Chapter 8 

  De Fei was dumbfounded.

  The staff behind the scenes were also stunned.

  They never thought about the possibility that Emperor Ming was reluctant to let Tong Zhao die. Song Wanzhuo was invited to perform in "The Story of Ming Emperor" because his "self" was too close to the role. Emperor Ming will not be mediocre about right and wrong. The Chen family has committed a heinous crime. How can he convince the public if he doesn't kill the Chen family?

  Even if the queen got a white silk, what was the concubine.

  What's more, many forces behind the imperial concubine are looking forward to her death, so as to make room for the newcomer. The previous dynasty put a lot of pressure on Emperor Ming.

  When the screenwriter writes, he uses this female N as a tool person, so that the protagonist will once again become a ruthless king.

  Assistant Director: "Ah this..."

  Except for the protagonist and the superstars who can talk about sharing, the cost of the performance is generally negotiated in advance. How much is the collection and the budget cannot be easily changed, so the plot kill is set to be particularly stable. The screenwriter wants you to die for seven episodes, and even if the eighth episode appears, only one photo will be revealed.

  Everyone looked at each other.

  The lighting engineer cautiously suggested: "If you can't give it to death, add a temporary code to it and let Tong Zhao die?"

  This is also a solution.

  It's just a bit far-fetched.

  "Let's wait and see for a while." The director said, everyone stopped talking, and secretly prayed not to go wrong.


  Emperor Ming was really reluctant to kill her.

  Since "Mingdiwai Biography" has many main drama parts, Tong Zhao's role is not important, but if the two people get together are edited separately, people with a little experience can see how sweet and sweet the atmosphere is. The imperial concubine will please Mingdi's favor, and will always calm him down. The two have only met each other for only a year, and he is still in love with the warranty period, and he has 100,000 reluctants.

  This is actually in the calculation of Tong Zhao before entering the play.

  She had read the script, knew how she was going to die, and expected that the emperor would be reluctant to kill her.

  After all, "Chen Guifei" is her personality who made a bloody road in the ancient palace. If she doesn't even have the ability to win over an emperor, then don't say that she is a favorite concubine of a generation, so find a field to plant it.

  But before entering the cabin, Tong Zhao was pretty sure and didn't panic at all.


  Because the mission performed by "Chen Guifei" was to become the emperor's dead white moonlight, when the favorability reached 100, she would find a suitable method to die. This is the self-destructive tendency buried in the deepest part of memory, like a string Code, wait for the timing to be triggered.


  In the harem.

  Not only did Chen imperial concubine not puck her tail up to be a human being, but she dressed very beautifully every day, and she could not wait to see the imperial concubine in the posture of wearing the imperial concubine's court clothes to make other concubines jealous.

  It's useless to stare into rabbit eyes, Mingdi just loves her.

  "Yuzhi, I often dream of what my sister said to me before she died."

  The grand palace lady next to the imperial concubine Chen quickly knelt down and said something nice: "Returning to the master, that is a nonsense that people said before they died, knowing that they had no choice but to take the empress. If you really have the ability to detract from you, it shouldn't be the case."

  The imperial concubine's palace is the same as the iron bucket, and the imperial concubine Chen is even more arrogant in her words and deeds, causing the servants who have been following her after entering the palace to be contaminated with external arrogance. Even after his death, Yuzhi's mouth is still a nonsense thing, and he wants to curse her noble concubine!

  Before going to Bai Ling, the queen pointed at the imperial concubine Chen and cursed: "Unfaithful, unfilial and unrighteous Hu Meizi, how long can Israel please his Majesty? My palace is waiting for you below..." She smiled miserably: "Wait for you to fall out of favor. ..."

  The queen hated the clan sister's anti-shui, hated Emperor Ming's unkindness, and also hated Chen Jiaquan's desire to disregard her situation in the palace.

  "Don't be afraid, the maid, or the slave and maidservant and the emperor need a prescription for peace of mind?"

  "I'm afraid of her?" Chen Guifei laughed: "I have never been afraid since I entered the palace. I am not afraid when I am alive, and I will not be afraid after death. My sister is far behind me in terms of fistwork."


  She was originally just a girl from the Chen family, not the same as the noble sister who was destined to enter the palace. She climbed a tree when she was a child, and later learned that she was going to be sent to the palace. She also learned to dance to please Emperor Ming. She has thin but powerful limbs. Even in the underworld, the imperial concubine Chen has the confidence to hit her sister on the ground.

  Concubine Chen closed her eyes, and the smile on her face faded a little: "I just wanted to fight for a lifetime."

  The afternoon sun passed through the paper window and fell on her suet white jade-like skin, beautiful as if it were shining.

  A small episode was added to the main line, and the concubine Chen was ordering people to get some poison. The court ladies and eunuchs didn't take it seriously. Their mothers never did pranks like itching powder, so what does it matter if they really kill someone? However, I haven't seen anyone let the empress give birth, or let the prince die.

  The mother's mind seems to be not on the offspring at all.

  Let's talk back to the previous era.

  The Chen family rebellion and another line of foreign enemies are parallel. If you want to get help from another surname, you have to put to death. After the Ming Emperor was furious, he felt that for the first time, he felt that being an emperor was not what he wanted. Together, the two men and three put all the power back in their hands.

  Although I haven't met each other, the two men and three men hate Chen Guifei very much.

