it," Ambrose said.

"Got a better idea?" I asked and he shyly nodded negatively.

"But, how will we get past the Zombies?" Hannah asked.

"Well, they are not roaming around currently, right? Let's hope we don't encounter them," I said.

"(Heaved a heavy sigh) This is synonymous with suicide," Hannah said.

Fast forward to 7 pm, we had to eat the little we could eat for dinner. We grabbed a bag, and Hannah gave us torches, we were ready to go outside.

The electricity was still down, but we could see a bit, with the help of some solar street lights that were still functional.

"I see no one outside," Ambrose said.

"Okay, let's go," I said. Hannah stood still, she was shaking in fear. I moved close to her and held her.

"It's okay dear, It's okay. I'm also shaking, but not physically, I'm dead scared inside. It's okay, you can stay behind, Ambrose and I will go," I said.

"Yeah," Ambrose supported. "No, I'll be more afraid alone," She said. "Let's go," She added.

We carefully opened the door and closed it, we didn't lock it just in case. The store isn't far at all, just a few blocks away on the other street. We tip-toed even though we saw no one. We got to the store and carefully opened the door and got in.

"Yessss!" Ambrose said.

"Keep your voice down," I whispered.

We started taking anything we can and dropping it inside the bag. We filled the bags with groceries, I zipped the bag and carried it.

"Now, we have to go back," I whispered. Just as we were about to open the door and get out of the store, my fucking phone rang! I forgot to remove my 7:30 PM alarm! I quickly turned it off, and we all stood still, shocked to the bones. But that didn't escalate our shock, this did.

We started to hear movement somewhere around the store. Ambrose was behind us, he tried to move closer, and 'tripped' on something and fell. Hannah pointed her torch only for us to see that a zombie held Ambrose's leg, before any action could be taken, the zombie dug her teeth into Ambrose's leg which made him let out a scream of horror.

"Fuck!!!" I yelled and grabbed a fire extinguisher and smashed it into the Zombie's head as she was moving towards us.

"Stay with me bro," I said, holding him very tightly while he was lying on the ground. He started to make funny movements with his head and we could hear his bones crackle.

"Go..." He said softly. Hannah pulled me while crying. "He's changing, let's go!" She yelled.

I reluctantly stood up and ran outside the store with Hannah, and yes, an army of Zombies, running right towards us. Ambrose's cry must have wakened them all. I dropped the bag cos it was weighing me down. We held hands as we ran for our lives. While running, we saw a light behind the zombies coming for us, and to our surprise, a jeep sped right through the zombies, crushing some in the action. It parked right in front of us.

"Get inside the fucking car!" The driver yelled. We both entered without hesitation. The zombies followed as the driver sped off. We were both crying, we just saw our friend turned into one of them. The driver ran inside somewhere that looks like a garage and the door closed immediately. We were finally safe from the zombies.

We got out of the car, and the unknown guy switched on the lights.

"Hey kids," He said, grinning widely at us.

The guy standing in front of me looks very much like myself.

"Hi, my name is Darius and I know what you are thinking," He said.

"Why do you look (cuts in)"

"Like you right? The answer is I am you, an older you, though," He said.

"What are you saying, how is that even possible?" I asked. "What the hell is going on here? and how do you have electricity, the whole country is down!" Hannah asked.

"I know you have lots of questions, but why don't we settle down first? And to answer your question, girl. I made my own Electricity," He said and led us inside. We sat down, Hannah and I were still in shock at what happened to Ambrose.

"Do you watch Sci-Fi movies?" He asked and we both nodded positively.

"Good, then this should be understandable...." He said and paused for a while.

"As I said earlier, I'm Darius and I'm an older version of you. But I am from a parallel universe," He said and paused, making sure we were listening to him.

"How's that even possible? Okay, assuming you're really from a 'parallel universe' how, why are you here?" I said.

"One question at a time. How I got here? Through Interdimensional travel. Your father is a scientist, and so is mine, just that mine deals more with tech. He built a lot of technological advancements that my world enjoys. Your world looks like ours in the 90s," He said and took a brief pause.

"One of my father's inventions was an Interdimensional Travel Machine, which can also be used for time travel. When you get inside the machine, a black hole will be created and the machine will take you right through it. Beyond the black hole are series of events, scenes, places, and particular times which you see as a result of information previously entered on the machine pertaining to your travel location and place bla bla bla. You have the choice to go into any of them, and it'll transport you there! That is exactly how I got here," he explained. I felt like I just read another book after the explanation.

"So, why are you here?" Hannah asked.

"To help you all end the Zombie apocalypse," He said. Hannah and I sat up well, we grew Interest in his 'talks' now.

"How will you do that?" I asked.

"With science... and of course, you," He said, pointing at me.

"Me? Why what have I got to do with this?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Your father created this virus, Jason," He said and it felt like a bomb to my ears.