chapter 2 

  at the same time.

  While Tong Zhao was researching his golden finger, Xu Zhu, who was politely and toughly asked to leave the community by security, got into the luxury car with a face of displeasure. After closing the door with his backhand, he took out his mobile phone from his brand-name handbag and dialed Tong. Father's phone.

  She forcibly suppressed her anger and complained softly: "Dad, I took my sister's things and gave it back to her. I told her that there will always be her place in the house. She would come back sooner if she figured it out. The big deal is that I will move. The same goes out..."

  "How is it possible to let you move out? Xinya is pregnant with your brother. I am busy with work, and she cannot be taken care of by her relatives."

  Tong Zhenming was very disapproving.

  Hearing this, Xu Zhu was determined in her heart, and then provoked: "I can't help it. My sister is still angry and refuses to forgive me, saying that she will never be a Tong family member anymore, and she said..."

  She hesitated, seeming to hesitate whether or not to say it.

  "What else did your sister say?"

  Tong Zhenming really took the bait.

  He has always been the image of the patriarch at home, and he dislikes the disobedience of juniors and women.

  Even if he did something wrong, he apologized! Tong Zhao actually dared to point at his nose and call him an old and disrespectful. This girl ate him and lived him, the parents of the world, he was right or wrong, and it was not his daughter's turn to make irresponsible remarks.

  The eldest daughter ran away from home. Tong Zhenming was offended by her authority, and decided to let her realize that she was nothing and couldn't do anything without her father. The little princess who used to be so spoiled and beloved will be educated by reality, and she will admit her mistakes, and he only needs to sit firmly on the Diaoyutai.

  This is the self-confident educational experience of middle-aged men.

  Therefore, Tong Zhen acquiesced to her youngest daughter to find Tong Zhao's residence, wondering if she had been outside for a week to reflect on it.

  "My sister also said that she thinks you are dirty, and her eyes are dirty after one more look. If the aunt knew you were such a person, she wouldn't be with you at all. Anyway, there are a lot of better rich sons pursuing the aunt. If it's not for bad health, the auntie can remarry at any time even if she takes her..."

  Xu Zhu said timidly.

  Use the most insulting and innocent tone to make up a small composition.

  Xu Zhu knew that the most arrogant thing about his father was that the virgin mother who was the shadow queen liked him alone among the many suitors, and he also minded the admiration of others for his wife before and after marriage, even if she did not easily see outsiders. It is also difficult to eliminate his response. Tong Zhenming complained to Xiao San many times about this matter, and Xu Zhu knew how to poke his sore spots.

  "Dreaming!" Tong Zhenming was furious, shivering with anger: "I really raised this rebellious woman for nothing, can I have her without me? I think I am dirty? Very good, even if she died outside, I won't care anymore. She! She wants to be a celebrity, I originally prepared contacts for her... Forget it, anyway, Tong Zhenming is not only her daughter. She doesn't like to recognize me as an old man. Many people kneel and want to call me Dad! "

  Xu Zhu was heartbroken: "But..."

  The dad's words are very cool.

  Daughters also feel that it is very profitable to call Dad on knees.

  The father and daughter both felt that Tong Zhao's lack of admiration would be a big loss, and it would be bad luck.

  "Don't speak for your sister, I have a sense of measure. Remember not to tell your mother about this, I'm afraid she will feel sad."

  Tong Zhenming impatiently comforted her daughter, and ended the conversation with a command sentence.

  After receiving his father's promise that Tong Zhao would no longer be in control, Xu Zhu felt much better. He decided to go back and repeat the phone call with his mother immediately. He might even recover from pregnancy during pregnancy and immediately eat two more bowls of rice.

  Xu Zhu was not disappointed. Tong Zhenming was very efficient in doing things. He immediately won a girl group development program with the theme of youth growth for his youngest daughter, backed by the entertainment company run by his old friend Song Zong as a springboard, not only let her On the show, it was agreed that among the girls featured on the script, Xu Zhu's name must be included, and they will make their debut.

  After gaining a certain popularity, you can get in touch with the low-difficulty characters in the reliable production, step by step. This is also the most reliable and reproducible star road in most people's imagination after the rise of instinct movies.

  If you can't play, then you can go to a variety show.

  A life experience that is not exaggerated will be lovely and loved on the show, and the audience will also like it.

  Mr. Song knew about his family's situation, and persuaded: "Tong Zhao must be very concerned about the step-sister. You also gave your sister the resources that you originally intended to give her. She must be more ill-treated with you when she knows it."

  "I just want her to know that everything she can get is given to her by me, and I can take it back at any time, and give it to whoever I want. Xu Zhu is so petty by her mother, in fact, I don't have much. Like it, but she can be used to counterbalance Tong Zhao and let her know that she is no longer the only daughter who can be willful."

  Tong Zhenming lighted a cigarette and said slowly.

  The eyes that were muddled by wine are full of determination that money is in control, and those who obey will be rewarded, and those who disobey him will lose everything. This is the rules of the game of Tong's family.


  According to Tong Zhao, who has experienced several times in his life, there are many rules of the game running in this world.

  The big rules eat up the small ones.

  The arrogant little overlord who was spoiled by the whole family came to school and no one was used to it, and the rules of the school didn't work in the society. In full swing, she directly shined in the draft and made the emperor's soul stunned. She jumped from the circle of Zhaidou to the court of Gongdou. Relying on her acting skills and scheming, she was promoted again and again, and turned around to clean up those scumbags and aunts. It's easy.

  What Tong Zhao wanted was to jump out of Tong's circle and enter a bigger place.

