Chapter 5 

  The actor cannot sleep, but Tong Zhao sleeps well.

  Chen Guifei's personality is still inexhaustible, and I really want to continue to come out to tease the man. She was forced down by her. She was afraid that she would accidentally let the noble concubine empress to let the wind out for two days. When she came back, she found a long line of spare tires on her mobile phone. Jumping into the Yellow River can't be washed.

  Chen Guifei smiled: [What are you afraid of, a woman's success is inseparable from a man. ]

  Tong Zhao: [That was your age, modern times are different. ]

  Chen Guifei snorted and ignored her.

  When you are about to go through, it takes almost a lifetime to navigate a world, and split personality is a forced helpless move to preserve oneself.

  These personalities are like very one-sided and extreme Tong Zhao.

  She is inseparable from men, she likes muscular men.

  There are also those who are annoyed to see the father-in-law, and can only tolerate her a little bit of a young dog.

  Tong Zhao, who got up early in the morning, went to enjoy a special gym, did basic muscle exercises, and then went back to the room to meditate to absorb the essence of the sun and the moon. Although the aura of this era is so thin that it can't be compared with the era of cultivation, as long as you persist, it will definitely be of great benefit over time. Since it is the intangible wealth that I have accumulated with blood and tears, I don't need to use it in vain, just practice.

  In the staff restaurant, the director found Tong Zhao at a glance.

  He took his share of the meal and sat down naturally in front of her. After a few words, seeing her look good, he said: "Your performance will start tomorrow. My suggestion is not to read the evaluation. , Good and bad sounds are easy to affect your next performance... There are also some things that may make you emotionally unstable, and you should not watch it. For example, Song Wanzhuo will choose to disconnect from the outside world during the performance. Some important matters are conveyed by his agent."

  Tong Zhao nodded, looking very well-behaved.

  In fact, it didn't take it to heart.

  Tong Zhao has long been underestimated by outsiders.

  As for the imperial concubine Chen? She is most used to being scolded by people on her backbone. The military commander scolded her when she was in court, and the unwilling literati wrote poems with yin and yang, which did not prevent her from being beautiful alone. The Wenchen had long deciphered the wealth code that used to brush favorability in front of the dog emperor one by one to blow the rainbow fart to the imperial concubine.

  "I see, thank you Uncle Jian."

  "Don't be polite to me..."

  Before the voice was over, Tong Zhao's phone rang, and the caller ID on it said clearly [Tong Zhenming].

  Under the director's disapproval gaze, Tong Zhao answered the call.

  "Hello, Mr. Tong?"

  This alienated title successfully angered Tong Zhenming, causing him not to notice the briskness in his daughter's tone.

  "Bai has raised you for so many years, and I don't even know what my father is called," he sneered, and couldn't wait to remind her: "The first episode of "The Girl Who Chooses" has reached platinum level."

  There are unique ratings for ratings, which are black iron, bronze, silver, gold, platinum, diamond, emerald and pinnacle. The first episode can reach the platinum level, which is considered to be a reasonable market feedback for the warm-up investment. As long as the level is maintained and the content is edited to find a marketing promoter, the follow-up may be able to cross the diamond level threshold.

  Tong Zhao: "Are you going to make a middle-aged debut?"


  Tong Zhenming was choked by her daughter's brain circuit: "Zhuzhu was on that show. In the first episode, she had the most shots, and the members discussed it in the top three."

  He actually didn't know much about the entertainment industry. It was Xu Zhu who invited him to pamper him, letting his father know that the investment had paid off.

  Tong Zhenming turned around and used it to stimulate her eldest daughter.

  He knew that Tong Zhao was making instinctive movies, and he also knew that it was best not to have violent mood swings during the shooting, and he knew that this incident could severely stimulate her and make her perform abnormally. But so what? The disobedient junior should lose everything. He wants to let his daughter know his family's prestige and set rules for her.

  "When you wait for your women's clothing, let me know. I won't watch the show without your debut."

  Tong Zhao's tone is plain and implies a smile, and his mockery is MAX.

