Chapter 6 

  Of course Tong Zhao couldn't really kill people.

  She coaxed Lu Xianchang back, meditated and practiced for a while, absorbing the spiritual energy of the sun and the moon. Although the spiritual energy in this world is extremely thin, it is impossible to live long by cultivation, but at least the same amount of time is spent, and the effect is better than applying a moisturizing mask.

  During this period of time, "Mingdi Waizhuan" began to broadcast the part of Tong Zhao's appearance.

  The average ratings of "Mingdiwaizhuan" hung on the tail of the diamond level, and the discussion on the Internet has not been low. It stands to reason that even if it is just a small guest role for newcomers, it is also a very desirable fairy cake. The problem is that Song Wanzhuo is a straight man. His reputation is beyond the reach, want him to play the emperor of the world? No problem, Long live Lord's aura is leveraged.

  Let him play the infatuated emperor who is fascinated by his beloved consort?

  Fans of the show can imagine him sternly saying "this is not in compliance".

  Emperor Ming and the imperial concubine are one of the pitiful lines of affection in the play. The person who hates Song Wanzhuo has been waiting for him from the beginning of the first episode, and waited until the imperial concubine appeared on the scene, finally looking forward to the dawn of hope.

  There are many people waiting to see Song Wanzhuo's jokes.

  Duo De The marketing account smells to bring rhythm, so much that even Song Wanzhuo's agent bought some navy soldiers to strengthen his feelings. Since the image of the straight male emperor is about to collapse, it is better to fish in the collapse. Point the residual value!

  Who has ever played an instinctive movie?

  As long as there is a stalk, there is heat.

  Sure enough, under the hype of #宋晚濯爱情戏#, the latest episode of Tong Zhao's appearance was well warmed up.

  "Mingdi's Biography" aired at six o'clock in the evening, and the holographic viewing hall was full of people early.

  If you don't have money to buy a holographic helmet or operating cabin, you can also watch it from a traditional perspective. The real fans of drama are of course subscribed to both, first appreciate the director's mirror narrative, and then personally go to the drama to have a 360-degree immersion experience. However, no matter what kind of vision, the audience can watch it while sending out a barrage, and even an anchor opened a separate room to comment on the live broadcast of the fan audience.

  Of course, part of the gift rewards received must be distributed to the drama and the platform.

  The audience and the netizens who eat melon are waiting to watch Song Wanzhuo's performance, and their attention to the newcomer Tong Zhao is average. After all, she is not well-known, and there is no agent and company to sign her away, the purest work alone. The step-sister Xu Zhu was anxious for her to get into the center of the earth, so naturally she would not take her, and guessed that the arrogant Tong Zhao would not rub her heat.

  Tong Zhao really doesn't know how to rub.

  Too bad.

  Song Wanzhuo's fans are also laughing.

  In a joyous atmosphere, the latest episode of "Mingdi Waizhuan" was launched.

  The story begins when the impatient Emperor Ming is invited to the queen's palace. The relationship between Emperor Ming and the empress obtained from the marriage was not good. The audience joked that Song Wanzhuo was a true performance. The relationship between the empress and the empress who looked like a god was very good. Everyone believed that there was no emotion between the empress and the Emperor. Ming was still a bit annoying. She thinks she is too fond of taking power, so she wants to work for the welfare of her natal family.

  Sure enough, when the queen asked to introduce her clan sister, Emperor Ming smashed the teacup heavily on the table with a black face.

  Audiences who have seen the synopsis know that the emperor is about to be really fragrant.

  [How much I dislike it now, how much I will favor in the future. ]

  [Wait for Brother Mingdi to be really fragrant. ]

  [Waiting for the fragrant ones, think about who is playing the role of Emperor Ming, it is Song Wanzhuo! Does he really have a sense of "pity and cherish jade" in his head? I'm afraid that the director will have to forcibly introduce an instruction to let him stay in order to perform successfully. ]

  This is an emergency measure that is rarely used in the main role.

  Because they will not go back, some characters will think that they have a ghostly upper body, causing endless troubles. Because the character does not do it from the heart, the picture will look very strange.

  Just as the audience was talking about it, a plain hand lifted the curtain, and the young woman stepped out.

  At this time, she maintained the etiquette that a woman should have when meeting the emperor, bowing her head.

  Even the audience can't see her face.

  But the lens language renders the information very clearly-

  This is a stunning beauty.

  And Tong Zhao's figure is also very good, successfully aroused the curiosity of the audience.

  [Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I can't see it, the camera is down! ]

  [Come here, drag the photographer out and cut it! ]

  [I hate it, why can't I afford a holographic cabin, I really want to bend over to see the beauty QAQ]

  Fortunately, it didn't take long for the audience to see the appearance of the queen clan sister as he wished to follow the Ming Emperor's sentence "You raise your head."

  She is very beautiful.

  Even with the zoomed-in ultra-definition lens, it failed to pick up any shortcomings. She raised her face and looked at Emperor Ming, and the audience was also guided by the camera, as if everyone was staring at him boldly, and she secretly sent him to Emperor Ming.

  The audience held their breath subconsciously.

  There are too many good-looking people in the entertainment industry, but the ones who make a big hit are often those who are so beautiful that they can hold their breath. If you can't surprise the audience at first glance, I'm afraid you can only rely on your strength to slowly accumulate the audience. At a glance, some colleagues knew that this girl was not in the pool.

  Her heart softened as she watched her eyes.


  [...I want all the information of this young lady within three seconds! ]

  [You close your mouth, I will say the number now, in three minutes, I want to follow the Weibo of sister noble concubine! ]

  Don't blame the audience's heartbeat. Instinctive movies have to perform some specific roles. They can't rely on acting like traditional movies. It requires relevant life experience and temperament to perform. And what they saw at this time was the concubine Chen himself, who was once the real Gong Dou laughed to the end, and was a favorite.