  There is one week before the filming of "Mingdi Side Story" begins, and Tong Zhao only does three things at home.

  1: Concentrate on beauty

  In ancient times and in the world of cultivation, Tong Zhao collected some natural remedies for beauty, which were very useful. The so-called Eighteen Ugly Women, she was already beautiful, but she cried and suffered insomnia every day after losing her mother, and her skin was tossed badly. After a few days of raising her, she returned to a radiant face.

  The role of the imperial concubine in "Mingdi Side Story" is a beauty in the city, no matter what the acting skills, Yan deserves to be convincing.

  Two: online class

  In the original world, holographic technology tends to mature, and after almost reaching full popularity, physical universities are gradually declining, and people are more inclined to this convenient technology. It's a pity that a holographic cabin is too expensive. After leaving home, Tong Zhao, who is poor and white, can't afford it, so he can only watch it with an ordinary computer, and learn by self-discipline.

  Three: Let Chen Guifei Ghost Upper Body

  Strictly speaking, it is the self.

  After many exercises, Tong Zhao has been able to switch skillfully in reality, but since he can't afford a holographic cabin, it is still an exercise on paper.

  "When can I leave this shabby place..."

  The woman lying sideways on the single bed is doing leg-lifting exercises to make her thighs more obvious and firm. She obviously has a face, but the charming and squeamishness of her eyes makes her feel like lying on a gorgeous chaise longue. As long as she eats and wears is not the best, she has to act like a spoiled temper with the superior. .

  And Tong Zhao himself has never cared about where he lives.

  It's not about life or death, and she doesn't like to ask for benefits from the opposite sex.

  Tong Zhao's instinct is definitely not suitable for being a green tea concubine, and can only be done by the "chen noble concubine" who once made a bloody road in the palace battle.

  A week is fleeting.

  The holographic cabin used for film and television shooting is more advanced, so you have to go out of the house and go to the holographic cabin dedicated to the studio.

  Tong Zhao has good makeup, puts on a simple black dress, her hair is tied into a high ponytail, and she wears a bunny ears headband of the same color as a decorative item. It is so cute and cute that people can't guess her temperament.

  After she went downstairs to take a taxi to the studio, she first registered her personal information at the front desk, and then walked in, looking at the past along the way, full of beautiful faces after another. Most of them came to the studio to try her luck and find an audition opportunity. Yes, chances are you will run into a character who is highly integrated with the "self".

  All the competitors sitting on the corridor benches made the atmosphere tense.

  Vigorous and vigorous, but also lost and perplexed, Tong Zhao, wearing light pink large-frame sunglasses, looked so out of place when she passed through the emotional faces.

  Under the shade of lively colored sunglasses, you can only see her high nose, slightly curled and sensual lips, and beautiful and tight chin lines...Her steps are brisk, and even if you can't see the expression, you can still feel her. The calm and brisk.

  So calm, I will do well in the audition later.

  People who saw her couldn't help but think enviously.

  No way, Tong Zhao has seen too many big scenes.

  The last time her face changed drastically, it was when she saw nearly ten thousand zombies besieged on the high wall.

  Take the elevator to the shooting room on the 31st floor. As soon as Tong Zhao walked in, he was taken by the scene to see the director.

  When I saw Tong Zhao, the assistant director and actors around the director looked a little ugly.

  No way, when Tong Zhao came to the audition last time, she was desperate. Her "self" was also dull and confused during the audition. Beauty is beautiful. She has a good face, but she doesn't have the aura of a big beauty. , It makes people wonder if she is a real wealthy daughter. Such a person should be removed from the audition. However, this is a relationship account that the director insists on, and it is difficult for other people to say anything.

  Anyway, the imperial concubine is just a tool to promote the plot, and the face is good enough.

  Most of the audience is very used to this kind of young actor with a face.

  "Uncle Jian."

  Before calling someone, Tong Zhao took off his sunglasses and hung them on his chest, revealing a pair of bright eyes.

  The director answered and beckoned to lead her aside.

  He looked at her face and saw that she looked good, and he encouraged her: "It seems that you have listened to what I said. The most important thing is to have your own career as a human being. You will perform well later without putting too much pressure on yourself. The noble concubine is An embellished vase role can easily be played well."

  The director has also told many people about similar spiritual chicken soup.

  Should I be nervous or I will be nervous.

  Upon hearing this, Tong Zhao smiled.

  The director Xu Zijian had always wanted to give her a hand in her last life, but unfortunately she couldn't grasp it when she was devastated. In the end, she became a desolate appearance that made her enemies happy. Naturally, she would not go the same way in this life. She nodded obediently: "I see, Uncle Jian, I will cheer."

  "Go ahead."

  Seeing that she is well-behaved, while the director is pleased, he also guessed that her performance will not be very good.

  After all, the role of noble concubine has nothing to do with well-behaved. In the setting, it is a bad and scheming scorpion beauty. However, the actor is energetic and his face is good-looking, and his performance is definitely better than last time. He is a good tool person.

  "Oh," the screenwriter sighed: "I'm afraid that your "self" won't attract Mingdi."

  Tong Zhao looked indifferent: "By the way, the imperial concubine's fate was given to death by Emperor Ming? Then you might as well worry about whether he will love me so much that he loves to kill me."


  In the suspicious and implicitly contemptuous gazes of others, Tong Zhao and the other actors lay in the holographic camera cabin.

  Just before the instrument was activated, Tong Zhao activated the cheat.

  Almost in the blink of an eye,

  She has changed back to the legend of the harem who has climbed from a talented person to a royal concubine in just three years!