  The eyes of the director sitting opposite her changed from disapproval to surprise.

  After she finished speaking, she hung up the phone and hand in hand, explaining to the director: "I will let him out when I feel better."

  Director: "I thought you would scold him."

  "What are you scolding him for? Forget it, a family of blood ties can't help but curse. I know him well, and mentioning my mother won't make him feel guilty at all, making him unexpectedly angry and unable to express his talents. It will be uncomfortable for several days."

  With that said, Tong Zhao reacted, the director just said to her [something that may make you emotionally unstable], it should refer to "Star Selection Girl". Uncle Zijian has always had a delicate mind that is contrary to the rough appearance. He took special care of her junior. Tong Zhao couldn't help but feel soft. He obediently let the director comfort him for a while, showing a very useful look.

  After eating, Tong Zhao took one step first.

  The director sat there slowly tasting tea. After not tasting quiet tea for a while, Song Wanzhuo sat over.

  "Director, are you familiar with Tong Zhao?"

  Song Wanzhuo is handsome, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, and very handsome.

  Usually speaking, he is very sunny and cheerful, and he belongs to young male stars of all ages.

  The director rarely saw him look so hesitant and unconfident, and could not help but be curious: "The daughter of an old friend wants to make a film, so she pulls it. It made you feel uncomfortable during the audition. Actually, the adjustment was good, right?"

  "More than that."

  Watching the samples last night, Song Wan was so embarrassed that he was rolling all over the bed, tossing and turning.

  I thought this was the most uncomfortable.

  Unexpectedly, the torment is still to come.

  Finally, I slept for five hours in a daze. I woke up in the morning and the memories in the play were recovered. I was frozen before I was under pressure. The memorial that persuaded myself to kill the anti-thief accounted for one-third of the plot point every day. And he resisted all the disagreements, not only sealed Chen Yan as a noble concubine, but he also obeyed her wishes, with Chen as a title, with unlimited honor...

  Gan, too top!

  Seeing Tong Zhao from a distance just now, Song Wanzhuo almost couldn't hold back and walked over to hug my beloved baby.

  He spoke out his troubles.

  "Now when I close my eyes, I think of Tong Zhao's face. That is my imperial concubine. Really, I may not think of it by looking at the sample, but Ming Emperor was really eaten by the imperial concubine. Concubine, it's normal for me to think of her when I work out in the morning, right?"

  It's very common for instinct actors to be affected by emotions in the play, so there may be a professionally qualified psychologist in the large crews. "Mingdi Waizhuan" has been evaluated before filming, and there are no plots that will have a major impact on reality (such as murder The plot of the crime of arson), so there is no psychiatrist, so the actors have troubles and often ask the director for help.

  In addition, Song Wanzhuo and Daoshi Xu have expressed their affection to him.

  Song Wanzhuo was very distressed.

  However, as soon as he looked up, he saw Director Xu smiling happily.

  Song Wanzhuo: "...Is it really good to build happiness on my pain?"

  "Sorry," Director Xu closed his smile, but the emotional background was still happy: "Since you have such a chemical reaction, the audience must feel that you can also wash away the emotional stigma of the emotional scene."

  The instinct movies of idol dramas are notoriously good.

  After all, they are all handsome men and beautiful women. After the role template is imported into the brain, it is not difficult to generate sparks in the play.

  What's more, idol dramas have flat characters, bright plots, and rich per capita second-generation CEO stars. As long as they put on a good-looking face, the audience will be happy to accept them if they perform well.

  But for such a good subject, Song Wanzhuo just didn't perform well.

  He is too picky towards women subconsciously.

  After accepting the template import, you can fall in love in the play, but the emotional play is very emotional.

  Tianlei's love at first sight can be acted as an arranged marriage by him.

  But how mysterious are the opportunities in the entertainment industry?

  Song Wanzhuo ran into an excellent agent who set him up for veteran cadres, and he had many girlfriends who liked him. Because his brother was not interested in any actress, he was very good at brainstorming. Later, he acted in a commercial war movie without a love story. The performance was excellent, and his status was established.

