Chapter 7 

  Song Wanzhuo didn't come by coincidence.

  This Hui Tong Zhao's master position was lent to Han Zhi, and he said that he wanted to get rid of the iron.

  It just so happened that Tong Zhao also disliked the lack of muscular lines in his current body. He relied on being born not to be fat and looking thin, so he agreed to Han Zhi's small request, as long as he didn't overtrain his head. She didn't want to be a puff person with Floss Bubbles, and she didn't want to be a muscular girl.

  As a result, Song Wanzhuo saw that Concubine Ai's little face was bleak, and the background color in her eyes as bright as stars was also cold.

  When exercising, Han Zhi tied his long hair into a neat ponytail.

  In short, there is no such thing as a concubine in "The Story of Ming Emperor".

  He blurted out: "Tong Zhao, you also come to the power zone to practice."

  Hearing someone calling her, Tong Zhao looked up at Song Wanzhuo.

  The face is still that face.

  Eyelashes are long and thick, like black crow feathers, but the pressed eyes are as cold as lightning.

  "Yes, Brother Wanzhuo."

  The entertainment industry pays attention to seniority, and Tong Zhao is also very used to calling his brother or sister when he meets people, and his etiquette is not lacking. As soon as he spoke, Song Wanzhuo realized that it was different again. Brother Wanzhuo was the same honorific as the emperor, but in the play, the concubine Ai was called a thousand times, and it was a delicate Jiangnan tune, while the actor's voice was slightly deep. , Every pronunciation is never muddled.

  Song Wanzhuo looked at her at this time, and the feeling of heartbeat was gone.

  His sixth sense told him that this is not his concubine!

  But it is indeed this person.

  Song Wanzhuo pressed a strange idea, walked to the equipment next to Tong Zhao and began to practice, and talked to her a little bit differently.

  "The audience said that the chemistry of the two of us was particularly good."

  "Brother Wan Zhuo took it well, my subconscious mind was very relaxed and I entered the scene."

  "Hey," Song Wanzhuo loves to listen to people praise him, but he is also pertinent in his words: "Your "self" is very distinctive and attractive, and the stage will be big in the future. Believe me, you will audition after this film is broadcast. In Gongdou Opera, you can get a second girl if you are not a female one."

  Compared with traditional movies, the unspoken rules of instinct movies go through the back door much less now.

  For one thing, instinctive movies are really profitable, and the cost is extremely high.

  Secondly, the "self" of people who need to find a back door is generally weak.

  It is usually left to the relatives who are wealthy daughters and the glamorous green tea roles, let them perform in their true colors.

  Or just a small role that is not important, playing mediocrely does not affect the overall situation.

  The queen sister was originally positioned as a mediocre vase role.

  Unexpectedly, he was revitalized by Tong Zhao's amazing performance.

  "Thank you brother,"

  Tong Zhao's lips showed a smile, but it was still in a cool tone: "But next time I want to challenge another character, I may not audition for Gongdou drama for the time being."

  After hearing this, Song Wanzhuo disapproved.

  After all, instinctive movies are not the same as traditional movies, so you don't have to worry about broadening the way you play. Especially for newcomers, who stabilize their "self" characteristics, at least can eat well in one genre, but after another thought, he also gave a good suggestion: "You can try the role of the scumbag sea king in modern dramas. It must be very close to the face."

  Tong Zhao still smiled: "Brother Wan Zhuo understands."

  It's not Han Zhizhuang, but the elder sisters in Tong Zhao's brain are arguing.

  Chen Guifei: [We should always let the concubine play. ]

  Chen Guifei: [I can make Zhao Zhao the star with the most male fans! No man does not love me! ]

  Lu Xianchang: [Only flattering men is no future. ]

  The personalities that have been separated from other worlds also want to have the chance to appear on the stage, leaving a strong mark in the instinct movies. Naturally, they don't want to see Tong Zhao playing palace fights all the time. That is the realm of Chen Guifei Slay's audience.