  Think she is the one who broke.

  In one of the scenes, the two mentioned the imperial concubine Chen, saying that she was really just an ignorant woman and child, and she didn't die for the sake of the overall situation.

  The director groaned: "The female audience must be angry after hearing this line. Chen Guifei is a real man. She eats, drinks and plays with the court ladies every day, and she is bullying other concubines at most. Why should she die?"

  Staff: "Men's subconscious mind, this is not too much."

  There have been public controversies in modern dramas before, and a middle-aged actor plausibly said that he was innocent and his wife should be considerate. Although the word-of-mouth collapsed, but it also won the loyal support of a part of the male audience, mixed well.

  Emperor Ming was discussing matters with a man and a man in the study. Director Hai came in tremblingly and informed the emperor Shangchen and noble concubine that he was pleased, saying that although the concubine was in the pose of a willow, he did not deserve to be pityed by the emperor, and he also practiced a new dance to ask his majesty to show off his face and smile.

  The imperial concubine Chen is in the yin and yang weirdness.

  The implication is that if your majesty does not go, she is unworthy and she will cry.

  The faces of the two ministers turned black immediately.


  Screenwriter: "I thought about the plot of the Yushufang all night."

  Assistant Director: "Sorry."

  Now the people in the backstage are thinking, when will the concubine Chen die?

  Two men and three men think so too.

  Can't wait to put the lunch in her mouth personally.

  At this time, the arrogant male second of the "self" suggested that it is better to go together, enjoying the dance while discussing matters, without delaying business. The male third stared at him immediately, suggesting that he shouldn't be too much, even if the relationship between the monarch and the ministers is sibling, it would be too impolite.

  Emperor Ming's expression was faint, and he couldn't see the happiness or anger, so he only asked Grandpa Hai to ask Chen Guifei if he was willing to give the two ministers the same reward.

  Chen Guifei really agreed.

  I just wanted to humiliate the second man in the middle of nowhere, but didn't expect this woman to be so thick-skinned.

  Since the ministers went with him, naturally they couldn't be in the imperial concubine's palace anymore.. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  There are many places in the imperial palace. In short, I look for a junction garden and set up a table.

  "Xinwu? Where did Xinwu come from? I didn't introduce her template for the new dance." The template designer thought of the key issue at this time. Some characters need to show unique skills. If the actor can't, he can only Import the template, also known as MOD: "Can Tong Zhao dance himself?"

  Everyone looked at the only director who knew Tong Zhao.

  The director hesitated: "It seems to have studied ballet? I have seen her dance in Swan Lake before."


  In the screen, the figure on the round stage is walking out of the royal concubine in water red dancing clothes.

  The three men sitting here straightened up unexpectedly.

  She is so beautiful.

  The oval face is painted with bright makeup, and the eye corners of the eye-catching apricot kernels are dyed with a hint of haze, which looks like a goddess from the sky. The difference is that the goddess is noble and inviolable, and she is so gorgeous that people want to violate.

  A little regret appeared on Emperor Ming's face.

  In order to prove that his concubine is so good, the two of them should be rewarded together.

  However, without giving him time to regret, the imperial concubine Chen has already danced.

  It really is a new dance.

  The three have never seen it, neither has the template designer, nor Swan Lake.

  It's a concubine Chen in another time and space. She once skipped a beautiful bell dance in front of the emperor, with silver bells tied to her hands and ankles, and the crisp sound of golden and jade clashes pierced the flattery when she raised her hand.

  "...This paragraph is cut out separately, and Tong Zhao will be hot."

  I don't know who said in a daze.

  "It's not a question of whether it will be hot, it's that Emperor Ming really won't be willing to let her die," the director sighed, "arrange the emergency code."

  The imperial concubine Chen said wildly to Lu Xianchang, no man does not love her.

  At this time, everyone who saw her could feel the magical charm of her body, soft and gorgeous to a limit, let people imagine what she had experienced? Only when I crushed myself, the residual fragrance left behind was burned fiercely, and it was still sweet enough to make people feel relieved.

  After a dance, the imperial concubine Chen bends down deeply, as if to kneel.

  Emperor Ming stood up and quickly stepped forward to support her, and when he lifted her chin with infinite tenderness, she saw a pale face covered in makeup, and she opened her lips: "Your Majesty..." A small bit of blood was vomited out.

  The Emperor Ming was shocked and anxious, and immediately sent the imperial doctor's order.

  "Concubine, don't be embarrassed by your majesty," Chen Guifei's eyes were bright, and even the fireworks at the enthronement ceremony were not as good as hers: "Concubine wants your majesty to always remember me, remember me, I am your majesty's grace, love me..."

  Her voice fainted, and seeing Emperor Ming's face, she showed an unbearable expression, shook her head and sighed: "Forget it, forget me."

  The poison was prepared for herself.

  There is no truth in the love at the time of parting. The subtext of "I don't want to delay you." The subtext is "Don't delay me, get out."

  "Forget me." means "must remember me."

  I want you to never hear the sound of the silver bell ringing again.

  Chen's daughter has only liked two people in her life.

  One is the queen sister who is the role model of the whole family, and the family asks her to enter the palace to let her give birth to a child.

  One is herself.


  There was silence in the background of the shooting.

  The screenwriter trembled: "Well, let me explain to the audience that I didn't write this plot of the knife. Will they believe it?"