  It's just that there is such a stigma, a male character with a lot of emotional drama, Song Wanzhuo don't think about it.

  Hearing this, Song Wanzhuo's face was slightly stunned.

  It's just that a hard mouth won't be soft: "How can the old vulgar fan compare to my concubine."

  "You just talked a while ago about whether you can replace your beloved concubine," the director pierced through, but thinking of Tong Zhao's performance in the first audition, he gave Song Wanzhuo down the steps: "Don't think about anything. No, there won't be much of her role in the next part. If you are really interesting to people, please go and ask for contact information."

  Said to be a supporting actress, but the imperial concubine does not have many roles.

  Soon because of being dragged down by the family, he would be bestowed to death by Emperor Ming.

  There are many examples of instinctive movies because of drama. The director saw Song Wanzhuo's style in the circle relatively clean and upright, so he made a point.

  "Furthermore, now I really hooked up. I'm afraid that I will not be willing to give her to death in the play, so I can dismiss the harem directly."

  Song Wanzhuo said jokingly.

  I'm afraid that I really like it when I look at it more, so I didn't dare to sit over before.

  The director turned off the topic with a smile, and talked about the relationship between him and the second man.

  At the same time, after Tong Zhao returned to the room, he checked the status of "Girls of the Stars" on the Internet.

  She lived in the shadow of her stepsister's fame for too long in her previous life. Cao Za's heart had long been practiced so that she was not bad when she was about to wear it. It was enough for her to eat a full and sweet apple at this time, while calmly. The main purpose of reading Weibo about Xu Zhu is to confirm whether all developments are the same as before.

  Xu Zhu already has his own official Weibo account.

  @星选少女-Xu Zhu

  @许珠National Support Fan Meeting

  There is also a support club in the name association. It is estimated that the company will get it, so that the new fans who entered the pit in the first episode can gather together and slowly manage to solidify into real fans.




  Tong Zhao clicked in to enter the relevant entry of the little princess Bai Fumei.

  [Little Gongju Zhuzhu is so good, so sweet, my mother is a fan! ]

  [Damn, looking at the full set of noble ladies' cards in Xu Zhu's dormitory, I really admire it. Does the little princess Xu Zhu still need a sister? ]

  [The arrangement of Xu Zhu's extravagant YXH's mind is flooded, the little girl looks like she is accustomed to using good things for small children, she doesn't take it seriously, she is speechless. ]

  Well, like in the previous life, the agent created for Xu Zhu the image of a pet little princess.

  It's true that I have used good things since I was young.

  When Tong Zhao was a child, there were so many good things that he could not use up, and he was often followed by his best friend Xu Zhu.

  When my mother found out, she bought a new set for her friend's daughter.

  The mother and daughter felt nothing, good friends.

  Recalling now, Tong Zhao was somewhat nauseous, and he quickly meditated and chanted a cleansing mantra to himself, only to feel more comfortable. It's just that the Qingxin curse has become too much, and it has split in the world of cultivation, and the always taciturn personality of the immortal Lu is rare to stop diving: [Those who betray me deserve to die. ]

  Each word seemed to brave the cold sword air.

  Tong Zhaowan: [Okay, a society ruled by law. ]

  Chen Guifei hummed: [Let Xu Zhu be proud of this bitch for a few days, and when Zhaozhao is better than her, it is time for her to feel uncomfortable. ]

  Lu Xianchang couldn't understand her way of bewitching men, and stopped talking.

  Chen Guifei took advantage of the victory and pursued: [I acted well in the play, and made Mingdi a faint boy, and gave Zhaozhao a big face. What use can you do? Go there if it's useless! ]

  When Tong Zhao first dressed as Lu Xianzhang, she was being killed to testify.

  The role is too obsessive to men, so she was lonely in that world for a lifetime.

  After being silent for a while, Lu Xianchang suffocated a big move:

  [Give me a sword, bloody Tongjia! ]