  Chen Guifei: [Anyway, Zhaozhao's first role was played by me, and I have done something for Zhaozhao! I fought a man for Zhao Zhao! I want to see Zhao Zhao! ]

  [But you are not the heroine. ]

  The female reporter in the war hit the pain point of the imperial concubine.

  The dignified noble concubine, she only played a cameo role.

  Tong Zhao pressed his buzzing brain.

  She buzzed, but Song Wanzhuo's face was refreshed when she left after exercising.

  Half is the joy of exercise, and half is the untied knot.

  He called his agent and got up: "Old Zeng, I have been in contact with Tong Zhao. I found out that my troubles of acting out of love are too superficial. If it doesn't exist, then it's not my concubine. , My good brother!"

  The agent looked dumbfounded.

  "Good brother? Are you sure?"

  He has watched dramas, and the amorous feelings displayed by the Queen's clan sister is the one that Song Wanzhuo likes.

  "Really, you haven't met her in person, the more I talk, the more I think she is a man," Song Wanzhuo pondered, and refined the description: "It's not the kind of rough female man, it's also very delicate and beautiful, but When I talked about getting along, I subconsciously regarded her as a buddy, still a cool handsome guy."

  Is there such a weird thing?

  The agent wondered: "It's good if you don't have love for the show. Fans want you to focus on your career. Don't find them a sister-in-law too early."


  Because Tong Zhao's scenes are interspersed in the main line, when Song Wanzhuo re-entered the cabin, she was connecting with the agent recommended to her by the director on the video call. The other party is a capable woman between 28 and 32, whose surname is Chu, Tong Zhao came to the village and called her Sister Chu.

  Sister Chu was very kind. She didn't set the rules with her because she was a newcomer, and she was just talking about the contract. Tong Zhao didn't ask much, she would use her strength to fight for resources, but she wanted someone to help her arrange variety shows and announcements.

  After discussing the details of the contract, the two parties reached a consensus and signed it.

  One of the reasons for this joy is that Tong Zhao remembered that Sister Chu was quite capable in her previous life, and she personally brought a top actor into popularity, and there was no scandal that was particularly outrageous. However, Sister Chu is a late bloomer. In the original time track, it would take a few years before she met her noble person.

  After signing the contract, Sister Chu packs up her tickets and will take her well.

  "I believe you." Tong Zhao said with a smile.

  She is not interested in holding her thighs in advance.

  I want to be someone else's thigh in advance.

  For five consecutive episodes, the parts with Tong Zhao are especially popular. This girl is so funny.

  At first, I thought it was a master of green tea, but ordinary people shouldn't be cautious when they entered the palace. When the senior said a few words of tolerance and forbearance, it would not be too late to retaliate after a firm foothold. No, she didn't. The way she stood firm was to use other concubines to make things difficult for her and cry with Emperor Ming.

  Ordinary concubines sell badly, "They are so vicious, but their concubines are so pitiful."

  Chen 嫔 sold miserably, saying, "They are so vicious, Your Majesty is so pitiful."

  The audience knows that she is a bad woman in terms of role setting. It is especially fun to watch her acting like a coquettish in the arms of the male protagonist, and it is especially effective for the show. I had nothing to do and cut her coquettish part into a GIF emoticon pack, and found that the girl's expression was really playful, and she was cute and sultry without a voice, very suitable for selling cute emoticon packs.

  Discussions related to "The Story of Ming Emperor" sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain, attracting a wave of female audiences to the show.

  Stole the teacher to learn tea art.

  But after standing firm: Chen Bi is no longer green tea.

  She changed to black tea, making it difficult to mock the other concubines, as if she was a harem bully. Li Fei, who does not believe in evil, relied on her high quality to mutilate the cat raised by Chen Lai. She accidentally mutilated the cat. She sent the grand palace maid to send the cat with a broken foot to Chen Lai In her bedroom, apologize falsely to her.

  Li Fei wanted to disgust her and humiliate her, but also scared her.

  Just a cat, what can Chen Bie do?

  Unexpectedly, Chen Bi turned his face on the spot.