  What can't you do, get first place.

  The audience was shocked by the beauty of the new character, and then reinvested in the plot.

  Then I saw the dog emperor who spoke softly.


  Suddenly, the barrage was full of question marks.

  Man is a double-labeled animal.

  The audience felt that they were surprised to be normal, but seeing the really fragrant actor, especially Song Wanzhuo's face-changing scene, the effect of the show was full on the spot.

  [When we hit the question mark, it was not that I had a problem, but that the dog emperor had a problem. ]

  [Is this really that serious old cadre Song Wanzhuo? Beng Ren set up...]

  [Gan, but my brother's gentle expression is so handsome! ]

  Thanks to instinct, the movie cannot be pretended, and it is considered a half-variety reality show. No matter how shocked the audience is, they know that Song Wanzhuo was not fake before. It's just that somehow, this time I seem to have broken through myself and acted better in the play.

  It may be that there are more instinct movies, and the adaptability of the "self" has become stronger.

  This is a guess in the hearts of many people.

  In any case, Song Wanzhuo's progress is good for the overall improvement of "Mingdi Waizhuan", and the audience is more relieved to be immersed in the plot. However, the audience found that something was wrong.

  Why doesn't it seem that Song Wanzhuo has opened up, but this newcomer is too good at teasing?

  The audience watched Tong Zhao act coquettishly and cutely in front of Emperor Ming. He was always innocent and charming and ignorant of the world. He coaxed Emperor Ming into a dizzy cub.

  What a sweet girl!

  No wonder Emperor Ming likes it. Whoever sees such a beauty does not want to be an emperor.

  This episode ended in the audience's sigh.

  The biggest beneficiaries must be the actors of Emperor Ming and his clan sisters.

  Relying on Song Wanzhuo's big change, Tong Zhao attracted a lot of attention. When this episode was broadcast, she immediately added a few more signing invitations to the backstage panel of the actors that she was not interested in, but most of them. It was a small broker and a broken company who came to try her luck. She glanced at no one interested, and planned to think about it again, not in a hurry to sign herself out.

  After Tong Zhao opened an actor-certified Weibo, the director found that her Weibo was nothing, and urged her to post one quickly, so that when the crew official blog can bring her to promote, some fans of the drama will transfer from their love of the role to her. Body.

  This point is also the director's care for her.

  Tong Zhao couldn't think of what to post for a while.

  After all, she was originally very low-key, and she didn't play social software very much. Her skills were all exercised when she was wearing them quickly and belonged to another personality. This Weibo can only be handed over to Han Zhi, who has been mixed up to the top.

  Tong Zhao: [Executive brother, help me wind up a Weibo with selfies. ]

  [it is good. ]

  After a while, a cool, pleasant male voice appeared in his mind.

  It may be that the system sees her task completion rate is too high, and the general role has no difficulty.

  Han Zhi is the only time she has been dressed as a boy.

  Han Zhi is particularly good at taking selfies. He practiced it, changed clothes, fine-tuned the angle and added filters. He was more proficient than many girls, and the results were excellent. The person is still that person, recognizable, but the appearance is naturally higher.

  After sending the selfie, Han Zhi dived.


  The one who turned the dog emperor into a dizzy cub is me [Picture]

  The copywriting takes on the role of the noble concubine, but the accompanying selfie is very different.

  Han Zhi put on a black sling and a beret of the same color. She was born thin, but the lines were not particularly soft. The shot from top to bottom not only showed her beautiful jaw and collarbone lines in light and dark. , Not to mention the composition is invincible, and a careless gaze was raised diagonally, and the hearts of the netizens who had broken in by electricity trembled.

  Mom duck.

  It is clear that the people in the play are Qiushui Eyes, how come the eyes outside the play are sparkling?

  It stands to reason that the first role can be played so well, often because of the true nature of the performance.

  The audience is prepared to see a sweet little goblin come in. What they see is a neutral beautiful girl with a cold and windy nature. Beauty is beautiful, and the person is that person, but the feeling is very different.

  The fans of the drama witnessed the transformation of the little actors from O to A, from 0 to 1, and they immediately aroused their curiosity.

  Contrary to Xu Zhu, who is eager to boast of a good background and is actively working in front of fans, Tong Zhao just ignores things on the Internet after posting on Weibo. She didn't sign a company or an agent. The heat and public opinion that would ferment were all spontaneous from the audience.

  Director Xu Zijian is paying attention, and he is more and more sure that the goddess' daughter is a good seed.

  I have to hurry up and find a reliable agent for her...

  At this time, some people are happy and some are worried.

  Xu Zhu was in the dormitory where she was filming around the clock. She was afraid that the competitors would see her clues, so she would not pay attention to her sister's affairs. Anyway, the mentality that should be dealt with was all done. Her sister was able to pretend to be in front of others. She didn't believe in instinct movies. Can still be installed.

  She is very confident, so she is not the one who is worried.

  It is the dog emperor who is worried.

  In the play, the dog emperor patronizes the imperial concubine by himself, and only goes to her palace, where he can see him every day, and he can't wait to hold her in his arms while criticizing the memorial.

  Outside the play, no one can see it, Song Wanzhuo missed that face very much.

  It's too top.

  He thought he was going to be planted.

  After all, he really likes the tuned woman of the imperial concubine Chen, soft as boneless, delicate and beautiful without a man.

  I really like to pursue her after the filming is over.

  This idea lasted until I saw the actor of the imperial concubine Chen in the gym.


  Why does Aifei have a barbell in her hand?