Chapter 1 

  Wear it again?

  This was the first thought that came to Tong Zhao's mind after opening his eyes.

  Since his death in a car accident at the age of 24, Tong Zhao has obtained the quick-pass system. The soul has completed arduous tasks in many worlds. He has long been used to opening his eyes to accept a new identity and meet new challenges after death.

  She sits up and observes the surrounding environment while calling for the system.

  Tong Zhao is in a simple single room. There is no extra furniture except for the bed and dining table. Fortunately, there is a separate bathroom, which does not need to be shared with other tenants, but there is no need to think about cooking with a fire. There is no gas stove.

  Faced with the predicament, Tong Zhao actually laughed.

  It seems that this task is not difficult.

  After all, the last time she woke up, her spirit board was completely broken, her limbs were pierced by immortal lock nails, and she was hung in the heavily guarded water cell. The modern world in the poverty-stricken areas is a welfare vacation for her.

  Tong Zhao: [System, what is this mission? ]

  There was silence in her mind, and there was no mechanically synthesized sound to answer her questions.

  This is an unprecedented situation.

  Tong Zhao was suspicious, but an arrogant and coquettish female voice sounded outside the door: "Tong Zhao, I am looking for you."

  This Tong Zhao made her feel like a thunder!

  How long has no one called her this name? She used to be the concubine of the Sixth House, the Duan Song who killed a bloody road in the last days, and was also the Lu Xianchang who killed his wife and proved the scumbag... except that the system would call her Tong Zhao, she almost forgot Own original name.

  And this long-lost familiar female voice also made the memory of the first and this body surge like a tide.

  Tong Zhao is not wearing it again.

  She is wearing it back.

  Back to the most hesitant and helpless eighteen years old.

  After losing his mother for half a year, his father couldn't wait to bring home Xu Xinya and her illegitimate daughter, who had been raised outside, because Xiaosan was carrying the golden grandson that Tong's family was looking forward to. The greatly irritated Tong Zhao ran away from home, vowing that even if he starved to death by the roadside, he would not have anything to do with that family again.

  The virgin mother was once a generation queen, and Xu Xinya is the assistant to her sisters.

  When the virgin mother was pregnant, because it was inconvenient for the husband and wife to have sex, Xu Xinya used the reason of taking good care of her girlfriends to catch her father's line, and the two hooked up in the mansion. Under the fire caused by the sky thunder, Xu Xinya was pregnant with Tong's seed as she wished, and was secretly raised outside.

  The virgin mother who was kept in the dark thought that her best friend had been taken care of by a scumbag, and she became pregnant when she was unmarried. Xu Yaxin also naturally took advantage of her kindness to herself and continued to have an affair with her father.

  Later, when the virgin mother became seriously ill, Xu Xinya, who was consciously surpassing her, secretly told her the truth in front of the hospital bed, which greatly stimulated her, who was supposed to be meditation, and was severely crushed by this double betrayal from her husband and friends, and she did not survive the coldest in Jiangcheng. Year winter.

  Tong Zhao, who admired his mother since childhood, dreamed of becoming a big star, but everything changed after her mother died. The girl's angry accusations made her guilty father irritated. She was taken advantage of by her stepmother and her stepsister and took everything away. He had no living expenses and no place to live. The resources are all tilted to stepsisters who also have star dreams...

  Still chattering outside the door:

  "Don't pretend to be dead, I know you are inside. Didn't you say you want to get rid of Tong's family? You always have to take away the things you left at home! See how nice I am, I brought you here by myself. ."


  Oh, the dog barking outside the door is her stepsister Xu Zhu.

  The change made by the cheap father means the legacy of his old man.

  Xu Zhu made a special trip to see her, focusing on two themes:

  First, she felt relieved when she saw that Tong Zhao was not doing well.

  The second is to go to the bottom of the well and hit the water dog.

  After all, Xu Zhu is the most envious of Tong Zhao, who can live in a mansion with integrity. Just as Miss Qianjin fell to the ground from the clouds, her life was worse than before. This scene is worth seeing through thousands of mountains and rivers, but only Eighteen-year-old Tong Zhao also showed face to the enemy's daughter, crying to let her go.

  Tong Zhao: "Just got up, wait for me for a while."

  It was quiet outside the door immediately.

  Xu Zhu really wanted to see what her step sister looked like now.

  Let her wait, she is willing to wait.

  Back then, my own dead dog was paralyzed in bed for a few days, tossing back and forth to miss the dead mother, hating the sky and unable to do anything, but fortunately crying hard, this will not swell his eyes, but his face is a little pale. Tong Zhao pulled out the cosmetic bag from his suitcase, drew himself a base makeup quickly with slender fingers, and put on bright lipstick.

  In just five minutes, outside the door can't wait: "Tong Zhao, I warn you not to leave me outside. If you hate me and are not reconciled, open the door and tell me face to face! Are you even yours? My sister dare not face..."

  Tong Zhao opened the door.

  The voice outside the door stopped abruptly, and Xu Zhu was stunned.

  Tong Zhao in front of him was wrapped in a silk pajamas, with slightly curly long black hair draped over his shoulders and forehead, and the exposed skin was as delicate and white as the first snow, and the girl's eyebrows were lined up with bold lipstick more cool and beautiful. ——

  Tong Zhao bent apricot's eyes and smiled without a hint of temperature.

  "say something."


  Xu Zhu was more than speechless, she was about to breathe.