  She directly ordered the little eunuch who was able to martial arts to give to her, and held the two arrogant and domineering maids on the ground, who had admitted to crippling kittens with their own hands. They were tortured to break their legs and asked the cats to be injured. They had to be. What kind of. The grand palace lady had the same face as the master, and Li Fei was furious and went to Chen Bi's palace to be troubled, but the Emperor Ming had returned.

  Before Li Fei was crying miserably, the Dog Emperor gave a solution: "It's just two maids, drag it on and kill it."

  The lady's heart was cold.

  "How bad is it to kill?" In front of Li Fei, Chen Bi took Mingdi's arm, saying that it was done, half of his soft body leaned forward, and Li Fei hated Li Fei and cursed the vixen: " The two palace ladies said that Xueqiu'er is just a beast. If you don't expect concubines to make a difference, let them live and die together with the beast. When Xueqiu'er's injury heals, let them heal."

  There are more people than a kitten.

  The implication is that even if the two court ladies are dead, if the cat doesn't get well, he will have to hit her snowballs again.

  It's too poisonous.

  The audience gasped.

  At the same time, it is really strong enough to cooperate with the newcomer's "intrinsic self", and to make the snake beauties lively. If the "intrinsic self" is mediocre, I really can't think of this kind of counterattack method.

  Emperor Ming agreed and asked Li Fei to pick two more court ladies to go, and they would be left to Chen Bi.

  Chen Bi was still not enough. The pillow breeze was blown that night. In short, Mingdi's impression of Li Fei was greatly reduced. The next day, she was demoted and became Li Bi, ah no, Yu Bi.

  As for Yu Yu Yu, or the fish who was born to be eaten by cats, I don't know.

  Yu Bi was so angry that he vomited blood after accepting the order.


  [Too cruel, too cruel, is this the courage of Chong Fei sister? ]

  [This, as for? Is it a cat? ]

  [Upstairs, cruelty to animals was already a crime five years ago, and even from the plot, Li Fei is provoking and humiliating Chen Bi. In front of the emperor, there is no difference between a court lady and a cat. It's over after watching the show. Don't go online. ]

  [It's also enjoyable to watch in film and television works. ]

  [Give it to grandpa who is on the line! I just love watching this kind of vicious heroine's palace fighting drama! Break them all up! Duck! ]

  This controversial plot in the discussion forum falls into the evaluation of big data, which is very cool.

  The audience assumes the role of Tong Zhao, and the pet will be angry and sad if it is crippled.

  It's cool to go back with a face slap, it's very simple.

  And to make the audience cool, the audience will generously report back with ratings and popularity.

  That's so cool!

  I want to keep cool!


  "Mingdi Side Story" is not a Gongdou drama, and the negative characters can't live until the finale.

  When Tong Zhao entered the cabin again, it was the story of the imperial concubine going downhill.

  As a relative, the Chen family has always had a great heart.

  If the queen couldn't give birth to a child, she had to push other Chen's daughters into the palace. After the queen worked hard to give birth to her youngest son, she became more rebellious.

  This rebellion was of course unsuccessful. It was a trial for the protagonist Mingdi, a major plot.

  There can be no accidents in the big plot. Under the intense surveillance of the staff, Chen Jiayou rebelled without danger, and then he was safely led out of the hole by the Ming Emperor, who had long expected it, and the whole family was neat and tidy. Go to jail, the queen asks herself to abolish.

  Tong Zhao, who was also the daughter of the Chen family, became a target of public criticism.

  The harem concubine yin and yang wanted to see her jokes, waiting for her to die.

  The crime committed by the Chen family was too serious this time, and her father was also one of the principal culprits. His sin was unforgivable. After the queen was abolished, the only decent honor was to give Bai Ling.

  Tong Zhao's role is about to retreat, and the director is very satisfied: "I believe many viewers who saw this play will be impressed by her."

  The "self" with personal characteristics is very popular.

  The director is particularly pleased when he thinks of fulfilling the last wish given by the goddess.

  Luo Jing Xia Shi No.1, De Fei pretending to be in front of Emperor Ming, said with regret that the harem would become deserted after the imperial concubine disappeared.

  Emperor Ming frowned:

  "What nonsense are you talking about? I didn't intend to give her to death."