  Obviously the day before yesterday, she watched Tong Zhao collapsing and scolding her father in the living room. The appearance of crying and leaving the house was still in her mind. It was too overwhelming. Xu Zhu didn't feel like it was enough. Pleasure.

  What about it?

  What about mental breakdown?

  Both of them look like moms.

  One has inherited the queen, and the other is the assistant next to the queen.

  Tong Zhao's beauty is very overall. She has a perfect line from the arch of her eyebrows to the bridge of her nose, and she has a face that can withstand scrutiny from any angle, and she knows that she is a well-educated daughter with a wealth of background. . At this time, Tong Zhao was even more domineering, as beautiful as a substantive aura, crushing her.

  Xu Zhu reluctantly retrieved her voice: "Tong, Tong Zhao, it's not long before Auntie died... You put on makeup?"

  Although he stuttered a bit, fortunately, the other party has been so miserable lately, so you don't need to bother to look for it. A poke is the most important point. It is a pity that the poor child who exploded as soon as he mentioned his mother was in front of her. Tong Zhao had been the supervising emissary of the reincarnation mirror in the world of cultivating immortals, and there was no sorrow for the deceased mother, only hatred.

  There will be no less revenge.

  But the jokes that the enemy had seen before, this time will be avoided.

  "My mother likes to see me beautiful and beautiful. I take care of the beauty that she inherited from me. It is the best memorial for her." Tong Zhao lowered his eyes, and his eyes were as cold as water. On her delicate face, a mocking smile was aroused: "What are you going to give me? Bring it."

  Under her imperative sentences, Xu Zhu obediently handed over a large bag of clothes.

  After lightening his hand, Xu Zhu reacted afterwards.

  Why is she so obedient?

  She came to humiliate Tong Zhao, how could she be as obedient as before?

  That's right, in the past, in order to discuss life in Tong's family, Xu Zhu listened to her mother's words and flattered the real daughter in every possible way, and she was a good friend with the original Tong Zhao. Under Xu Xinya's education, she also believes that women's friendship can only use resources, just find a good value and sell it.

  Not only to sell, but also to hate her for having a good life.

  It is a fighter among the white-eyed wolves.

  "Tong Zhao!" Xu Zhu became angry and gritted her teeth: "Do you think you are still the eldest of the Tong family? My mother went to check the sex of this child last week. This time I am pregnant with a younger brother, even if you go back and apologize to Dad. It's useless, Tong's family has no place for you."

  After letting out the cruel words, Xu Zhu, who was overwhelmed by her beauty, was finally relieved.

  Tong Zhaojing listened to her quietly, and the smile on his lips had real emotions.

  Looking over from Xu Zhu's perspective, she can only be frightened by her beautiful eyes, unable to read the emotions aroused by her bright red arc, as if mocking and compassionate, like looking down on a pest chasing cookie crumbs on the ground. .

  "From the moment Tong Zhenming betrayed his wife, I was no longer a member of the Tong family. You and your mother worked hard for half your life, sharpened their heads, and gave up morality, dignity and friendship to squeeze through the door..."

  Tong Zhao's tone was cold and lazy, with a slightly dumb smile.

  Even if they are humiliating each other, they are also brewing seductive charm.

  "Sorry, I don't even look at it more dirty."

  Tong Zhao smiled, closed the door with his slender hands, and then called the property security downstairs, saying that someone he didn't know was entangled outside the door, hoping to drive her away. Hua Guo attaches great importance to public security. The community can be dilapidated, but it must be equipped with a certain number of security guards.

  "Tong Zhao, get out of me! You pretend to be noble, you live in such a shabby place, you are not a shit after leaving Tong's house! I will tell my father what you said, don't think you can get anything from my house. Resources..."

  Sure enough, when the security rushed to the 13th floor, all he saw was Xu Zhu who was kicking the door with high heels outside the door and yelling.

  Don't worry, he was immediately turned away as a troublemaker.

  Xu Zhu's words are half right.

  At that time, Tong Zhao was a flower in a greenhouse. After leaving Tong's home, he couldn't compare to someone with a background, and he couldn't beat someone with a high emotional intelligence. He only had a thread that his mother had put on her during his lifetime. The main director of "Legendary" is a fan of Tongmu, who was entrusted by her to arrange for Tong Zhao a female N enchanting concubine role.

  And the one who used to be, didn't grasp the only chance.

  Because actors cannot retain their consciousness during holographic shooting, they can only perform instincts and the drama themselves implanted in consciousness, so holographic movies are also called instinctive movies. Most of the young idols have no experience, let alone the exaggerated life experience in the movie. The characters after the fusion are on the surface, and the audience is also accustomed to these plastic performances.

  After being humiliated and stimulated by her step-sister, she fell into serious emotional problems. Not only did the imperial concubine who came to the show not have the seductive charm of a beauty and trouble, the audience only saw a little pitiful panicked.

  The loved ones are hurt, the enemies are fast, Tong Zhao never got any role again, and watched his stepsister become famous and profitable.

  And this time I wear it back...

  Tong Zhao walked to the mirror, looked at his face, and remembered the world he had walked through for the first time.

  In ancient time and space, she was the fox demon who had the responsibility to speed up the destruction of the tyrant, and was the noble concubine of the Sixth Palace. The memorial provided by each official should not only praise the emperor, but also praise the beauty of the concubine, otherwise it would be The sin of disrespect.

  How ridiculous there is.

  The moment she looked in the mirror, the thoughts and thoughts of Chen Guifei flowed through Tong Zhao's internal organs.

  Tong Zhao found that she could not only recall the personality she had passed through, but also use it freely!